Why the fuck is portable gaming still popular ?

With the huge push of portability by Nintendo regarding the switch.

It made me wonder, do people really move around and play games every where they go ?

i remember being a kid and everyone had them but i swear after the psp ive not seen a single portable console when im outside
ignore mobile gaming

Because I like playing video games while not being at my TV. I didn't know overbabbies lacked basic logic concepts.

>very mature response

so youre telling me you enjoy staring at a small screen until your hands eventually cramp ?

This, and also:
Playing games at my friends' homes;
Playing games in any room of my house;
Playing games on long flights or train rides;
Playing games outside in nice weather;
Playing games on vacations when there is down-time or everybody else is asleep;
Playing games at holiday homes, with friends.

You don't need to play the game while you're grocery shopping to take advantage of portability.

>Playing games at my friends' homes;

You don't find that a bit strange?

I suppose it would seem strange to somebody without friends.

I don't know where you live, but in Australia I used to see people playing their 3DS on the bus and at uni quite often. I live in Japan now, and it's not uncommon to see even business men or schoolgirls playing games on the train. Most people just play mobile games, but there are still quite a lot of people playing 3DS or Vita here.

Personally I only really ever use my handhelds in public when going on a long car/train/bus/plane trip.

>You don't find that a bit strange?
What the fuck? What do you do at your friends house? If I go to a friends house it's usually for the purpose of playing games together. If we're just going to talk we usually just go out for lunch/dinner.

>why would you play a handheld when your friend is around
>but does are rare cases, average people dont travel for that long
>playing games outside in nice weather
user pls

Do you not talk to the people around you while playing?

Portable gaming is great. I play my vita when my wife kicks me out cause her friend is over.

>average people dont travel for that long
Maybe average poor people. The kind of people who can afford a nintendo switch have enough money to travel internationally once a year or so.

this is practically unintelligible what the fuck are you even saying

but in response to 'rare cases', sure, they may be, but when you combine them with the other half-dozen points I made they add up. it's also not uncommon for people in first-world countries to spend an hour on the train every day.

>playing video games in public

I think he meant playing handhelds at your friends house. That does seem a bit weird unless your friend also has a handheld to play with you. Sounds like going to a friend's house and just bring on your phone most of the time.

>That does seem a bit weird unless your friend also has a handheld to play with you
Isn't that just a fucking given? Who would go to their friends house and then play a completely different game?

>That does seem a bit weird unless your friend also has a handheld to play with you.
Chances are user that if I'm going to his house and taking my 3DS/Vita/Switch that he has one too. It's not difficult to comprehend.
Maybe we will play together on handheld while his GF watches TV, or maybe there are a whole bunch of us and some will play handheld (together) while others play console.

Hmm.... In all honesty I've never went over to a friend's to play handhelds. Closest I could think of is with Pokémon sapphire but that was usually outside of the house. Either at the nearby playground or if we were going together somewhere pretty far.

Usually we would play on consoles.
Other than that I could remember back in middle school playing fight night on psps . Gta, smackdown vs raw and dissidia ff were the majority of titles I played with my friends. Still that's not at their house or anything. I find that weird though lol.

People go outside OP. People over 18 that is
I'm not lying.

You know what trigger me the most? people who asking how to install PC/ console games on their phone

If you don't think being able to play video games wherever you want is great then get outta my face

If your life is so devoid of meaning that you want to play video games wherever you want you should honestly commit suicide.

>Playing video games
>Need to take a shit
>Go to the washroom with video game

>Bring video game to kitchen

>Need to go out for a while
>Put video game into sleep mode so I can resume playing when I have a chance

Stop projecting your problems onto me, man.

Ah yes, playing games in downtime between events is truly the epitome of a life devoid of any meaning whatsoever

>why is the concept of digital entertainment still popular in a world where technology is growing more powerful every year and we have devices that can play games that needed a home console two decades ago that fit in our pockets

I can play in bed in any position I want since the screen goes where I go. I can play while taking a shit,during a car ride,at the air port,at friends house. I can take my vidya anywhere I go without having to lug around a home console. Also buttons are superior to phone touch screen controls