What videogames have the scariest monsters

What videogames have the scariest monsters

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fuck these little shits


The Loran Silverbeast from Bloodborne.

TFC's caltrops scared me because I have a fear of stepping on things.


How could this have possibly happened from a height that wouldn't have broken his(?) leg?

I should have listened

The fuck is that picture from.
Looks like an animatronic from an attraction or something.

>oh were you low on health
>here's an unskippable trap that spawns a ton of small, fast, high damage enemies


Not vidya but pic reminded me of this:
>This thing is sitting abandoned deep under the water in the middle of a lake
>For years after being abandoned, it would apparently still rise out of the water at random

inb4 dragon age Inquisition goblingirl


>6 of these fall from the ceiling and instantly attack all at once.
>you run to get distance and there's two outside
>you run to get distance from them and their opening attack follows you faster than you run
>stamina depleted



Is this an undertale reference?

Jesus christ, that acne

Abandoned amusement park with that thing in an area they did boat rides

Quick googling points to contradictions as to whether or not it was actually taken out of the lagoon but the part with it randomly rising is almost certainly bullshit because nobody knows where the damn thing is

That would have hurt like a bitch. I stepped on a sharp nail and wen out smoothly and felt a little nice, the smooth cold metal felt good man.

are people actually scared by this?

At least he didn't pull it out like a fucking idiot. I actually new a kid that shoved a pencil right through his hand. It apparently fucked with his bone structure or something and his hand wasn't too right after that.

Whale bro got tired of tourist throwing litter in his water and gave them a talking to.

I found this old ass thread that says that the whale slid off the tracks and got left in the lake.

These fuckers

fuck that, let's have a porn thread instead

I thought we were over this

what games trigger my irrational fear of trains?

He asked for scary enemies, not enemy placement.

A better question anons.

What game has the scariest WATER/UNDERWATER MONSTERS/ENEMIES?!?

These bullshit "name a spooky game!" Threads have been shitting up the place lately. Let's atleast try and make it fresh.

Read that and googled more and the only real testimony it's outside of the water is the one guy who gets reasoned against at the top of said thread

Here's some neat stuff from a local magazine though, I love abandoned theme park shit
>In what was once known as Clipper Cove, the belly of one of the ships remains in the water. In a particularly dry summer, the bones of the ship can be seen rising out of the water. Steel mechanisms are all over the former park site, rusted out from years of decay and moisture.
The white whale itself has been a source of mystery since the park closed. Several people have reported that the whale has been seen outside of the water, and others still have said that they have seen it in a trash heap. Long story short, they are plain wrong.
"There's no reason for us to believe that the whale is anywhere but in the water." McLaughlin said while conducting a recent walking tour on July 13. "There's been no picture evidence of the whale outside of the water, and plenty of people have gone over it in a boat and seen it in the water."
Unfortunately, the current owners of the lagoon where Moby Dick resides won't allow anyone to dive into the water to verify that the whale is indeed in its final resting place. But because of the extreme lack of evidence to the contrary, it is safe to say that Moby Dick still resides in the same waters where it once delighted Pleasure Island customers.

My greatest fucking fear. This is seriously my biggest fucking fear.

>Be 15
>Read a wikipedia article about deaths at Disneyland theme parks
>Wow that was interesting, crazy shit too.
>Same night one horrible vivid nightmare of drowning in a theme park water ride
>Holy shit that was terrible
>Next night, spend all night looking up theme park deaths, specifically ones in the water
>Have fucking horrifying nightmares of getting crushed and chased by underwater animatronic theme park rides

I'm 23 and I still have these nightmares. THE RIDE NEVER ENDS

How do you step on a pencil so hard it goes right through? Was it pointing up?

Nice detective work user. A gold star for you. Got any other cool abandoned theme parks to share?

I'm not going to lie as a kid I read books on the Lock Ness Monster and every since its creeped me the fuck out.
Especially those supposedly real pictures of the beast deep in the water.

Kill yourself furfag

But the Loch Ness monster isn't real, lad.

Pic related, and also the giant worm from Osiris: New Dawn.

>underwater animatronic
This (or any mechanical thing underwater) is one of my strangest but biggest fears.

It's just so unnerving to see huge moving structures under the water. Specially if you can get caught in their mechanism.

Stories like this one are terrifying for me, but interesting as well.

>that acne
>that gyno
honestly the pencil is the least of his problems

Modern Metroid games suck because of their horrible monster design. Super Metroid has some of the scariest looking alien monsters and bosses in vidya

Literally the only thing that comes close is a shitty clone of Samus in scripted events in Fusion

No shit doesn't change that it scares me.

>amusement parks being closed up terrify me
Why? They're just old places left to rot. I find them more interesting than anything they're like windows into the past.

Controllers in Stalker spook me. Especially the one that tries to warn you in one of Zaton's caves.




>they're like windows into the past
Which is why I said they're interesting, but they terrify me equally.
Also, it's only the underwater ones that scare the shit out of me. And not just abandoned ones. The Jaws ride in Universal Studios is a good example. Imagine fucking falling into the water straight where the shark animatronic is.

>yfw R* will never randomly patch sea monsters into GTA V without telling anybody

Nothing is scarier than real life monsters.

yer gonna get a lot of blowback from posting dead space in a scary thread

surprised there aren't more spook snobs in here

love dead space, I think the most unsettling thing was the twitcher

although the base necromorphs were fantastic

>charge you on sight
>bizarre guttural groan/yell as they spot you
>pop in and out of vents non stop

I loved it

>Imagine fucking falling into the water straight where the shark animatronic is.

>playing gta5 by myself
>gee, I wonder if you swim past the map boundaries what happens
>I bet it's just a gay invisible wall or something
>tell bros
>they don't believe me
>challenge them to do it while hanging out one night
>everybody loses it because they thought I was full of shit

I hate that rockstar is focusing only on multiplayer and don't give a fuck anymore

and fuck you if you enjoy it

Next you'll be saying dinosaurs aren't real.

Where is that from?

>the twitcher
Never played Dead Space but from the name I'm guessing it's not a pleasant enemy.

>It's just a rock

>Imagine fucking falling into the water straight where the shark animatronic is.

>grew up in Orlando
>went to Universal all the time
>8 years old
>on the Jaws ride
>something got messed up
>Jaws went to attack the boat
>usually it just brushes really close to the boat but does touch
>Jaws coming right at my seat
>doesn't stop
>hits the boat
>it's protruding snot hits me in the chest
>start crying
>parents laugh at me and take pictures of me crying


I hated this fucker in Dead Space 2. He wasn't difficult or anything, but the relentless factor was just too fuckin' spoopy.


I still can't believe the weeb protector is dead

I would never play the space chapter because of those fuckers

In general, fucking anything in Ark is horrific for the first 12 hours or so. They just released a giant squid too.

for real?
how did he die?

>that one area where you have the move the bunkbeds to get a disk
>essentially trap yourself
>pick up disk
>hunter drops in
>oh shit oh shit
>have to move bunkbeds again to free yourself

scared the shit out of me

is that the hunter from part 1?


Not sure the enemy name, but it's pretty late in the game.

that was great

>those airless rooms with the hunter in it
>everything is bright
>he's just silently stomping around scaring the shit out of you

Any of the big fuckers in Subnautica.


Kayaking accident, can't remember the article but you could probably find it if you googled enough.

They hired well over 100 artists just for that scene alone

His canoe flipped over and he wasn't wearing a lifejacket.

He still had his katana with him. RIP


I dont know why this makes me laugh so hard

Boating accident.

is this subnautica? when did they add in the big fuckers?

it's shocking to me that A team thought it would be cool to put these stupid enemies all over the entire game

Everything but the Sea Empress is in and working. They added the Sea Dragon a while ago, it's got all of its animations and behavior and fire-breathing. Scary as fuck going into the Inactive Lava Zone now and hearing the Sea Dragons bellowing.

They're also working on a fourth Leviathan for the Lost River biome, the Phantom Leviathan.

Loch Ness has been dredged. There's nothing there.


The first few times Deviljho shows up

fuck man, didn't he know how to swim? or did his clothes weigh him down

fuck that shit, i never fuck around with water

>The girl told officers that Jacintho was swimming back toward the kayak, then yelled “no” before disappearing under the surface, Brooks said.
Holy shit, what?


>traveling to an island to train a 16 year old girl in sword combat

This has gotta be bullshit dude, it's like this guy is straight out of a shonen anime.

Battlefield has the scariest enemy ever... MAN!

I think animal/monster-based animatronics underwater are much scarier than just regular machinery. If it has a face it's fucking terrifying to me.

The huge moving structures underwater is pretty fucking terrifying too though.

>Slashers attack with arms re purposed into scythes
>this motherfucker just sprouts some fucking tentacles

>people begin disappearing off a beach
>remains found ripped apart
>they think it's a shark
>it's actually a malfunctioning animatronic shark

>This (or any mechanical thing underwater) is one of my strangest but biggest fears.

Same, but kinda different, shipwrecks freak me the fuck out for some reason. They just look so eerie and otherworldly. I get shivers down my spine whenever the Titanic wreck pops up on tv or whatever.

umbrella was behind everything

That looks fucking horrifying

>Tfw the OP image is the only thing that has legitimately made me feel uneasy ITT

>remains found ripped apart
>it's actually a malfunctioning animatronic shark

What is an animatronic shark doing in a public beach

Did the people get stuck in the mechanisms?

I've been on that Jaws ride many times and I always make sure not to sit on the Jaws side.

Fun times in a MMO swimming in the ocean.

Is that a plesiosaur?

Fuck these things, so useless other than that effect pretty much.