Best game or basest game?

best game or basest game?

shit game


I mean, yes, it's a fairly shit game. Lots of potential spoiled by trash tier mechanics.

It was an unpolished mediocre garbage. Get over it.

I'm pooping right now.

Shit gameplay but holy fuck I love the story

Best. And I just beat it 2 months ago, so no nostalgia goggles necessary.


I played this like 2 hours and pretty sure I completed the first proper mission in sandniggeristan, then I never got back to it, Should I try to pick it back up?
>conversation wheel meme

No. it has better dialog options than mass effect though

yes it is a truly unique little game. very nice once you get over the weird action elements and a few bugs here and there

Is there a story difference if I play pure stealth (trying to avoid being seen completely) and knocking enemies out/hacking or whatever?
Because I tend to play stealth by knocking people out and exploring as much as possible.

Just a yes or no will suffice. I know there are differences if I kill/don't kill some characters

Unfinished game. Had tons of potential. Typical Obsidian product

it is pretty neat


>Sup Forums says your choices matter
>2 endings
>even mass effect had 3

theres more endings tho

Shit game, shit controls, shit ""RPG"" mechanics, shit characters, shit developers, shit publishers.

If i liked shit i'd give 11/10, but i don't.

It's unironically in my top 5.

No game compares to AP when it comes to just how much your choices matter. The characters and writing are also great, as expected of Obsidian.

Play it on easy and you'll have fun.

Whoa, hold it right there. Obsidian told me they have a tight schedule !

lol no, it's just joining halbech or going rogue.

It's the best implementation of the dialogue wheel ever, since you're explicitly told what the tone of each response is.

Mediocre game that you fags keep over rating.

best game of all time

>not caring about the other characters



ITT underage faggots whose first """""""RPG""""""" was Skyrim

le mad

I'm gonna do you a favor, and tell you that there's a point where you have to do some long range combat. Just get some pistol points before the endgame.

Best $2 I ever spent. I went Rookie and became a pistol man, doing what I pistol can.

The game actually starts out mechanically shit, which is weird. Like your characters lack of points in those weapon skills inhibits his ability to aim properly, no matter how good the player is.

It could just be that I got used to it, but I started the middle east level really disliking the clunky shooting, but by the end of the game my guy was Sam Fisher.

Is that the same as other people's experiences?

Sounds about right. I just wish there'd been a proper sniper rifle instead of me having to run around pistol-sniping.

I reckon it would have turned a lot of people off early when they are thrust into the first mission, with doors they can't pick, computers they can't hack, guns that feel awkward and the inability to really stealth.

It is all a character choice thing, your early points matter and rookies actually start out rookies instead of neck snappers, but if I played it today as a timepoor man I might have just said 'fuck it' and moved on.