Did an AMA

> Did an AMA
> Dodged all the sensitive questions like what the fuck is happening to CS:GO and why are the only updates it gets bullshit crates
> Followed the reddit circlejerk train answering stupid unrelated questions
> whoops times up goys i mean guys see you later make sure to spend a lot of money on crates!
Why is this fat motherfucker liked so much?

He's a successful business man, of course I look up to him.

Thought that was Chris-chan for a second

His popularity here is non-existant now.
I was looking through my old folders full of Gayben images I downloaded in the gold age of Steam.

Nice microboner

reddit is here so gabencucks are here as well

[audience applauds]

that annoyed face though
>my feet hurt
>tfw dont like gold diggers
>tfw dont like geting photographed
>this polo shirt is uncomfortable
>i could be looking at pictures on the internet right now

> greentext spaced out like this

Just fucking go back and stay there, faggot

>Dodged all the sensitive questions

Literally wat.
He answered the most critical ones. He even criticized his own company and said what he wish he had done differently.

I think you can look in any direction and you'll still see him



> fuck you

this one gets a wee kek


He answered all the sensitive questions Sup Forums said he wouldn't answer except for the TF2 question. But alrighty.

do NOT put me in the screencap

fucking kek

I've never heard that one before, it's actually really good.
Thanks, you did good.

>Guy asks a question about left 4 dead 3
>answers but doesnt actually say anything
>xD Gaben the master wordsmith! Upvote!!



The only people that like him are the faggots (mustard race ledditors) that discovered PC gaming over the past decade.


Didn't see it.

What's happening with HL3? Please don't tell me he dodged HL questions


He said "We don't speak of the number 3" or something like that and just kind of gave a non-answer.

chris chan is in a dark place

Scrapped, all the assets from it are going into CS:GO, DOTA2 and TF2 crateshit

Did he make an appearance in the latest Star Wars movie? I didn't see it at the movies.

shouldn't that say "you have to come back"?


I fucking hate him but do admire his ability to ruse trillions from gullible redditors

> Dodged all the sensitive questions
That's every AMA
The AMA subreddit is literally just an advertising space



He did say that they were making single player games and a full length VIVE game, though. So that's something, at least.

It's going to be a new half life game where you play half way in as gordon then die and play as alex finishing off da fight and having freeman baby at the end who's actually possessed by the gman. Ending with a swirley portal forming where the baby used to be with Alex going "WOAAHHHHHHHHHH" while being sucked in to the next game where she'll wake up as a bearded man with a pony tail on a trolley

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

That's another year Half Life 3 is delayed. I hope you're happy.

That hospital episode was great

I had my fill with HL2. I'm fine.

do you have a steam account? then you are among the rused

Didn't he also confirmed there is a game in the Half Life universe, but was not going to be Half Life 3?

Pretty sure is going to be that rumoured multiplayer Half Life RPG that merges with Portal story and uses the Director AI of L4D.


Dunno. I only checked out a couple of his responses before the 1 word answers and shitty half responses made me close out.


He looks like if Sup Forums wasn't a failure loser and achieved his dream.

I wonder why chumps hate him