
> touches red ball.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Literally one more ball to go


>touch red sphere

What a shitload of fuck

Someone should make a rom of this game that doesn't have this shit. Maybe completing a stage with 100 rings gets you an emerald. Butt clenching but not bullshit.

But then you couldn't get all emeralds until Carnival Night/Lava Reef 2

If you're good you can have all emeralds by the end of Hydrocity 2, then all Super by the end of Mushroom Hill. Only scrubs can't do this.

You don't die, stupid. Having failed the challenge set - thus proving you unworthy of being a Chaos Emerald bearer and wielding their power - you get pushed out of the alternate plane of reality they return to at the end of every game, and return to the regular dimension that Sonic and friends inhabit.


Few things in video games have come close to giving me the same levels of anxiety as these stages.

Maybe the alien in Alien Isolation

That was just an idea for bare minimum amount of needed work. Idc get creative. Even just make the special stages half speed or something.

>not Hydro City

They scared the shit out of me as a kid but now i think they're the best bonus stages in sonic games.

Or just don't suck.

Pic related is the only hard map in all 14 special stages.

I remember begging my mom for sonic 3 for gens at funco land when I was 7. Kept that cart till I was 24 and lost it in a move.

There's no space in the title. It's Hydrocity Zone

Or HYDROCITY ZONE if you want to get pedantic.

those stages aren't even hard
I found them hard as a kid, then went back to replay a few years ago, they are fucking piss-easy m8

that was one of the S&K ones wasn't it?
I remember that one, you pick the wrong direction on the jump balls and you just fucking fail instantly

They're not bad, just as a kid my little mind couldn't handle 3d at high speed and the increasing music just added to the effect.

Genesis Sonic games have some of the most underrated OSTs



Best theme coming though

If you call it "Hydro City" you're too autistic to understand that the name of the stage was a play on words in the first place.
It's hydrossitty.

They're all very highly recognized and accepted as some of the best soundtracks on the Genesis.

They're some of the only genesis games where the music doesn't sound like farts, buzzsaws, or grinding a hammer across pavement.



that's not a real word

I always pictured a Chao, floating on a cloud with its little trumpet, performing the Special Stage fanfare.

>music speeds up

Nigga pls stop.

best, most relaxing special stage

>there are people this bad at video games
god damn, son
no wonder you fags had issues with the barrel in carnival night, borderline retarded

Only the music

I don't understand how was that one hard, you just had to mindlessly go forward after cleaning the area you were in.

Who here never completed more than 2 stages of this shit?

Super Sonic might as well not exist
>mfw first time getting all the emerolds ever was in Sonic Adventure
That shit just felt baby more in comparison

>Try that Sonic 3&K rom patch that moves Flying Battery to it's "correct" position between Carnival Night and Ice Cap.
>Realize I don't know enough bonus ring locations in the remaining S&K levels to get all the Super Emeralds




I don't understand how Sonicfags can consider this "fun"

>Having to hear that after you've failed


Man, you can get enough emeralds by the end of Marble Gardens.
If you don't suck cock.

>High Tier
Sonic 3 Special Stages
Sonic 1 Special Stages

>Okay Tier
Sonic and Knuckles Special Stages

>Shit Tier
Sonic 2 Special Stages

>play as Knuckles
>try to get the red balls

Holy shit my childhood was wasted.

What sort of special stages should Mania have?

>he didn't go for a perfect


not that guy, but there's no 'blocks' of spheres to turn into rings, so no need to try for perfect, just collect all the spheres

We've already seen the 3K-style hidden rings in stages.

If it's not something original then I want Blue Spheres. Or alternatively Megamix's stages:


But there are rings to collect.

I hope it will also have those special stages where you just get rings, shields, continues...

>first time getting all emeralds was in Sonic Adventure

You mean the game that hands you them as long as you complete the story? No work involved? You just get to be super sonic for the boss fight at the end?

No shit it's baby mode.

I've always liked the backgrounds, pretty comfy to me desu.

Even the sixth one?

This will forever be the one and only Special Stage I can't get a perfect on.
>tfw you discover a way to turn around with a bumper without running into a red sphere
>but you still can't do THAT stage perfectly because of all them red spheres making you uncomfortable

>mfw playing sonic 3d blast on genesis
>mfw dad uses too much force and accidentally bumps me against the cartridge
>mfw somehow unlocking the secret level select screen because somehow the game detects that the cartridge is slightly ajar and not fully in the slot

this made it ok

The Emeralds are part of the story.

They're not something that you can go out of your way to collect like in the old games. There is no bonus game where you eventually collect all 7 and then get the good ending, they are handed to you as part of the story.

That's literally what I'd said. Word for word, even.

That's what he said.

>collect the seven chaos emeralds in Sonic 2
>become super sonic and hear that new and different super sonic theme play thorughout the stages
>collect the seven chaos emeralds in Sonic 3 and then all the super emeralds to unlock HYPER SONIC
>just hear the 5 second invisibility loop that was in all the sonic games over and over replacing the GOAT soundtrack

>tfw got so good at these stages I could jump through fields of red orbs and not get touched at max speed.

>what is this friend talking about
>google 3d blast level select cheat
>it's real
>according to some fag, all "exceptions" in execution will point to the level select screen to make potential crashes caused by dirty carts/cartslots less painful
that's kinda neat


At least original Sonic 3 had something else. Not much better than the invincibility loop, but different.

That IS the invincibility theme.

Wow, I don't know how I thought it was different. I must've had the Sonic 3 & Knuckles music in mind when thinking about the Super Sonic music. My mistake.

Sonic 2's will always be superior


>there are people ITT than not only can't get more than two emeralds but flat out hate blue spheres

How do you people muster the will to live when you wake up every day?

By playing a better game


LOL nah.
>much more content
>added minibosses
>added bonus stages
>added elemental shields
>added save slots
>added super emeralds
>far superior special stages
>better music
>better graphics
>more complex levels: larger, more branching paths, more secrets, etc.
>music remixed for act 2
>act 2 picks up right where act 1 ended
>zone transitions introduced in the last few zones of Sonic 2 now present for all zones
>some story-telling elements
>3 playable characters that play differently, one of which takes alternate paths through most of the levels and gets harder versions of the bosses, and some different bosses altogether
>Tails can fly and carry Sonic places making the co-op meaningful
What kind of moron would prefer 2

Honestly the one thing that kills Sonic 2 for me is how many fucking instakills they are. You shouldn't have to worry about obstacles as long as you have rings

I never played CD until recently and I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised.
3&K still my favorite though, but god damn is CD close to it.

Thats the thing about Sonic 2, they were still ramping up, they didn't know entirely good level design yet, so when Sonic 3 came it they took everything they learned from 2 and made a flat out better game. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is the classic sonic game.

But did you plug 2 into Knuckles? Masterrace here.

Sonic 2 with Knuckles is fun, but fuck does the lower jump mess with the level design something terrible. It's justifiably the hard mode out of all the old Sonic games.

Sonic3&Ks levels drag on for way too long. It's like every stage is Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2.

Also Sonics sprite looks like shit. And the music isn't as memorable.

>dad uses too much force and accidentally bumps me against the cartridge
What did user mean by this?

Once you get to the S&K half of the game, blue spheres stops being fun.

Doesn't Mushroom hill have 6 rings in it, 7 in the 3&K version?

The lower jump gets you killed against the final boss

Couldn't agree with that picture and greentext more. Sonic 2 a shit compared to S3&K.

Just beat S3&K for the first time since I was a kid. What a fucking fantastic game. Excellent set-pieces, fantastic visual aesthetic and world-building (pic related), great music, a large amount of content (14+ zones and two campaigns), and fun gameplay. It's a complete step up from Sonic 2 and still hasn't been topped.

Definitely looking forward to Mania but I'm worried they're going too far with the remixed zones if half the game is consisted of them. I'd much rather them make an entirely original campaign and set of levels instead of cashing in on original trilogy nostalgia for the umpteenth time.

>mfw people in this thread consider the Blue Spheres special stage "hard"

Also can't believe people need this explained to them.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles > all except Sonic 3 Complete, but that's hack of it, so

>casual filters

Based music.


Can you retards not imediatly jump to conclusions for once? First of all we still don't know what the ratio of old and new is going to be, since for all we know it could be 8 old levels and 7 new ones. Plus we don't know what more old levels impiles exactly, because if you recall, Taxman and Stealth wanted to include the Sonic 3 multiplayer levels as full 2 act stages for their proposed Sonic 3 Remaster, so they might be doing that for Mania.

And that's not even mentioning the fact that we don't know just how drastic the other classic levels will be remixed, since Green Hill's the most tame in the game. And I'm sure that the other ones are going to be quite different since Taxman said in an interview that there's a story reason why Sonic's going back to these old stages, and that they're being treated as real places that changed a lot over the year.

tl;dr stop going full retard before we get to see more than one act of two zones

>inb4 muh damage control muh shilling

Finally! Someone who understands why S3K is the patrician choice.
You forgot to mention the god tier competition mode tracks.

>instead of cashing in on original trilogy nostalgia
spoonfeed retards exactly what they want and they'll hoist you onto their fucking shoulders, regardless of quality

i almost don't -want- to like mania, given that it's only going to enable the kind of people who earnestly write essays at each other about how the sega saturn was ROBBED DAMMIT and there are TOO MANY CHARACTERS in the fictional sonic the hedgehog universe

The whole soundtrack is god-tier, tho

Because it said get blue spheres, not red ones.

Then the comp mode track are elder god tier.
I just love Chrome Gadget so damn much.

>tfw i used to be able to handle ANY of the speeds and stages with ease
>tfw now i struggle with the input lag as an adult and fuck up hard constantly

My bad. I'm purposefully avoiding any info about the game since the first trailer, would rather go in as blind as possible. Thought the original zone-remix zone ratio was already confirmed to be 50/50

>And that's not even mentioning the fact that we don't know just how drastic the other classic levels will be remixed, since Green Hill's the most tame in the game. And I'm sure that the other ones are going to be quite different since Taxman said in an interview that there's a story reason why Sonic's going back to these old stages, and that they're being treated as real places that changed a lot over the year.
If that's the case I'm mostly down with it.

Japanese devs were the only people who knew how to use the Mega Drive's Sound card. Americuck and Europoor devs didn't know jack shit about sound design in 8/16 bit era.

Post your dance gifs

>it's only going to enable the kind of people who earnestly write essays at each other
What gets me is how hysterical people get if you say you disagree with the developer's choices or the game's direction


Blue = go fast
Red = not go fast
Yelllow/Orange = boing jump
Red Star on White = boing backwards
Ring = catch 'em all

It wasn't fun. None of us found it fun. It was challenging, and we were rewarded at the end by having fun with Super Sonic, or better yet Hyper Sonic &Knuckles

The thing about the blue sphere special stages is you get to beat them twice:

First you just beat them to get your emeralds.

Then you learn how to make rings, and go for maximum rings in every stage.

>Sonic 2 & 3 were both made in the U.S.
>majority of 3's soundtrack was made by Americans
>2 and 3 are considered the best of the Sonic soundtracks, only rivaled by Sonic CD

What did he mean by this?

New ones.

Didn't know Tim Follin was a jap.

Japanese developers from Sonic Team were involved, and helped them sort out sound, graphics, etc.

That Micheal Jackson is the GOAT.

Tfw you know the joy of Super Tails finally and his broken ass 'stand anywhere and win' ability S3&K had the best rewards.