Pick two companions for an epic 50 hour journey

Pick two companions for an epic 50 hour journey.

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>posting worst version of broquest

boy you got another thing coming

i'm the fucking president of shwig's dick sucking brigade, hold on to your cock

>Vengeful Viking Man
>Androgynous Cleric Kid
all the others are shit

part of me is glad that Bro-Quest fell apart before it could be a real thing (or form a patreon)

After what happened to Breeding Session, it's for the best.

Never let an artist be your director over a video game.

the problem is that nobody truly ponied up to lead and dedicate themselves to the project because we're all broke and shit and lazy

I'd take rich arrogant prince if he actually talked like Jareth.

I thought the problem was all idea guys, no programmers.

>Making me work for Sex. EVER
>Loses Party member down the road
>Wanting a Berserk party member you can't control

Are you serious nigga? Healer and Richfag since they're beta

I like rank and file soldier but he's become a meme of sorts and that makes not want use him.

>normal rank and file soldier
>becomes a memetic special snowflake with intersting backstory and interactions

They missed the point so hard.

fun fact, having known nothing about broquest lore beforehand, i made a shitton of little design drafts and doodles on how i would have done the game, just on the art alone

Is it really that surprising that in a pile of special snowflakes, the only thing that isn't a special snowflake is what stands out?



But what does the player character look like?


>you will never be a perverted archmage and go adventuring with androgynous cleric kid, lifelong warrior friend, and runaway foreign catgirl
>you will never flirt with androgynous cleric kid and insist that he is a girl
why even live

Warrior bro cause he's my bro, and Viking for the laughs.

wait here it is


>one upping faggots ruin op's thread
ok then

get mad, stay mad, OP was using the shit-tier bootleg version

Someone post the original dick ass thief.

>iron general
>misunderstood necromancer

I wouldn't mind the general leading us, he's good with a sword and a master tactician. The necromancer seems chill and has lots of uses, the undead minions could be used as extra party members and the general could let the necro know how to use them efficiently in combat. Most of the roster are memes desu

Iron General because he sounds useful and Amazon Huntress because my dick says so

Remind of what happened to breeding season again, I thought it was still in development?

What you're trying to say is:
>Never have your artist do all the actual work while you contribute fucking nothing and then get surprised and outraged when he quits to do his own thing


the dev never slapped the artist with a legally binding contract, the artist stopped producing content for long periods of time while leeching 40% of the monthly profits and stealthily working on his own copycat game.

jesus christ THIS SO MUCH

Veteran Ranger and the Iron general, just to see if his PTSD is the fault of the general and to have a ranged option

>artist do all the actual work
Shig wasn't the programmer you retard.

Both parties were in the wrong.

Amnesia skeleton and white hair dom bitch
>there will never be an actual game with these characters and romance elements

>Lifelong Warrior
Because we'll be such bros, his death will make me mentally stronger and more determined at the cost of more bro-stuff

I'm a patient man

Did you actually look at the progress made by the coders?
Because it was fucking nothing.

>Both parties were in the wrong

>Pig guy
>Nameless rank and file
>Dwarvern mechanic

Best part right here.

Okay, but who's he going to blame when his new game goes nowhere and is eventually shut down?

The dog and the amazon.
Though does she come in a lighter skintone?

>Viking man for bro
>Cleric kid for lewd

That's the whole point of Patreon games, they're never finished. They just milk it until they stop getting paid monthly for it, then make another project to do it all over again.

>Only two
Try on a REAL party size, faggot.
>Evil Black Knight
He is to act as the shield, and sometimes spear, of this party.
>Misunderstood Necromancer
Summon all the help we can get. I think he'd prefer non-sentient for this, all that pain does no one good.
>Iron General
Great synergy with the undead disposable targets.
>Sophisticated Psion
DPS, utility and general expert skill monkey in various fields.
>Scantly Clad Warrior Princess
For waifu, Even then, it is likely I'd get cucked by Chad EvilBlackKnight.

I don't understand how people can justify him literally doing nothing, not communicating at all, and still taking a large chunk of the money for several months just because the coders were bad too.

Why not just make this game an expansive visual novel? That way you only really need the artist, writer and music guy. I just want something with these characters, man, the designs are so good and full of life...

Visual novels still require coding, I hate to say.

Amazon because muh dick and the Necromancer because he sounds cool.

>does she come in a lighter skintone?

With shit like renpy is pretty easy to get soething going.

But nothing as complex as a fully fledged RPG, right?

The market, of course.
>Sadly too niche blabla

>No director or producer
>No mention of money yet a workload of years
>Can't someone else do it?
Good luck with that.


Shwig doesn't want anyone to use his broquest art. Unless he's behind the project, nothing will ever come of his Broquest designs.

pig and amazon

Well if i could do it i would obviously, my skills are in other areas though.

>Source: your ass

Naaah it's true. I remember I was one of the artists (read: glorified ideas guy) on a revival attempt and someone who knew schwig said he was sperging out because some of my character designs were too close to his old ones.

Ah nameless rank and file soldier. How I miss you

Well he has that right i guess, but it doesnt help that he is kinda scummy, just look at breeding season.

It was in the official "Broquest is dead" post on their blog I'm pretty sure. Even if I'm literally lying and just making assumptions, would you really put it past an artist to be a fag over his shit and prefer it to go to waste over being free use material? Fuck off.

Honestly I don't really like the art so much. It looks like it would have the same problems as that shitty Skull girls fighter.

A similar art style that looks much better is that Darkest Dungeon stuff.

someone posted this in the amateur game dev general on /vg/ a while ago and mentioned something about broquest. anyone know anything about it?

If there's one thing I've learned in my time, it's that porn artists are some of the scummiest scumbags on the internet when it comes to copyright.

>used to be a fun seinfield mmo type thread.
>now just a woulda coulda shoulda looking back on a project by lazy fucks thread

>skullgirls art

Kill yourself.

even katawa shoujo was a miracle and the devs want nothing to with it anymore and have moved on. its a life commitment

You do realize that there's a difference between asking to use his art, and not doing so but copying his designs while taking the game title, right?

What it says on the post is just "Shwig owns the art, ask him about it if you want it"

>You do realize that there's a difference between asking to use his art, and not doing so but copying his designs while taking the game title, right?

As an artist, yes, I do realize that. The hard line to walk was how to stay faithful to the original designs that Sup Forums fell in love with while being different enough so that they would be, well, different. Either way the project died pretty much within the first month after one of the guys with the source code chimped out and left the group, and I couldn't give less of a fuck about it anymore

Top lel.
If you were trying to copy my designs just to get free publicity I would have told you to fuck off too.
Because that is all BQ really is, it's not even a game concept, it's just a bunch of designs with trope descriptions.

Obviously Tsundere Warrior Bitch and Viking Prick.

I don't even know why I'm arguing about this anymore, but the problem isn't that I was copying his shit- I was putting forth my designs to the others and they kept telling me to change it so that it looked closer to the original concept. That's when schwig got pissy. I dunno why that's such a hard idea to grasp, or why you're so insistent on being so aggressively douchey

The original point was Shwig being painted as a bad guy for not lending his art for a new BQ project, when that isn't even what happened.
What's hard to get?

Loved these CYOA threads on /tg/. Programming a character-rich tactical RPG would be fun one of these days.

that cast is way to bloated, this is the perfect roster


>Cheerful Druid
>Lifelong Warrior Friend

Since the druid can cure diseases, she can probably cure the disease that the friend is about to die from before it kills him.

Kaston and Helios


I wrote a bunch of shit for BQ back in the day. Namely for NRFS and Sir York and Draf'mus. I also always had a thing for the Ancient Steam Knight, but never knew what to do with him.

Sucks balls that it never came together. Not like it would've taken all that much. Slap active time battles onto an open world in gamemaker, badda bing badda boom. But I digress.

Rip in reese's pieces, Broquest.

>tfw it could have been done fairly competently in gamemaker or RPGmaker but for some reason every "dev team" that tried to start or revive the project autistically refused to use either one for some reason and insisted on making their own engine

It's better to make nothing at all than to make an RPGmaker game.

memes aside, what is so wrong with RPGmaker?

Amazon and catgirl

I didn't say RPGmaker, I said gamemaker. And it gets a bad rap. Hotline Miami, Gunpoint, Ronin, Spelunky, Super Crate Box, Iji, Flywrench, and more have been made with it. People have been hired at major devs like Bungie just for their gamemaker games.

Not that I really know what I'm talking about anyway. Just a writer and musician. Not a programmer- not really anyway.

Iron general for the stone cold mentor role and runaway catgirl for waifuing

Most games end up generic.
Truth is, if you have the actual skills to code something interesting in RPGmaker, you have the skills to simply do all of it just using a game library with little difference in time spent.

>sees a BQ thread, but being one of the people trying to revive, quietly slips away

Trying to revive? What do you do? Program? Art? Write?

>Only two companions

Fuck off Bioware, that's not enough for a real party.

Iron General and Amazon Huntress.

I'm a programmer. When I hear people having trouble getting stuff done, I realize most of them are the non coders.


>not wanting to take care of Cylanti Maquai with Johanna Marquin by your side protecting you two the entire way

Well if you need help with anything tell us

>Sup Forums
>being useful
Good joke

are you

Worked for those Katawa Shoujo fuckers. Not all of us are completely useless. I'm sketching as we speak.

Aniki and Tsun pls.
Amazon and Steam Knight, pretty pls

shit found me!

I realized having a blog isnt a great follow place, so follow my twitter instead


you saved my image
i just shitted that out on paint
thanks though

Sup Forums is a small world

always go with the cute shota


I miss shit like this. This, and active Tower Girls discussion, "Save the Princess" threads and all that good, early '10's Sup Forums OC.

Project Hate Machine finished never

tower princess and save the princess threads were fun until
furries took over the former and Sup Forums degeneracy made the latter impossible to do