Woah...so this...is the power...of the Nintendo Switch...
Woah...so this...is the power...of the Nintendo Switch
user, are you sure those pictures aren't..... Switched?
Don't compare 6 month old wiiu gameplay
pretty sure user
>not playing it with cemu
it still doesn't work without glitches and hiccups
I watched the ign comparison vid m8 you can't fool me
That one conveniently cut the indoor scenes and only showed outdoor areas. What a (((coincidence)))
Is this real?!?
nintendo switch? more like nintendo shit
Uh no the 9 minutes vid.
The switch one has more clarity and stronger colors.
still lacks dynamic shadows and volumetric fog though
>console tier power
Never gonna happen
No it has em I watched a side by side comparison and not whatever that shit bid was.
So much shit posting.
thank you, everyone here falls for memes so easily
Holy shit both look like garbage.
Except the Wii U is already slightly stronger than the PS3 and 360, and the Switch is a console that can be taken on the go which is stronger than the Wii U.
It's already happened, it's just not PS4 / XBO tier.
man that sure is funny hahaha wow real cool
I'm pretty sure you already came to that conclusion 5 days ago user.
No need to act surprised now.
literally the only diff between these posts are the fucking contrast.
Fucking nintendrones still think that colors = graphical power.
no its a fucking setting on your tv your retards.
how did they optimize the wiiu version so much wtf it was looking way more like the switch version all washed out
How's being blind treating ya?
Yes, lets ignore the higher resolution, improved draw distance and more detailed textures.
calling it now: both version got downgraded for console parity. T-thanks Switch.
>Comparing Shit to Shit.
Why did they even bother with the switch.
>literally the only comparison in the video that the switch version looks better in
Yet you keep shitposting anyways.
I think the switch version looks better.
Doesn't matter though, the differences are minor, and I'll still be playing it on the Wii U since I don't see a real reason to get the Switch yet.
Lots of shitposting though.
You're reasonable and levelheaded - how boring
Nintendo 64 tier resolutions
>still posting this multiple times a day
>the Switch game will run at 900p on your TV, while the Wii U version will be stuck at 720p. Switch owners will also benefit from "higher quality environmental sounds," covering water, grass and ornate steps. These will be "more realistic and enhance the game's open air feel,"
>Otherwise, it's the same experience
Your shits tired and weak.
man they both look like shit
Switch still looks better than Wii U
>higher res texture
>still looks like garbage
Nintoddlers everyone.
what did you expect from a zoomed in shot on a console game?
Wii U has actual grass next to the log.
show me a $300 pc that comes with a screen and peripherals to play games with that can run better than the switch
go ahead i'll wait right here.
>Switch can handle different types of grass
>Wii U has to use one grass type for everything
according to digital foundry the switch gets frame drops in areas with lots of grass...soooo...
>"higher quality environmental sounds," covering water, grass and ornate steps.
but why
there is literally no reason for this not to be on the Wii U too
hmm, shittier textures, shittier shadows, shittier colors, shittier lighting, less grass... oh but hey at least the grass next to the log isn't clipping into the log
But the Wii U version gets frame drops everywhere...soooo...
>$300 upgrade to play Zelda's Creed
Apparently the game can load a lot faster on Switch due to the cart format so perhaps that contributes to it? lets be real here the Switch version is the definitive or at least the version Nintendo gives a shit about so that's why it has extras the Wii U version doesn't
is all damned
Did they get the video feed directly from the console via HDMI equipment?
Or was it from a YouTube video?
no it doesn't you fucking liar
it stays pretty solid except one drop when the game was probably loading from the SD
direct feed, it was from the switch event they were flown out to.
listen to the video you fucking idiot, they said there were noticable drops whenever there was lots of grass or alpha effects on screen
I did listen to the video retard and they don't say that, why are you lying?
It's funny how anticipation and hate threads have their own peaks at different times of the day and night
I'm going to buy Nintendo Switch.
After it'll get hacked.
Used unit too.
Only Nintendo console I got new, without waiting for hacks is WiiU. Don't want to make same mistake twice.
All consoles are fucking garbage tech-wise built with outdated tech to be sold cheaply.
You buy it for exclusives, not performance.
yeah nigger i watched the video and that was the only shot where the switch was better than the wii u, it's totally obvious that i'm going to buy the switch now duh ;p
by that metric the Switch is garbage since BotW is also on Wii U
So the wiiu version has better grass.
They also said the game's framerate was incredibly stable and only dropped for like half a second. The video is right there and you still think you can get away with lying
I'm gonna get a Switch along with Skyrim since I've never played a modern E Scrolls game yet despite having my first gaming PC for 18 months now along with free access to my friend's Remastered version.
what was ps4's exclusive launch lineup again? knack?
don't buy a console day one, wait at least 6 months if not a year. I personally will be waiting for a switch hack or monster hunter announcement. Even with an grossly underpowered machine like the switch it'll be nice not playing it at 240p
which video? this one youtube.com
and shadows, and textures, and resolution...
why would you get it on the one platform that won't allow mods you fucking idiot
Nice meme
This game has such a nice artstyle
Too bad about the performance
Because I...already have the best versions for free.
I swear it makes sense.
Are you blind? You really want to justify your shitty purchase like this?
the performance is fine
>get best version for free
>buy worse version for $60
It really doesn't
the art style is the worst part though
are you blind? can you not see that the Switch version's shadows have more detail?
also it's on a console that isn't dead in the water
sorry but you replied to a post that said the "wii u version has better.." and you said "and better.." implying you agreed with him that the wii u version was better
my mistake
its ok
Wii U version using bloom to hide low res textures.
You fags are the worse, you complain about bloom but then think that Switch looks worse because they turned down the bloom.
>I think the switch version looks better
That's because it blatantly does. The only people insisting otherwise just have sour grapes over the fact that they didn't preorder a Switch in time.
See also: them frequently posting that one comparison video made by a guy doing mental gymnastics over "muh volumetric fog" in the Wii U version to try and deflect from the fact that the draw distance is garbage and you can't see shit compared to the Switch version.
I'm not judging WiiU version's visuals yet. I'm waiting for newer footage.
do you have a wii u
Does the switch use a 15 year old video card?
Not anymore, I gave it to my friend. It's been a long time since last WiiU footage. It might get worse, or maybe even better.
30fps with noticeable and frequent drops is "fine?"
Nice addition of Frequent
the drops are infrequent and not due to graphics or anything, at least on the switch version so yes it's fine
Actually I think it uses a rather new one, but it's still weak because you know, tablet sized
If I say that I am going buy Switch because I travel a lot, do you believe me?
I can actually enjoy LoZ and Xenoblade on the drives for once.
why would that be hard to believe
Not really, considering the 2.5 hour battery life means you won't be playing much on the road.
Vita did pretty well with uncharted.
I honestly do not see any differences.
Just contrast.
Nothing's wrong with it, just don't forget usb powerbank.
while inconvenient, it's unlikely he'll not be around an outlet for long periods of time
Well, some sonyfags I know keep telling me that the portability is not worth it (battery life, worse graphics, etc.)
I think I can bring backup powerbank with me.
720p vs 900p.
>draw distance
Not a fact.
>more detailed textures.
1Gb vs 4Gb, no wonder.
2.5 hours is only worst case scenario. other handhelds don't have much better battery life
It looks like it only supports 15 year old technology. The materials are very basic. Here's a 10 year old PSP screen shot.
>>the Switch game will run at 900p on your TV, while the Wii U version will be stuck at 720p
I remind you guys, it is 2017.
Will it support quickcharging? Since a lot of phones these days do, a lot of powerbanks do as well.