Wanting the Switch to fail is stupid.
Handheld gaming needs an upgrade. We have enough home consoles.
Nintendo has yet to let us down on mobile gaming, and we sure as hell can't trust Sony to do it again.
3DS was $50 more expensive at launch and has the same battery life. Where were you shit posters everyday up until now?
Wanting the Switch to fail is stupid
Listen man I don't WANT the Switch to fail and neither does anybody else, except for 12 year olds maybe that want their favourite company to be the super star.
Switch being a success is a benefit to everybody but Nintendo being Nintendo makes it really hard.
The problem is the way the switch is marketed. They're trying to sell it as a home console when it's literally just a portable than can also output through hdmi
But this is the first modern tablet to play real games.
Playing angry birds, candy crush, and a unreal engine demo on a Nvida tablet doesn't cut it.
Alongside that it is (sadly) the most powerful handheld console we have seen, and probebly will see for awhile.
they are doing it till it gets traction. once it does they can announce it will also replace 3DS, if they were to sell it as the 3DS replacement now, that will halt the 3DS sells
>3DS was $50 more expensive at launch and has the same battery life.
You mean $50 less and everyone thought it was hot garbage until they brought it down to $170.
That response made no sense to the context of anything. I have been up way to late to run a thread, I am passing out before this gets worse. I get all Nintendo shilly when I'm tired.
>As powerful as PSP with a 240p screen
>At least as powerful as Wii U with a 720p screen
$300 seems reasonable if 3DS was fine at $180 and XL at $200.
so you´re saying Switch has very average battery life just like 3DS and they just switched the name to suck more money out of you?
just buy it dumbass. you want more pikachus and marios and zeldas like all the other middleschool kids.
The only logical answer.
Too bad the market does not agree. If you so want the handheld market to grow, then you would also want Vita 2 for competition.
so you´re saying PS4 has very average performance over the PS3 and they just switched the name to suck more money out of you?
just buy it dumbass. you want more fifas and uncharteds and cinematic shooters like all the other middleschool kids.
It was also a flop until they drastically cut the price and got games on the thing.
If anything it's an argument towards not buying the Switch.
every time.
Reaching past Xbox one in power actully. Not fully because of the hardware, but X1 was heavily held back by its os and kinect. PS4 as well with its 60 min constant gameplay recording and instant game suspension.
Switch won't have that problem so the difference that we see won't be as heavy as we think. Games are running at higher resolutions and fps than X1 launch titles, and if Skyrim runs at 30fps... or at all.. it already outperforms the fucking Pro.
Compare NDS Call of Duty to ps3 COD. Now compare Dragon Quest Switch to PS4. Good times we live in I'd say.
so you´re saying Xbox One has very average performance over the 360 and they just switched the name to suck more money out of you?
just buy it dumbass. you want more fifas and call of duties and dudebro shooters like all the other middleschool kids.
>Vita 2 for competition.
Nintendo has now a monopoly on the market, and phone shits are the competitor.
>every time.
every time
Except no one bought the One as even the worst Xbots decided that draconian DRM was bullshit.
Even after taking all that shit away and lowering online costs it's still nowhere near ps4 levels.
>Nintendo has now a monopoly on the market
Not really. It's about 80-20 3DS to Vita. Switch has 0% of the handheld market currently.
>PS4 as well with its 60 min constant gameplay recording and instant game suspension
I'm not gonna comment on your other idiotic shit, but PS4 has another set of CPU and memory for OS functionalities. Also DQ Heroes on Switch are the PS3 version ports obviously.
>Also DQ Heroes on Switch are the PS3 version ports obviously.
look, another baseless rumor that just got out from Eurogamer rumor that got called out
Saving my $ for Dreamcast 2. Does everything the Switch does except runs on Windows 10, and has PSO2, SA3 and Shenmue 3 at launch.
It's OK when Nintendo does it
I'm talking about DQ Heroes.
>then you would also want Vita 2 for competition.
That I sure would, but not handled by Sony.
I don't really give a shit. I see this as a amazing leap from my 3DS and Vita. If Nintendo just made Gamecube 2 I wouldn't be considering getting it at launch.
Knowing them they would add paid online and different propietary memory cards. Also the games are malware until you paint the edges with magic marker.
Give me Monster Hunter on the Switch and I'll get it. Until then, fuck off.
Switch is safe, it has BotW and Splatoon 2.
It should sell 10 million units by late January 2018.
>look, another baseless rumor
So instead of getting a gaming tablet and emulating ps2 games at a better resolution (ps2 library is also massive) you're shilling out more than double the prize because Nintendo.
I'm done here, have a FemZero.
>wanting an online-heavy game on a console with paid online
People will homebrew the Switch and it will have all the emulators plus it's own games.
I would wait for that before buying
Why are you so upset?
>mfw Reggie gets on camera to announce the Monster Hunter MMO is free to play and with their online service.
Plenty of references around m8. Although saying it's a PS3 port is probably overselling it, the PS3 version looks great.
Vita version looks great too
>Monster hunter online + Monster hunter frontier don't exist
>you're shilling out more than double the prize because Zelda/Arms/Splatoon.
Fixed it for you. I'd get a Vita 2 too if that shit launched with the final Fantasy VII remake or something.
>grindy chink mmo that uses gen2 mechanics
>hunting tickets
This is supposed to be a plus? At least say Frontier.
It won't, half that, maybe less.
The console has an identity crisis, it's not quite Wii-U but a lot of people are not quite sure about what it is.
It cannot compete as a home console (which Nintendo seem insistent on) but can as a handheld with extra functionality, if marketed right, will do a lot better.
Nintendo are awful at advertising.
You're right, they don't.
Enjoy your devil mosswine you rat bastard.
Not upset. I have been excited for the switch since NX but also critical and cautiously Optomistic. So bashing the stupid aspects of the console that have been confirmed males sense, but this is just a certain part of famboyism I don't get. Wanting something to fail, when it effects us more than it effects the pockets of golden parachute ready millionaire investors.
It's a shitty product, I want it to fail so Nintendo will stop making shitty products. I wanted this after Wii U as well. If Nintendo will just keep making shit consoles they will go the way of Sega and only make games, which is fine.
Sorry I don't play MH I didn't know. I asumed MH + MMO was enough to be godly.
Another Sony handheld would be shit. It's best if they keep their resources to consoles.
Okay, I see how you think, because I feel the exact same way. Fuck online and frontier. I just want another decent MH that's playable with decent graphics.
I know, it's asking a lot.
I think that if they'll ever do a Vita 2 they will learn from the mistakes with the Vita, paid online is here to stay but I'm sure they'll remove a lot of proprietary bullshit or at least not jew so much for it.
Mind you, they are stupid, but they tend to learn a thing or two from their mistakes, and the high Vita attachment rate might goad them into try making things a bit better if there will be a next handheld.
I love my Vita but admittedly it's not a system worth owning if you don't know japanese, 80% of all the good stuff is JP only and what little we get is butchered by atrocious localizations, it's a neat piece of hardware with some real quality stuff on it, but I have no delusions about it, it will never, ever be what the PSP was.
Though honestly, the same could be said about the 3DS, it's a joke compared to what the DS had to offer, both handhelds took a huge hit in terms of library quality.
There are already 2 mmos, neither is godly.
>Wanted Wii U to fail AFTER it launched.
>Wants the Switch before it even launches and he gets a chance to love it.
How does such a intellegent sounding bro go to complete fucking retard in less than 5 years? What a shame. Younger you sounds logical. New you is a buzzword meme fag. Time for your glass of bleach.
Graphics whores like yourself have absolutely no say in anything when it comes to games. Kindly kys
>telling you why you can't copy and paste your argument to the bone is being a graphicswhore
Nintendo wants it to fail with this kind of line up for the first year.
The 3ds was 200 cdn at launch and the swicth is going to be 350 cdn what are you smoking. It also doesnt look like a ridiculous tablet with wii remotes velcrod to the sides.
>2H battery
>can't charge controller while playing on TV
>that list of games
Here's your fresh (you)
If, and that's a big if, they learn from their mistakes (which I doubt) then I hope they keep online for the handheld free.
Here's the (You) back, I don't want it. It's a cheap (You) with no content.
ill literally buy another $1200 gaming laptop before i buy this retarded shit
chinks are dumb
3DS has same battery life? Yeah sure if you go retarded with brightness and 3D settings...
Also you can always change 3DS battery into a better one, Switch's battery is not changeable.
>battery last up to 3
>can charge controllers, you just have to stand next to tv
>there are thousands of multiplats available just like on ps4
fuck off you newfag
kek, I still have that book.
3DS was $350 at launch? What world are you living in. It was $250 and it bombed at launch, only after the $80 price cut and more importantly Pokemon X/Y did it show any significant sales.
They need to price drop it to $250 ASAP and launch a non-spinoff Pokemon on it. It's looking like it will have a very strong launch, but I just don't see it lasting with their line up.
>up to 3 hours is acceptable
>next to the tv instead of on your couch, because fuck comfort
>Switch hardly has any games right now, unlike the ps4
This is probably the mot reasonable post I've read all day.
>power of a console, in a handheld, expecting more then three hours handheld
>too lazy to stand fat ass up or turn games off for half an hour
>expecting a brand new console to have as many games as a console nearing the end of its life
Wee, sure smells like a fucking retard in here.
>damaged by its own handheld gimmick
>"just stop playing bro"
>buying a console for the possibility of games in the future
Do you get paid by the post or is your caretaker taking a piss?
With Nintendo confirming that the Switch when not docked downclocks the GPU by 50%, I'd like to see in the future an option to play at 100% clock speeds if you have it plugged into a cable charger.
I just don't want a switch.
Anyone here tried the switch? Are the controllers even slightly loose while docked? This worries me a lot.
up to 6, up to 3 is while playing intense games
>intense game
maybe for a ps2 or switch
>3DS was $50 more expensive at launch and has the same battery life. Where were you shit posters everyday up until now?
What? The 3DS was 250 bucks at launch. Sure, it was expensive, but not 300 bucks. Also they lowered the price later and I doubt Nintendo will do that for the switch.
>Handheld gaming needs an upgrade.
True, handhelds need more of this and glasses of ice
>2 million units shipped worldwide
the only one who is trying to make the Switch fail is Nintendo.
>80/20 3DS to vita
That's not true and you know it
Bomberman's a launch title too, you cuck.
You're such a dumbass. Buying any console at launch is hoping for games in the future. Grabbing a drink or standing for 10 mins every 3-5 hours won't kill you you fat piece of shit, or, play it on the fucking tv and who cares.
The handheld thing can be completely ignored, it's really not that forced of a gimmick.
And really, if you aren't into it, don't buy it. Don't be a sperging fedora tipping faggot making awful points to try and shitpost because people disagree with you.
>2 million units appear on eBay the day after the release
I bought my (normal) 3DS about 2 and a half years ago for $85. Is this bait, or did launch models have a shit battery?
I may be wrong but I remember there being alot more announced games. And I fail to see how Odyssey is a rehash
Yet Sony wants 70 dollars for these.
They have to do that so people actually buy it.
Westerners think of handhelds as lesser and not worth their time, but tell them it's a console that can be taken anywhere and they're all over it.
I only want it to fail because of paid online.
Fuck that greedy practice.
>launch games consist of a wii u game port and party titles
>1-2 switch is nintendos big exclusive launch game, a full priced game consisting of "games" that wouldn't be accepted on fucking miniclip
>the games coming out over the year consist of mario adventure dx, xenoblade chronicles 2 (we're 2017 guys, seriously), splatoon 1.5, arms, which looks like a wii sports game, and mario kart 8 ported over
>third party titles consist of seventh gen ports that already have higher quality versions on ps4/one, and yet demand full price
>other third party titles consist of games that aren't gonna be out for a while, 1-2 years
>no ethernet port
>paid online when the system doesn't support multimedia functions like netflix and internet browsers
>paid online when there is no voice chat by way of the console, they expect you to download a paid app and talk by phone
>the rewards for paid online consist of a temporary one month nes/snes game, by comparison, xbox one offers potentially 1 old game and a indie game or two indies, plus two bc compatible 360 games, and ps4 has two indie games and sometimes a full game, which last the length of your subscription
>paid online when nintendo's main titles are mainly singleplayer, with splatoon 2 basically being the only title to even remotely justify it
>controllers and peripherals are bizarrely overpriced and as expected, stocked with unnecessary gimmicks like advanced rumble
>the joy con dock controller that charges the joy cons isn't even supplied with the console bundles
>the console is barely more powerful than a 360/ps3/wii u and yet is more expensive than a ps4/one, which are far more powerful machines
>controllers are still fitted digital analogs, say goodbye to that super mario sunshine port
The switch has already failed.
>buys at launch
>calls others dumbasses
Is this what people think a video game is?
Only the casuals.
Handhelds need significantly more power, which the Switch offers when compared to the 3DS, the Vita, and phones currently on the market. Smartphones are cannibalizing the more portable/lower cost handheld market and current options that target that market can't compete on library curation alone.
3DS has sold about 60 million units and the Vita just over 10 million units.
Wanting something to fail for spiteful reasons is dumb, but I want there to be a precedent of well made, well priced products succeeding, and poorly thought out, pushed out the door, overpriced ones not, to encourage a higher industry standard.
So I guess I "want" the switch to fail in that sense, but I'd much rather it'd have been better, instead.
Never said I was going to buy it at launch?
>Westerners think of handhelds as lesser and not worth their time, but tell them it's a console that can be taken anywhere and they're all over it
Good luck with that.
"Can I play GTA Online in this?"
"Will I be able to play Red Dead 2 in this?"
"See ya later"
>implying he's not playing on easy
Come back when you eat 5 (five) 12inch meatball marinaras with double cheese on toasted honeywheat with no black olives on Double Decker Diffiiculty.
Stop posting that asymmetrical neon design, for crying out loud. It's fucking growing on me and I kinda want it now.
Nintendo seems to.
>>implying he's not playing on easy
>Come back when you eat 5 (five) 12inch meatball marinaras with double cheese on toasted honeywheat with no black olives on Double Decker Diffiiculty.
I need to wear a moo-moo for this shit.
I want the switch to fail. That way it'll be cheaper and maybe nintendo will learn. It's a cool console concept but they fucked up pretty much everything else.
but nintendo keeps calling it a home console and says a new 3DS successor is coming
>3DS has sold about 60 million units and the Vita just over 10 million units.
Those Vita sales figures are unreliable and old.