Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? Head on down to the New Vegas Thread
Hungry? Thirsty? Horny? Head on down to the New Vegas Thread
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Fuck this lying bitch. The only hookers you can hire in The Atomic Wrangler are the ones you hire and I'd rather not have sex with a robot or a ghoul.
>not wanting full FISTO pleasure
why is her hairline receeding
As a female the first time I played the Fisto quest I've had a fetish for robots and bought a fuck machine and never looked back.
What, you expected her to become a ghoul?
Still wish I could find that new vegas mod that took you too a new city but had a haunted shop that fucked with you
Alchestbreach did a vid on it but it's been so tucking long ago
What are some weapons I can use as a 1 strength character? I can maybe boost it up to 3 but prefer to not go anymore.
I bet you're ugly
You can always boost your Speech and Barter, get Boone and ED-E early on and play a pacifist run in which you let your companions do the killing and use stealth to avoid most foes. It's doable.
>lives in nuclear wasteland constantly exposed to radiation from the moment they're conceived
what the fuck dude why aren't there only 10/10 beauties and chads in this game???
Is NVEC worth or Yukichigai Gameplay Tweaks does the same things?
I know its doable and I level up speech anyway.
Just wanting to know if anybody knows good low strength required weapons on the top of their head before I go look at a wiki for a while.
/fog/ is fucking nauseating with all the FO4 and waifu posting.
I'm not sure off the top of my head, but don't forget about weapon handling. Even if it's a perk you can't get until you're close to 20, it's still invaluable for the purpose of low STR builds.
To emulate a real life prostitute on a street corner
that's because the plebbit cancer is spreading.
no board is safe.
stop making me want to replay this game so i realize even more how fucking bad fo4 is!
Hair falling out is literally one of the first signs of radiation poisoning.
So, anyway, how many occasions do you have to have sex in this game?
Off the top of my head
>Maud, Jimmy and Sweet from Casa Madrid
>Dazzle and Joanna from Gomorrah
>Red Lucy
>Sarah from Vault 21
>Benny (fem Courier)
>A random soldier in a Great Khans mission (fem Courier)
Did I leave anyone out?
Then make /nvg/.
You don't need a general on Sup Forums.
Of course, FISTO in the Atomic Wrangler as well as Beatrix
Kill yourself obsidian drone
The people you hire for the Atomic Wrangler.
There was /cfog/ which was for classic fallout games along with NV.
Jews shut it down.
no todd.
how about you gtfo this board?
Because Obsidian didn't have time to model human looking faces and just gave New Vegas the oblivion potato face treatment.
My waifu is enormous!
meant for
thank goodness for the modding community
That one is shit though.
Is much, MUCH, better.
Fucking normies.
>Jews shut it down.
>died with less than 100 posts 4 times in a row
>50 of said posts were 'howdy'
/fog/ disagrees:
What? I don't have a problem with sleeping with Beatrix (she's got something), I´m just pissed at the misdirecting publicity. I walked right in there hoping to get laid and there was no one around.
Jews didn't shut it down.
It was the lack of traffic. We didn't do bad though. 6 months talking about 3 games.
I miss /cfog/ everyday.
the facial structures look way better, and closer to the original models but its still got that play-doughy look to all the skin textures
why does every female in bethesda games have a mustache
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Yeah but I also like the additional details he added like bruises, blood and dirt to corpses and stuff like that.
Plus personally I'll take the slightly doughy look of redesigned over the uncanny valley design of overhault.
You're not as bad as you used to be /fog/
Skyrim HD took a lot of the cancer away. You're still a long way away from being a good general again.
Wasn't the girl that did this voice underage at the time?
I really wish that they would remake this game in a proper engine with good movement and gunplay without touching the rpg elements. I would be so happy.
>shilling redesigned
>shilling FCO
>unironically using either
I don't know about that. It's still has the same bethesda fanboys, THICC faggotry, and settlement building as it did last year.
uncanny valley is really bad in FCO, but they look great in motion while theyre talking and emoting, its just the neutral face that looks weird. Redesigned has a lot of details i wish FCO had, if i knew anything about modding i'd look into merging the two somehow but im sure that'd be a fuckton of work.
what would you recommend?
>pretending that nv characters look good
Even if you don't like the mods they still look better than the originals.
>implying money is being made off of these mods
todd pls go
The voice actress of this chick was apparently 13 years old at the time she recorded these lines.
>what would you recommend?
texture replacers for the eyes and faces
not to me, I'm too accustomed to how they look and those mods change a number of the characters faces in ways that trigger muh autism
>tfw i fapped to the hooker that dances right next to the gomorrah
>settlement building
I wish there was more of that shown, there's not nearly enough.
/fog/ lately has been people asking for tech support or recommended mods and getting shitposted on.
>be 13
>killed the girls in that oblivion quest where they lure you to a barn and rob you
>stripped their bodies and fapped to them
no regrets
Oh it's you again.
I am scared
Yeah, that one really knew how to attract costumers.
This is gonna sound very gay, but I don't care.
From time to time I like roleplaying as a female Courier and it grinds my gears the fact that there are so little people I can have sex with while being straight. Hell, the only male prostitute in the game is gay, for crying out loud.
NVCE to fix the ugly faces on certain NPCs.
Hall of face for better vanilla textures of faces.
That's all you need. FCO is shit and you should feel ashamed for installing it.
Is this game worth playing if I fucking hated Fallout 3 and haven't played Fallout 4?
Depending on what you hated about 3.
you'll probably like it more than 3 and 4
4 does some things better than 3 did but still shits the bed in more places than it doesn't
Maybe. Why did you hate 3?
Ofcourse not, dumbass
It's still the same shitty engine with terrible shooting mechanics only this time the devs puked orange filter all over it instead of green
why would i feel ashamed when i like it?
Cool pic, mind if I save it?
World/Story was bland and lifeless as fuck and the combat was nigger shit. I can put up with shitty gameplay and just put it on easy if I actually feel like the world is worth a damn to progress through.
Like the other anons said, depends on what you didn't like in 3.
The writing and quest design is MUCH better in New Vegas. Likes it's not even close. New vegas also has better roleplaying elements.
The core gameplay however is very similar, but even there Obsidian tried their best to improve on things by adding a hardcore mode, various bullet types, crafting and guns are generally way more varied and better designed overall as well. But the gameplay/AI is just as clunky as in 3.
You'll probably like it if you can stomach the combat. Don't listen to the linear meme. You can just run past them
If you hated 3's plot, characters, and handling of the setting then you'll probably love NV.
If you hated 3's mediocre shooting and broken stat system, then NV won't be as bad but you still may not like it.
Did you hate the story, gameplay, or setting?
Because the story is an arguable improvement
>More morally grey shit instead of a choice between being power armor Jesus or cartoonishly evil poison the waterhole because reasons
setting a hit or miss
>Instead of grey and ruined building with a green tint, it's deserts and hills with a orange tint
Gameplay is a vast improvement
>Actual variety in weapons, can play whatever combat build you want and there'll be weapons aplenty
literally looks like a tranny kek
Also stuff like leveling and perks are much better too. Little improvements like that here and there that make it a much better game overall.
You can get mods to fix some of the gameplay issues.
Why don't you guys just swallow your fucking pride and go back to /fog/?
It's the oldest profession for a reason.
>go back
We never came from there.
Why don't you swallow your pride and go back to your special ed highschool.
Because you have poor taste.
Sounds worth it enough to at least download and try. Thanks mates.
that's subjective, but okay
best raifu coming thru
ave true to kaiser
Any good sex mods?
No. Just jerk off to Skyrim like everybody else.
Who is this
Does she have some sort of website or blog?
>anime girl niggerfied
The right picture is the anime girl, not the left.
That is Yukiko from the Persona series, specifically Persona 4; She also appears in Persona 4 Arena, Persona Dancing all night, Persona Q, and Persona 3 Portable
This one is part of an unmarked quest, so I´d never found it until my most recent playthrough.
And yet...
I´m playing a melee character
>got it just 5 hours ago
Probably gonna take it for a spin around Vault 3 soon. Man, is this game making me depressed thinking there will never be another one like it.
It's been so long since I've played I forgot how to install mods. Do you have any idea how retarded I feel right now? Like a Bernie Sanders Supporter desu. But I should ask, has any better texture of visual mods come out since like, 2012?
Download mod organizer. Next, link it with your nexus account, so that when you click "download with manager", it automatically links it with MO.
I can never choose the best way to clean up Vault 3. Should I wait for the Khans' mission, sneak in, kill Motor Runner and then slaughter my way out, or should I just start from the outside with the shooting and to kill Motor Runner last?
I like to kill motor runner and then slaughter my way out through his army of lackeys. I don't really like killing moto runner though, he always seems like a pretty chill guy.
just finished FO4
sooooo when are we getting NV level mods for it? I'm done with this bullshit. gonna reinstall NV and get some overhaul mods again.
>ITT faggots not giving their lives for the glory of the legion
Never. No one cares about Fallout 4 enough to actually make good mods for it.
Wait for the Khans, it's not as if anything bad will come of you selling shit to Motor Runner.
Which is stupid honestly, especially considering what happened to Benny, Jessup and Mcmurphy. Why would they even do deals with the Fiends after that attack?
NMC's texture mod is still the best if that's what you're asking.
I suppose that's the ultimate sick joke. The most depraved and insane faction of the Mojave has a pretty chill guy as its leader.
The only redeeming aspect is that you can build walls in FO4 stock.