Wanting the Switch to fail is stupid

Wanting the Switch to fail is stupid.
Handheld gaming needs an upgrade. We have enough home consoles.
Nintendo has yet to let us down on mobile gaming, and we sure as hell can't trust Sony to do it again.
3DS was $50 more expensive at launch and has the same battery life. Where were you shit posters everyday up until now?

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Listen man I don't WANT the Switch to fail and neither does anybody else, except for 12 year olds maybe that want their favourite company to be the super star.

Switch being a success is a benefit to everybody but Nintendo being Nintendo makes it really hard.

The problem is the way the switch is marketed. They're trying to sell it as a home console when it's literally just a portable than can also output through hdmi

But this is the first modern tablet to play real games.
Playing angry birds, candy crush, and a unreal engine demo on a Nvida tablet doesn't cut it.
Alongside that it is (sadly) the most powerful handheld console we have seen, and probebly will see for awhile.

they are doing it till it gets traction. once it does they can announce it will also replace 3DS, if they were to sell it as the 3DS replacement now, that will halt the 3DS sells

>3DS was $50 more expensive at launch and has the same battery life.

You mean $50 less and everyone thought it was hot garbage until they brought it down to $170.

That response made no sense to the context of anything. I have been up way to late to run a thread, I am passing out before this gets worse. I get all Nintendo shilly when I'm tired.

>As powerful as PSP with a 240p screen
>At least as powerful as Wii U with a 720p screen
$300 seems reasonable if 3DS was fine at $180 and XL at $200.

so you´re saying Switch has very average battery life just like 3DS and they just switched the name to suck more money out of you?

just buy it dumbass. you want more pikachus and marios and zeldas like all the other middleschool kids.

The only logical answer.