2017 best gaming combo
richfags get out
2017 best gaming combo
richfags get out
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>falseflag shitposting
best combo is PS4 + Switch get a Xbone if you want to play western trash.
>ninturdlers still trying to piggy back on pc because they know their system isn't good enough by itself
Fuck off.
I can't play eve online with a PS4 or Xbone
>rich fag
>custom building a mid range rig will play every thing you want for less than most consoles.
I have a gaming laptop, PS4 and will get a Switch.
Feels good to be able to play all the games I want and however I want to play them.
And do not play anything to go.
If you don't have more time at home do not play videogame at all.
3DS + PS4 master race here. Switch may come in a few years.
obviously, and pirating
I have an Xbone, the PS4 Pro, and a PC with nice specs, like a 1060. The Xbone is for playing multiplayer games with my buddies, the PS4 for single player games, and my PC for other games with my other buddies.
I am contemplating on getting a Switch. Nothing seems to appealing that makes me want to get it. Although BoTW looks pretty neat. If they make Bayonetta 2 playable on the Switch then I will probably get it.
gtfo richfag
gtfo richfag this thread isn't for you
Its not even about being rich. 2 weeks of work, and saving the extra money for consoles and games will do wonders.
2 weeks if you are on minimum wage, and live by yourself in a semi cheap apartment.
> spend $1500 on gaming hardware
> rich
No, user, you're just poor af.
PS4 + PC is best
how the fuck can exclusively consoles be the best combo. are you stupid?
>still having time to shitpost on Sup Forums
PS4+PC is the best.
if i really want to play console games on the go remote play on the Vita is good enough
Combofags are the absolute worst. I respect you far less than someone who picks a single console and stays with it. They made a decision.
You're just a lame idort, you want more but don't go all the way. There's zero benefit to what you are suggesting over getting all consoles. Just saving money, if that's what you want to do then don't buy two systems.
You're pathetic from both perspectives.
work 9-4 sometimes 9-7
Ill sleep at 1 in the morning at latest, and 12 is usually the earliest unless I am really tired.
When I get home at 4, I have plenty of time to feed my doggos, take them for walks, and play vidya for 6+ hours, and shitposting while I take a shit. Also I have time in the morning to play. Like 1 hour at most in the morning though.
Dont know jack about computers but made this for gf with leftover cash
Rate it
people pulling the ps4 + pc is the best combo
what does ps4 even add on top of the pc?
>unlocked CPU on non-OC chipset
>skylake with DDR3
>old CX series PSU
guys stop im serious
Not him, but how so? I can see a Switch being nice for lazy/relaxed gaming on the couch/in bed, and looks like it'd be good for when you have a friend/friends over.
yakuza series
odin sphere leifthrasir
gravity rush 2
basically having a console with good jap developer support
What benefit does PC+Switch have over PC+Switch+PS4+Xbone?
If the answer is "cost" then any single console becomes outright superior to your combo.
I can't see any other answer.
>PC and PS4
Switch is only for hardcore Nintendo fanboys. Enjoy your 3 games OP.
But I can watch movies on just my pc, I don't need to also watch movies on my tv.
You can buy aps4 to use as a cable box
Nintendo Switch
>Weebshit and bullshit hollywood cinematic shit
If you buy either console you're a retard.
I'm actually really excited for how comfy switch is going to be.
Definitely playing that shit in bed, joycon in each hand til I pass out.
My PC is an emulator and visual novel machine with 2013 specs. I love my PC!
The best combo is one that doesn't involve the Xbone or buying any console at launch
If you bought a PS4 at launch you're a fool
If you buy a Switch at launch you're a fool
and so on
I'm a mustard and fuck off Nintendofags. Stop trying to attach yourselves to good systems every goddamn generation
I have an Xbone my brother gave me already. It's a piece of shit and has no games. I would like to get a PS4 this year, as the 2017 PS4 lineup is looking pretty nice.
And the Switch looks like a next year purchase.
I'm not sure what your question was supposed to mean?
You're losing value when you buy your second gaming system. Diminishing returns start at one.
Best value is a single system.
Best experience is all systems.
Being proud of owning two systems just makes you look like a sad wannabe idort without the money to pay for everything and has to make sacrifices, then try to justify why the sacrifices he made were okay.
I have a Macbook for PC exclusives, a PS4 for demanding AAA titles and PSVITA for handheld gaming.
I don't see the need for owning the atrocities in OP's picture.
Get some taste, boy!
Why would I want a PS4 when I already have a PC?
Dimishing returns start at one, but they're fairly small at first, if you pick the proper "addon" console, because there's little overlap.
The more consoles you add, the more overlap, i.e. value per console gets lower.
Everyone has their own point where value per console falls under the point where it's worth it to get another console. Your "there is no valid middle ground" approach is retarded.
This is new and I like it.
Isn't it funny how cooler master haf is still the case associated with the term PC gaming
Oh there's a valid middleground, but the way you validate it is by demeaning two systems which could further enhance your experience and provide more entertainment if you had the money.
Like I said, you're just a poor idort.
It really is.
I have the PC, my gf will get a Switch, I'll have best of both worlds for half the price.
its a good case
But I'd get only minor enhancement compared to the previous purchases for a significant investment.
The first purchase (PC) has no overlap (duh). Overlap between switch and PC is minimal, due to Nintendo by and large maintaining their own ecosystem. As such, nearly the full value is preserved.
With the PS4 and xbone, there's huge overlap, due to all the multiplats being on PC. Value goes down a lot, to the point where even if you have the money, you have to wonder if it's still worth it at all to invest here.
Having the money doesn't mean you need to be stupid with your money. That's a great way to stop having money.
I like my spartan looking NZXT S340 personally.
Well, regardless of how damn ugly it is, it's a great case. So, no surprise. They've done well, and cases don't have specs that need to be improved every year.
I'm sitting here with my plain black fractal design box.
I'm just going to repeat myself if this goes on.
Read my previous post and then pay attention to how you did exactly what I said you would do.
I see there are still people with a brain left on this board.
Most sensible choice. I don't want to shittalk Xbox or MUH NINTENDO.
But if you want to cover the best of both worlds aka PC+console and don't want to miss out on 99.9% of games PC+PS4 is the best combination.
I love Nintendo games but their hardware is a fucking joke and their gimmicks are pure, unfiltered cancer. So I just play 99.99% of their games on emulators. Works fine for me and I still get the full Nintendo Experience™.
CEMU is also getting better and better by the day and when the Switch gets released it will run Breath of the Wild just daijobu on my gaming PC. I'm already running Super Mario 3D World in 1080p@60fps.
You're just refusing to consider the concept of being smart with your money and only spending it on product that still provide you with good value.
That's you being an idiot.
No, he's right and you are wrong
t. third guy
>Well, regardless of how damn ugly it is
I have to cover my gaming PC with cloth, when I'm not using it, because there are no decent looking cases available, which don't deface my living room.
If your idea of good design is "Apple" then that's your problem.
Why aren't you wearing an Xbox hat? :(
I'm onboard with PC+Switch+PS4, but I'm not exaggerating when I say the bone has NO fucking games. I've considered getting one because it felt right - because I'm in the HABIT of being an idort - but what the fuck can I play on an xbone that isn't covered by my other machines?
It really is quite obsolete when games like Forza Horizon 3 are on Win10.
Apple just sets an example what good industrial design can look like. You don't have to carbon-copy it.
PC gaming chink trash towers cannot into it, they alle look like abominations.
Ah, yes. How absolutely terrible. No one could ever like this.
There's no reason to own a Xbox when you have PC.
If you cannot see, what's wrong with that design, you have no taste, just like chinks.
I'm interested. Demonstrate that you're not just shitposting and explain.
The only good design is a functional design.
1. Overall design language has a good start, but then defaces everything with that ugly side panel fan opening. I guess the back of the case looks even more ugly.
2. You only put a huge brand logo, if you are an actual recognized brand with a good looking logo. That means you don't have text in your logo, because people can recognize your brand without it. Otherwise you go for the decent option or with no logo at all.
3. No comment on the connectors facing up, that's a huge mistake.
tl;dr Swedes being just marginally above the sea of generic chink trash doesn't make them come even close to good industrial design.
>but then defaces everything with that ugly side panel fan opening.
Well, that's functionality.
> I guess the back of the case looks even more ugly.
When do you even see the back of your case?
> You only put a huge brand logo, if you are an actual recognized brand with a good looking logo.
Just because you don't recognize PC hardware specific brands doesn't mean they're not recognized in their field.
> That means you don't have text in your logo, because people can recognize your brand without it.
Take a look around m8, half of all brands have their name as their logo.
> 3. No comment on the connectors facing up, that's a huge mistake.
Is it now? It produces a cleaner front.
how about this?
What are you high? What would be the point of owning an xbone of you already own a ps4 and pc?
If you disregard money entirely then there are a tiny handful of Xbone exclusives you would miss by not having it.
I know how small it is and the quality of shit like Halo isn't worth it but pretend money doesn't matter and it's something.
pc with 2x1080s a nice i7 and 144hz monitor.
I like my stuff
I see your point. Unfortunately halo is dead to me, so I chose not to get xboned
>When do you even see the back of your case?
When you put on a desk not facing a wall. The back of an Mac Pro tower is just as well designed as the front.
>Just because you don't recognize PC hardware specific brands
That's not how brands work. A brand is something well known by the general public. Otherwise it's not a brand at all, but a posing "no-name".
Also having the case maker put a huge logo on there like he made the entire PC, is laughable for itself.
>Is it now? It produces a cleaner front.
It's a dust collector. A classic design mistake.
>looks like military equipment, but nothing you put in a home
>side window
>side window
>side window
Come on, all of you have no taste. This is because you are still too young to have one. You are the audience for ugly PC cases.
>too young
>i was 42 last week
aha, and under what premise do you suggest that?
Why should location be neccessary for doing such a task?
Asking for a friend
>generic sheet metal pci-e covers
>special round hole for the fan
No, that back isn't that well designed.
> That's not how brands work. A brand is something well known by the general public.
In other words, you don't know how brands work. Brands target an audience. That audience may be the general public, but it doesn't have to be.
> It's a dust collector. A classic design mistake.
How dusty is your place that dust in the connectors turns into a remote issue?
That's also my combo. It's a great combo.
If you must drop one out of these (though I don't recommend it), drop the Sony hat if you love Nintendo first-parties, and drop the Nintendo hat otherwise.
That goes for all the consoles, really
My Ps4 is literally a Bloodborne machine though. Waiting for Nioh and FF7 remake.
>Not playing Miku
What's wrong with you?
>Not playing Gravity Rush
What's wrong with you?
>Not playing Last guardian
What's wrong with you?
>Supporting bland sega miku
What's wrong with you?
If I wanted rhythm games there are gorillions of options and many mapped miku songs
I prefer Taiko, though I've only played it on my mates vita.
>Nintendo and PC is best combo! We can emulate everything else when the time comes!
>Nintendo consoles get emulators 3 years in while other console take 10-20
Taiko V?
I got the Idolmaster Taiko for Vita and it's pretty fun, I might grab some more.
>overpriced handheld
>overpriced no exclusive AAA/indieshit machine
No. Games are in the worst shape theyve ever been, and I expect disaster within the next 5 years.
>this autism over the most basic pc case
jesus christ
Yeah, V.
It was good.
Sorry but I don't get this meme.
PC is the cheapest now (due to paid online which pretty much everyone buys)
PC has the best version of almost every game (almost every game anyone ACTUALLY plays is multiplat)
Even when people do play exclusives, PC has the most paid non indie exclusives people ACTUALLY play in the real non Sup Forums world, apart from maybe the nintendo stuff
Which one of these don't you agree with?
>Buy a PC
>Buy an Nvidia tablet for $100
>Stream high quality 60FPS 1080p games to tablet for comfy bed gaming
Best of all worlds.
Best is PC + PS4 at the moment. Vita for your handheld.
Now wouldn't it be just wonderful if the Switch had the ability to stream games from PC with nvidia technology?
Of course, that'd make too much sense to one of the jews in the equation. Be it Nintendo or Nvidia.
PS4+PS3+PS2+PC master race here
I'm a filthy weeb who plays miku games and my PC is really falling behind, so I actually get better framerates on stuff like Doom on ps4 over my PC.
That being said, I still want a switch for my nintendo games. Fuck the xbone though