What is the vinyl of video games?

What is the vinyl of video games?

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Retro game collecting.

Original copy+cd key. It's the only proof that you actually own the game


NES games

Only if you are collecting just because it's retro or you just want to show it off. Some of us collect because we feel nostalgic.

CRT monitors

I'm referring the faggots who buy a collection of hundreds of NES cartridges just to brag that they have hundreds of NES games, the majority of which they haven't and will never play.

One of the best examples being Chris "FAT" Bores. The Irate Gamer, a mad who literally bought a collection of games solely to cash in on the upcoming retro game reviewer market and rip off James Rolfe.


Pixel art. Hipsters love that shit.

>playing a 240p games on an LED
SNK and Capcom did some amazing shit with pixel art in the late 90s.

>SNK and Capcom did some amazing shit with pixel art in the late 90s.


Analog sound quality is better than digital. Always has been.

To answer your question, NES/SNES games and DOS games.

>you need to play it without mods first!

It's not better. It's subjective.

You can't dismiss pixel art because some faggot made an shit indie game using it.
Get a DAC and some FLAC CD rips then.

Wtf is he on a date with that lassie?

>To answer your question, NES/SNES games and DOS games.
Nothing says underage quite like this.

I'm not dismissing pixel art anymore than I'm dismissing vinyl. Both have their advantages.

>Get a DAC and some FLAC CD rips then.
Already have this and studio monitors.
The difference is huge. youtu.be/PH6oiPUzGrA?t=1m48s

I didn't say the difference wasn't huge. I said one is not better.

>studio monitors.
Why wouldn't you use just get good speakers?

DJ Hero

vinyl has some advantages, but if i were to equate listening to vinyl on a "portable" setup in public to video games, it would probably have to be using any non-backlit game boy or perhaps using a game gear with a backpack full of AA batteries in 2017

Which one is supposed to be the better one? Right?

Because they're quite neat for recording and editing music.
Accuracy is everything.

>Being deaf

Yeah, but why would you use them for listening?

This they are absolute crap for comfy listening as they are for work and adjusted for that 1 spot where you sit and edit , everywhere else they sound like shit.

How are those the same thing at all?

Especially with vinyl, people always brag about the warmer low end and bass.

They aren't the same thing, they are similar
That's what an analogy is

Except they're not similar in the slightest.

He's beautiful.

>a player where your records overhang the edge
How to spot the biggest fucking retards

collector's editions

That would be deluxe edition albums.

I actually play with the cartridges I get. The fact it's gotten so expensive because hipsters wanting to show off makes me butthurt.

>missed the chance for getting Demon's Crest complete for just 20 bucks and now it costs literally hundreds

Big mistake

Retro gaming on a $500 PVM.


Playing sports - analog gaming

animu, cartoon and other unrealistic graphic designs
>uncomfortable, both kiddie and oldfag-tier
>works better with a wider genre selection than realistic designs