How does Sup Forums feel about battlemages?

How does Sup Forums feel about battlemages?

Warmages are better

Battlemage as a "mage with a melee training" or "mage focused solely on combat magic"?

A mage who "focused solely on combat magic" is called a warlock.




i think you mean spellsword

azuresong mageblade is a paladin weapon

>lichdom battlemage
>advertised as "true mage experience unlike skyrim's differently coloured fireballs"
>you just spam differently coloured fireballs

The idea of a "Gish" or "Magus" is one ported over from classic /tg/ games (like a lot of fantasy stuff), but I find it doesn't translate very well into video games.

Traditionally, a gish or magus uses magic primarily to enhance themselves- run faster, hit harder, be bigger, invisible, teleport, but in lots of videogame rpgs there's this weird idea that magic that doesn't make a big colourful laser and deal some arbitrary elemental damage isn't real magic, so gishes get relegated to "sword guys who can also use less good lasers than the wizard" in most games I've seen.

What are some examples of RPGs where you can play an actually interesting battlemage/warmage/spellsword/swordmage/magus/gish?

still my favorite class in anything

A warlock is someone who obtains his magic through making pacts with otherworldly entities, such as demons, fey, or ancient horrors from beyond the stars.

I don't mind battlemages/spellswords/etc as long as they're unique and effective rather than half-assed melee+magic.

>has to be physically fit to fully benefit from the sword
>has to be mentally sharp to fully benefit from the magic
You know what they say about a jack of all trades.

a lot of rpgs allow you to add supplemental magic to primarily physical characters
hell, some arpgs like souls games too
don't remember a lot of teleportation spells though

wait so is corvo a "Gish" or "Magus"?

Literally poser Paladins

Actually yeah, I would say that that's a fair comparison.

>metal robe

Would The Witchers Signs fall under this?

>restricted to sanctioned magic
>encumbering armor
>lawful good

In pathfinder (essentially a version of DnD) the magus class even gets a spells that let them teleport short distances and attack in the same round, much like Corvo's Blink. Other options include spells like Magic Jar (possession), Haste/Slow (Time dilation), and a few others. Typically they also fair best as finesse combatants that specialize in smaller weapons like knives, shortswords, etc, and dexterity over strength, too.

>Paladins having to be lawful good
Paladins who are chaotic good are GOAT

>What are some examples of RPGs where you can play an actually interesting battlemage/warmage/spellsword/swordmage/magus/gish?
Most SaGa games are like that, you can do shit like buffing, creating special shields or protections with various effects like wind barriers or setting yourself on fire, create equipment through spells, summon familiars to take your place, invisibility, field and weather alteration, repairing equipment, body doubles and so on.

The magic systems change a lot depending on the titles, if you're a Fa/tg/uy you'll probably love Unlimited: Saga though, Minstrel Song also has quite a neat magic system and so does Frontier and some of the old Romancing games.

>The salt from OSR pally fags when they remember that paladins can be any alignment and even evil since 4E.
It gets better too. In 5e, a dexterity paladin in light armor with a rapier is straight up better than a comparable strength based one.

Souls magic is boring as shit. Most interesting spells are the weakest ones, by far.

Morrowind, all the D&D based RPGs, the new Shadowrun games.

I'll give you all of that except
>Lawful Good
they are not restricted to this, and even if they were there is a difference between Lawful Good and Lawful stupid. There are good cops and bad cops. And while I dont have it on me, /tg/ has a classic screencap of a Lawful Good Paladin using detect evil on everything, even a corrupt judge or something and delivering punishment. Effectively there are ways to play Lawful Good without being an overzealous dickwad.

>What are some examples of RPGs where you can play an actually interesting battlemage/warmage/spellsword/swordmage/magus/gish?
dragon age origins

LN or NG are the BEST paladin alignments unless you're going for a vanilla riff of a shonen hero.

That's WRONG

CG and say the ends justify the means

Then just torture whoever you need to kill the big baddy

Favorite class 9/10 times. I'm still waiting for the day games let me be an illusion swords men, it has been my hands down favorite thing since reading bleach as a kid.

>You have to be chaotic to use torture
>Torture is always useful
Retarded. Chaotic Good is the worst alignment.

>The ends justify the means
NG and LG can say the exact same thing. Alignment is not behavior, it is the desired outcome.

>desired outcome

Paladins literally only work because they are the personification of their god

As long as paladins accomplish that, they are golden which means alot of wiggle room for laws

Nigger if we are talking DnD sense Paladins must be lawful good expect for the black armor ones then they must be lawful evil.

That's been written off since 4e m8

It's shit. It's for fedoralords who want a "pshh nothing personell" hero who can do everything.
Basically "..and he's a half demon, but also quarter angel and...etc." the class


battle mages are shit tier. They're either jack of all trades and middling at best overall, or they're op characters straight out of fan fictgion