What went so right?
What went so right?
It was just that good.
i like blood more desu
You could go fast. It was like dancing the way you were sidestepping and circle strafing shit.
There are few games that have that feeling nowadays, it's more about plodding around hiding behind cover while shooting at one of the detailed enemies that are so intricate that the game can't render more than 3 at a time.
Damn. I remember ordering doom 2 from fingerhut. They sent the origina doom which I already had. I returned it and they said they'd send me doom 2. Never did.
Also never got to play doom 2. Did however play doom 64.
Why don't you play it now, then?
Gotto say grabbing weapons from other FPS games and turning them into functional weapons in Doom is so satisfying after coding and animating them to work the way they're suppose to.
Faster and more fluid combat with a rhythm of Hitscan, melee, and projectile enemies that gave a sense of order to gameplay, along with different weapon types and ammo balances.
It nailed the core dynamic all good FPS games typically follow: It feels like driving a car while solving a puzzle.
It's one of the greatest games of all time and didn't really age at all despite being an early semi 3D game from 20 years ago.
This game looks so bad, its 2017 already dude.
t. underage.
Honestly, you aren't missing a whole lot. The game pretty much falls apart after the first chapter.
Not enough shooters make you fight armies
>5 enemies on screen
something about this low res 3D looks so good. really adds to the unreal/creepy atmosphere
Nerds being nerds, money didn't fuck it all. And bulling Tom Hall, of course. Tom want would make a fucking Half-life
confirmed for not playing the game, get the fuck out
>remember the comfy times
>lying in bed and playing the Doom series on my PS1
>install Chocolate Doom
>plug in my old PS2 controller
>bind buttons to keys
>plays like shit
My fault I guess, CDoom is not a PS1 Doom port. Anyway, this thread makes me want to play it yet again.
What is the mod in OP's pic? I'd love a bit more gory but otherwise vanilla game.
>tfw growing up playing Doom on dad's borrowed Atari Jaguar and listening to the mid 90's radio charts
I still automatically think about Zombie from The Cranberries and Cotton Eye Joe when seeing Doom screenshots.
Played the game.
Also, there's 5 enemies on screen in OPs pic
Off yourself kiddo
Really needed that next update....
What does that button even do in E1M4?
>Doomguy encounters a Shambler
i havent played this in ages. going on doomseeker used to be my main gaming activity, even after getting a pc that could run new games.
all the mods i like died though ;_;. so i just play it solo occasionally
well gvh isnt dead its just been modded by like 5 different people and every version ruins what made vanilla fun
Actually 7 if that's acually a zombe way in the back.
And I'm quite sure that there are two Imps up there, nobody plays on low difficulties.
the game design
>story, without being SO MUCH STORY HEY
Brutal Doom, on the other hand, sucks a chicken's butt.
>People still make great Doom mods
>Game still feels great
>Best shotgun
>Gory, but not overdone
Doom is legit the best game ever.