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Video Games #3646
Video Games
Today is the day. You ready for those sweet new rewards?
How would you rate the phoenix wright series?
Not being hype for Switch because the threequel to the best Wii games ever made is coming to it
What are some games that did Goblins right?
How come this only sold 2 million copies?
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
What game has THE best level design of all time?
Spot the one that is off
Everyone's talking about Breath of the Wild
Paradox OK's a Werewold the Apocalypse game
Pachter gives his Nintendo Switch verdict
Tales of Berseria
I challenge you to make a better Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch roster with the same amount of characters!
Post 10/10 vidya girls
Why do you still support them? They have shown for the last 2 gens that they only want the casual audience...
Why are people excited for this again?
One of the most unique states
Let's have an FFXI thread
Why do any games with RNG include shit with a 1-10% chance of happening...
What if Sony had bought out Rare back in 2002? How would they have treated the studio and their IPs?
To all the people looking forward to the Switch:
Tfw there are no games that allow you to build a successful xeno colony that you can walk through and interact with in...
When did you realize journalists are the most corrupt and rotten people out there?
So when your areas are being invaded...
*teleports behind you*
You've just been nano boosted!
What's the best racing game ever?
Just fuck my shit up
Lucina loves you! Just look at the sultry eyes and lovey-dovey expressions she gives you! Lucina trusts you very much...
Best Friends Thread
Was this necessary?
What went wrong?
Game has a multitude of classes
Which Bomber will you be manning?
ITT: 10/10 games (objectively speaking)
ITT: shit/meh game that praised because of its exclusivity
Who's your favorite Street Fighter girl Sup Forums?
Odyssey has new, original characters
At least make her grapple hook and poison mine better
Is Watch Dogs 2 some kind of SJW propaganda?
This place has changed ever since the Switch Presentation
FFXV outsell Pokemon
25+ hours of single player
It's okay when Nintendo does it
How do we save PC gaming?
This is legitimately what BOTW looks like... Just Wow
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
I feel like people don't hate this franchise enough for how jewy it got with the DLC
"""RPG""" has enchanted rings
You know what the biggest problem with JRPGs are?
Are there any other RTS games with campaigns worth playing besides Starcraft and Warcraft III?
Charters only you like
Where do I start?
What would your cat think of your vidya taste?
Want to play this ?
If you do not get bingo, you do not belong on Sup Forums
Why won't people admit this is the best Resident Evil?
How come this series didn't trigger mass autism like Sonic did?
Twilight Princess
Fire Emblem
That awkward moment when you are dating a guy that got a wiiu instead of a ps4
What is your favorite limited edition console of all time?
What did she ever do that was so great?
What's the "R" stand for?
So what DID happen between him and Konami?
Does Sup Forums have many Amiibo?
ITT: games your dick bought
Why are people so certain Overwatch can't come to the Switch? It retains a consistent framerate on shitty laptops...
What kind of class do you favor in RPGs?
After the Switch presentation I've decided that I'm moving to the PS4...
"""game""" can be completed in less than 100 hours
What were they thinking?
What games let me have electric superpowers?
Vidya cringe thread
Is this really the best hack and slash game?
That picture is actually a good argument for waiting a while until you buy a Switch...
Did you buy Lukas game?
Silent Hill 2
Skill: Equestrian - This skill is used to fight on horseback. However...
What games let me play as the bad guys?
What does Sup Forums think of Klonoa?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
...Just buy the damn game already
Metroid: Old and Busted
Why is it worse than OoT and MM?
Game has a roman themed faction called "the empire" or "the legion"
Nintendo Switch presentation fixed
Do you think an actual Sony shills are here?
Switch Storage can be expanded a full 2TB
Translations being worked on
Let's take a moment of silence
Steam Profile Pictures
Are we finally going to enter the Golden Age of gaming soon?
Using the original mk8 as a reference, we can agree this is the best Mario Kart game right?
How accurate is this? Tbh it seems kinda worrying for Nintendo <:(
Did you kill her?
The year 2017
Pelinal Whitestrake
Voice chat on the Switch will consist of a paid app on smart devices
Killing Floor 2 is finally saved, bois
Beg thread
Ignis Scientia
This is the writer for Overwatch
Why isn't there a college wrestling sports game?
Can it wait? I'm in the middle of a Mass Effect thread
The Art of Fallout 4
All of Nintendo's best girls are white blondes
Any Sup Forumsirgins up to some EU4?
Nintendo Switch eShop Is Also Region-Free
You have to shoot me, Sup Forums
Name one good game, I dare you. You fucking can't. I've played thousands, and not a single fucking one was good
ITT: Uninteresting protagonists
That vidya purchase you made that turned out to be the biggest waste of money
Why is this allowed?
PS4 PRO sold 230k DECEMBER
There are people on Sup Forums right now, who think the PS2 was more powerful than the GameCube
Show off those wonderful video game tattoos, Sup Forums!
Is Elite: Dangerous a good game...
Thinking about picking this up. Is it at least decent for an anime titty game?
Resident evil 7 thread
How is this? Obviously not the definitive version but is it nice as a metal gear on the go?
Sup Forums says game is good
Video games sure have come a long way
Even when Dark Souls III is kinda bland and felt like From was just going through the motions...
What are some games that lull you into a false sense of security before going off the rails?
Post something vidya related that will
Ace Combat
I bought this, pre loading now for 12 am release
Shit you see in online video games that don't make any fucking sense
There are people on Sup Forums
Can someone tell me why do people play ocerwatch when TF2 is exactly the same but free and with less niggers...
Vidya Music Thread
Zelda crying in 12 different languages
Anybody remember this game?
What does Sup Forums think of discord as the best platform for gamers to communicate
Do you really think that the switch will succeed, Sup Forums?
This is a Halo Wars 2
What games let me wait for a military rocket to be launched to defend against Lunarian scum with Sup Forums?
The Witcher 3 GOAT
"Where's the fucking sequel, Morgan?!"
Could this game be the Switch's secret weapon?
Game had over an entire generation of hype
Good games for us millennials?
Now that it's been a year and a half, is Sup Forums finally ready to admit that this game is shit?
People that I play comp with think ana and lucio is better than ana and mercy
With the Wii-U. Nintendo chained us all down, took a mustard coloured shit on our face, smeared it in...
Do you guys play handhelds on public buses?
You will never ever play Dragon Quest X
Filename Thread
ITT: Spin-off that are better than the main games in their series
What did you say about Minecraft?
ITT: vidya characters you want to have sex with
What's his end game?
Does Brazil make video games?
Why do people act as if this console was somesort of overlooked wonder?
Are you ready for FFXV-2, where you go on a road trip with Iris, Cidney, Aranea and Lightning?
Zelda BOTW Wii U
You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
What were they thinking with this garbage character design? I mean, she looks like a gorilla, literally...
Why is she so fucking hot, Sup Forumsros?
An edgy jesterman who makes shitty puns and acts CRAZY like Suicide Squad Joker
Who was in the wrong here?
Whats his name again?
Capcom went full retard
It's the year 2022
Artsy fartsy game
Steam Most Played Thread
This is a game you are steadily progressing in but still feel like you are playing it wrong
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers...
Will this fit in my pocket?
One is an international hit, loved by both critics and male gamers
Did you know that Nintendo didn't make the best Zelda game?
I injured my arm it's out of commission for an entire month at least...
Yume Nikki Thread
Remember when games used to look like utter shit on lowest settings?
He picks neutral option
Do you play games in public?
What games let me experience a nudist culture?
Risk of Rain
Now that that shitty MMO trash is finally dying. Will it finally happen Sup Forums?
Freedom dies tonight, Sup Forums
I can't decide if I like Sumia or Cordelia more, help me Sup Forums
Battle stations
Metal Gear Solid 4 is set in 2014
He hasn't played Hyrule Warriors still
I thought EA's Battlefront was a decent step in the right direction - absolutely gorgeous with excellent sound design...
What order should I play the Metal Gear games in...
Hey Sup Forums so i'll be getting my tax returns soon so i'll be able to make a big purchase for once...
How come the other games in the series don't let me be as evil as Dragon Age Origins?
Its my bday today Sup Forums
Whats with all the hate on the Nintendo Switch?
This game didn't age well at all
Which video game character do you love, love, love?
Super Mario Odyssey trailer out for 6 days: 9 MILLION VIEWS
How do we fix the best girl into being useful again Sup Forums?
There will never be a FOX Engine remake of MGS3
Battlecruiser operational
Who wins this four-way battle to the death?
The answer to that is easy
Killing Floor 2
Is this the ugliest character in all of gaming history?
Just started this piece of shit
What's the best Kirby game?
Can we discuss the best RPG ever made?
For Honor shill thread
Two genres you're bad at
I heard a patch a fixed this game and made it fun. is that true?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Je voudrais une thread de Tekken, svp
Say it with me, "Tablets are the worst piece of technology since the printer."
3x3 thread
Best game or basest game?
Pic related
Damn....RIP in piece
What are they working on? It's been almost 3 years since Tropical Freeze
Why are you here?
This game didn't age well at all
This triggers Sup Forums
Sup Forums I've got this thing bugging me for a while now the power...of the Nintendo Switch
Senior Developer at Respawn laughs at the Nintendo Switch
No! That's too expensive!
ITT: "Oh yeah, that game exists"
So Sup Forums, what do you see it as?
To all nintenfags in here, are you gonna buy it?
How do you prefer elves to be represented in video games?
Thinking of buying pic related. Is it any good to start now...
Recommend me some games about religion
The smart phone app that we’re creating, that will be part of our online service...
I fucked up, Sup Forums
Final Fantasy XIV: patch 3.3
Can you hear Games Workshop shitting its collective pants as this is sure to catch on in the industry?
Never forget
Dark Souls III
Games don't immerse me as much as they used to when i was a kid
Kaine is love
Stop supporting unfinished games
Plays videogames for a living
Game has lewd scenes in it
What was so bad about this button layout?
Who sucks at vidya here?
I usually make threads on Sup Forums. So I posted this on Sup Forums. But there was a lack of interest...
Got pic related today after playing the demo. Anyone have any tips for building your city?
Mental Health and Gaming
First thing that comes to mind?
Hey Sup Forums. I just finished Trails in the Sky 1 (got it on sale ages ago), and it was a great game...
What would you like to see in the inevitable Final Fantasy X-3?
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth † is now a Switch launch title
Vidya Tattoo
Show me a villain that's visually more evil looking than this
I just started playing this game for the first time a few days ago
Who is the best Nintendo girl?
Makes a commercial medium using science and mathmatics
Harry Potter games
"Banned from the server"
Would you play it?
Aonuma surrenders to SJWs
Tfw my last home console was a 360
Name the voice actress
How do you want your MC, famicom?
Nintendo will reveal that the NX will have VR at E3...
I want to play these games
"Oh, you must be the new ASS, Leon. Sorry but it looks like your BANKS has been CHICKEN N' WAFFLES."
Why has there been such an increase in anti Nintendo threads lately? It's not just the switch either...
Why aren't you playing her game? It's out on console
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates have:
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Edit: nvm fixed it :)
Hey Sup Forums...How much money is needed to create and fund a small video game company?
He plays as a girl in video games
Selling half a controller for $50
Which of these is best to get into in the current year?
Friend praises your gaming skills
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 dub
I wish there more games where I can be a cute little girl
Battleborn 2
BoTW Puzzles / Shrines
Are there any video games set in Ohio?
Which game has the best story?
Is most of Sup Forums still mad about Undertale?
Name 1 african american nintendo character
How does Sup Forums feel about battlemages?
Look at me
How different would things be if the Nintendo PlayStation had actually been released?
Survival Games and Longevity
This is the only game that has been released in the past 2 years to feature an alive open world...
I like how every gaming youtuber i've seen so far complain about the Switch motion controls are fatasses...
When is the Horror genre finally going to get some original games?
Game gets high review scores
BotW Voice Acting due to a game mechanic
In uni
Have you ever met anyone IRL who browsed Sup Forums? How were they? Did they have a good taste in vidya?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Post games that would make you buy a Switch at launch or sometime later on
Honest question
Why are so many people triggered by feathered dinosaurs?
Horizon Zero Dawn sold out ! 1080p 60FPS
Buff when?
ITT: Best designed aspects of Skyrim
My PS All-Stars Sequel Dream Roster
Ask the 8 ball anything
Nintendos next handheld is more powerful than their most recent home console
(stares silently)
Cherry MX Blues, Greens, or Reds
How do you get over a vidya burnout? I used to absolutely love it...
What are some games that had loads of hype but ended up being completely underwhelming failures?
Dinosaur Games Thread
Lol betcha can't make a game in one year
Why are no games fun for me? Am I depressed?
Implying quake 2 is better than quake
So, have you preordered Yakuza 0 yet?
Wow, r/NintendoSwitch is less biased and has at least some self awareness compared to Sup Forums "NintendoGaf"
Sup Forums please redpill me on dual monitors for gaming
Playing Binding of Isaac
Who was wrong here
Best Story of 1999?
I love video games
Black boss
Game with sexy warrior beast women, slutty bunny girls, sex bots, thicc rock women
Game you like ends on a huge cliffhanger
What kind of fucking beast of a PC do i need to run this fucking game?
Why don't you own a PS4?
"Chill out brah its just a game"
Samus is the hottest bitch in video games
Name a real-time strategy game with a better single-player campaign than Age of Mythology
$50 for BOMBERMAN. A fun game but it is literally WiiWare material and shouldn't be that expensive...
Can we all agree on these Warhammer Total War Lord rankings?
There's nothing wrong with playing vidya in public
Poison approachs your gf and grabs her ass
Gravity Rush 2 and false advertising
Whats the best 2D Mario Game?
What are the chances of this being any good?
Friendly reminder to take the Ebony Dagger
What the hell happened?
Peach, Rosalina or Daisy?
Itt: announced games that would make the Switch a day-1 purchase
Cave story for the switch
Best Of Sup Forums
Us gaymurs, huh?
Is it possible to create a law to illegalize console exclusives?
Halo 6 might come EARLY 2018 for Scorpio's launch, in order to strengthen release
What happened to this?
Sup Sup Forums. I'm Gabe Newell, and I want to ask you something. There is massively underrated...
I just bought pic related for 200 USD
Is this the elf chick that Varian fucked?
What are some games with horrible endings?
Gold eliminations
Aonuma on Breath of the Wild's Timeline Placement
"And this is our sons room. He sure loves his video games!"
Just bought this. What am I in for Sup Forums?
What did ZUN mean by this?
start mmo as healer
Are you going to buy Skyrim again, user-kun?
Alright user, you've got $20 Million in your budget. You have to revive the horror genre with a new IP
So you're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?
When will gaming become socially acceptable?
Switch dark theme confirmed
Iji 1.7
Is he the most delusional fanboy in the history of gaming?
ITT: Games with good audio design and sound effects
Been wanting to play splatoon since release
Name a game or a franchise you will never try or even look at
This is Shizue-chan, say something nice
Xbox thread
Skeleton boss
So what went wrong with Persona 5? Why did it fail?
What were they thinking? Splatoon is a massive flop. Why are they pushing it?
What happened?
Is this the hardest boss in the Metal Gear Solid franchise?
Best Elder Scrolls?
Reviews are out and are actually good
Is SEGA singlehandedly saving the PS4?
Tonight on Sewer Gators
Is it worth a try?
This THING will be playable in the next dragon ball game, sadly
ITT: human garbage
Tfw 30
Have you ever fell in love with a male vidya character?
Vietnam level
You saved me right?
Ariana Grande now available to play in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius starting today
Do you have a professional gaming router, Sup Forums?
Did the 3DS save a dying genre?
Why is this game so fucking hard?
FFXIV 3.5 Thread
When did you realize that games don't NEED gameplay to be fun?
What's the best written game of all time?
Mfw Blizzard has to shit out events every 2 weeks now to keep their babies first fps trash game alive
Kat's new game comes out tomorrow! You did preorder, right, user?
Im at work about to download this game for emulator. First playthrough
First result in google, archive provided if you don't want to give them a click for whatever reason
How's your game coming along, user?
Why are Fire Emblem fans such sissy drama queens?
This is Angewomon and LadyDevimon
I wasted 4 years of my life on this,I don't regret it at all
Is Wind Waker the black sheep of the Zelda family? Why is it so different to all the others?
Name a better soundtrack that isn't also by Square Enix from the past 10 years
Here is your controller bro
Do i really own the games i bought on steam
Will videogames ever recover and become cool like anime? or is it destined to be the doubleloser turbonerd hobby?
Which side?
Playing RPG
Sup Forums now hates Lovecraft
What games give you a genuine sense of ADVENTURE?
You may only post masterpieces ITT
What does Sup Forums munch on while gaming?
Sold my PS4
ITT: Help a Dota addict break free of his addiction
Path of Exile
What's the point of this guy?
Dearest Sup Forumsother
Be a gaming 'journalist'
Because people are boycotting the censorship and Denuvo shit
Only rich people are allowed to live in the nice parts of town
Is Nintendo right to charge 5 bucks for a 34 year old game?
Meet the richest jew in vidya
Pick one
Hey, welcome to Gearbox!
What would you like to see in the inevitable Final Fantasy X-3?
Super Bomberman R $50
Which one of these two failures would you get?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on this?
You have ten seconds to say something nice about May
What JRPG has the best combat system?
The Thing has infects one being in the last game you played and is now hiding among you
The Division State of the Game goes live in 5 minutes boys. The Last Stand reveal and future changes
Cringe Thread
How come Ubisoft, EA and Codemasters have been giving away free games lately?
Why is it being localized so fast?
3ds will continue beside the Nintendo
I dont understand why people have so much bran loyalty to sony
Friendly reminder
Post legitimate vidya opinions you have that Sup Forums would probably accuse you of baiting for having
Playing The Witcher 3 without playing 1 and 2
I've started to notice a lot of attention given to phone games on Sup Forums and /vg/...
What DOES the "X" stand for, anyway? Xtreme? Xavier? Xylophone? Xenophobia?
So how and why exactly was there a big futuristic neon carnival themed city on an ancient floating island?
What do you think of me Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of Rance?
Nioh New Beta
Here is how you enable EAX audio effects on any PC
You know, there's a reason why the Switch is as expensive as $300
I am the President of the United States
Zelda BotW versions
Gameplay > characters > music > artstyle > story > gwafix
ITT: the exact moment a game turned into shit
Want to replay Undertale to do different playthroughs
PS4 console exclusive
ITT: Superhero games that are pretty damn good
I'm terrible at this ARG stuff but I want to give this a bump because I love me some Oddworld
Best girl
Daily Reminder that somebody got payed to write this line
Let's do this
Mmmmmmm.... milkman?
2017 looks good
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet, user?
Is this correct?
Crysis 1 has better graphics than Crysis 2 or 3
It's a Zarya keeps spamming that her ultimate is ready and you tell her your ultimate is ready but she never fucking...
Say something nice about World of Final Fantasy
How come some media like anime remains good or even improved while some others like videogames have turned to shit or...
Fire Emblem Heroes
He didn't preorder a Switch when he had the chance
Will we ever get a better pirate game than this?
This is all Nintendo had to do. Release a console that can actually compete with Sony and Microsoft...
HOLY SHIT! Isaac has ben released for IOS!
RD writting was utter garbage, gameplay was okay
1 2 Switch will have 20 games
What games are you looking forward to in 2017?
Trackball for FPS
How do i deal with online bullies?
If he was announced today Sup Forums would sperg out
Is this cultural appropriation?
Nintendo Switch 1st year is shapping extremely well in terms of Exclusive
What's your favorite video game that came out within the last 5 years?
Is it really THAT bad?
Whats so fuckin good about this
Last game you 100%
Anyone getting Woolly World for 3DS?
What the fuck Nintendo
Reggie: Switch Matchmaking and Lobbies Handled Through Phone App
Yooka Laylee Multiplayer Trailer
Fate Extella
There are literal "people" here who don't use Reshade/SweetFX in every game
For Honor Closed Beta trailer
Why isn't the Mega Man fandom plagued with original robot masters do not steal?
Have good times playing dark souls with friend
Region free
Is it actually possible to speedrun an FPS game?
You have 10 seconds to describe your idea for a game centered around your favourite fetish and/or paraphilia
Did video games fuck up all your friendships? When was the last time you had a friend?
What games does Jeff like?
DR2 > DR1 >>> DR3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DR4
Witcher 3 BTFO
Post best girl from their respective series. Best girls only
This is Mei. Mei is for __________
So I just finished The Witcher 3 and for some reason achieved the worst ending?! What the fuck. That shit was brutal...
At university
Reminder that no KOTOR 3 ever
I just started this, which temple am I supposed to go from The Gate of Guidance? Everything's been cryptic as fuck...
Primarily PC gamer here, I'm starting to like my PS4 Pro
What does the M stand for?
Final boss is defeated in a cutscene
How will BOTW shake up the Zelda hierarchy?
Should warcraft 3 be re-released as a new game with dlc units and skins or just as a complete game with expansions?
Vidya opinions that legitimately make you mad
Is anyone excited for Dragon Quest 8? It only comes out in a few days and I haven't seen any discussion on it...
I genuinely hope that this game will flop
Why are you so cynical and hard to please with videogames, user?
PC Version
Find a better 3D platformer than this game
Ah... you were at my side all along
What are some games with musical instrument themed levels or enemies?
I plan to install quest mods in Skyrim since I already finshed the game's vanilla quests. Is it worth it...
This is your co-op partner tonight
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
So far
How do we sue Japanese developers for making us into pedos
Are there any decent online competitive games?
Stop giving money to EA
This better come with a pass for 6 months of online
Why do all the germanfags use so many emotes in chat? Obnioxus bunch
Bad games are a disease
ITT: Moments in vidya that made you say "wow"
Looking back was it really THAT bad?
What went right?
Is it still the pinnacle of the genre, Sup Forums?
Zelda box
Yakuza and RE7 in few days, Nioh soon after. Literally can't decide what to play first, 2017 is gonna be /our/ year...
Pillars of Eternity 2
So, should I pre order this or not?
Long distance gf is super friendly but pretends you said nothing if you try to play your favourite video game with her
Is there a possibility that Mass Effect: Andromeda will be good...
What did he mean by this?
Say something nice to Saber!
IS: Hey nintendo, I know we kinda fucked up with Project Steam...
RIP Iwata
She may be past her prime but never forget she gave us the best controller Sup Forums
They dont give a fuck anymore to design new weapons so you just run with one for the whole xpac and mog it into...
Game starts with a quote from a philosopher
Tekken 7
Is he our guy?
Who do you main in TF2?
Can you unscrew magnemites screws? can you detach the magnets?
The PS VITA came in 2011
Bragging thread
Stay up all night playing vidya
Who pulled of the spooky otherworldly being better, Sup Forums?
We all know Peach looks best in 2D art
Hyped or disappointed?
"Some places are better left untouched, and some secrets are better left alone. "
Will it work this time?
Still no game based on the best show of 2016
Where's the webm thread at?
What are some cancelled games you were looking forward to?
Are you ready for Fighting Game of the year Sup Forums?
ITT: times Sony won
ITT: Redpills Sup Forums struggles to swallow
So we can all agree that the Nords are the master race of Tamriel right?
So how does it run for you guys? I'm getting some stuttering during gameplay...
Steam friend removes you
Japanese Roleplaying Franchises
Post a video that summarises a game in its birth
Why is it reusing so many assets from a Wii U game? They said it was a sequel
Why the fuck do these horrible faggots play on european servers ? They suck shit, they're bad...
Ever feel like you're getting old, user?
Game starts out fantastic
Why didn't this win GOTY?
Fire Emblem Warriors
Resident Evil 2
Ask friend to come and play videogames
ITT: Make a Holy Trinity of Shit from a franchise
13 years later and it still holds up visually
What are some games I can/should play with my 7-year-old niece?
If Ness is Sans, who is Papyrus?
Why are so many of the people who play this game such complete faggots?
NPC asks for a specific item
What's the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" of video games?
Who else sold their PS4 and Bloodborne for one of these babies? Yeah...
This is utterly disgusting
So, who else is a shoe-in for Smash V?
All hands. Battle stations!
Fire Emblem for the Nintendo Switch releases 2018
XxXDARKSEPHIROTH1991xXX has invaded
Year of the rooster
Are you getting Digimon world next order on the 30th?
What's the best Star Wars game and why is it The Force Unleashed 1?
Buyfag Thread
When and where should the next one be set? Would you want them to begin branching out into fictional settings...
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
Why do you want Nintendo to fail?
Do you like to smoke while you play games?
Why can't Nintendo top this?
What games feature monkey girls?
Sup Forums seems to be really shit people. I wanna see how cool the average gamer is. Show your worth, Sup Forums
Grief for the Nintendo Switch
Iwata said 2 years ago that Nintendo do not accept gacha
Where the fuck is the d-pad
Is Katawa Shoujo the best video game Sup Forums has ever made?
Talk ingame
Elder scrolls thread
I think you're all forgetting the absolute worst part of the Switch
Xenoblade 2
Hi Sup Forums. My name is Gabe Newell, and my good friend Randy Pitchford asked me to tell you one thing...
Saved the world
What's a counter to ACU rush?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...