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Video Games #3648
Video Games
Meet the latest victim of censorship!
Filename thread
ITT: Post a game's box art and others guess what game it is
ITT: Video game characters that are real humans
Can't even reach 300k views per video anymore
Morrigan or Yennefer?
You know this brings up a good point
Real talk, is 2017 going to be the end of PC gaming as we know it?
Chris Chan is actually dead
Have you got your Switch pre order in Sup Forums?
Is there any game that allows me to play as an autistic?
I'm fucking scared Sonybros. No, terrified even. With every bit of news that comes out Horizon Zero Dawn...
Post the most unique character from a fighting game
ITT: shit-tier DLC
You DO realize that these are not coming to Console at all, right?
RIP :(
Is this the Dark Souls of the 8-bit era?
Yo, nigga, you gonna buy that Fallout 4 game? It's pretty lit, bruh
Are there any games about forays in to the study of bioelectromagnetics That started near 200 years ago in 1780 by...
This is a Japanese goblin
Youtube Subscribers
What can you guys tell me about this game...
When was the last video game that
Now that each and every torrenting site is down - what's your go-to place for video games?
Have you bought velvet games yet?
How do we fix her?
Name 1(one) single BLACK(of african ethnicity) nintendo protagonist. I'll be here waiting
What is the most pretentious video game of all time?
Which do you prefer? Original SNES release, or DS remake?
I have a gut feeling that we can do this
SJW retards infesting our bideo games
Genuinely, and in all seriousness
Hey guys, just wondering, do any of you know any good drinking games for single player games? Asking for a friend
For Honor beta soon thread
Be me
How do we fix open world games?
Make a black guy
Release cheap little nes emulation machine
What's your main titan, Sup Forums?
Speccy thread
What do you think about the new Fire emblem?
Do the MMO Final Fantasies actually contain a significant enough story I shouldn't miss if I'm playing through all of...
This is supposed to be the Zelda who is strong and independent
Niohfags will defend this
Continuation of >>364829321
Post your autistic vidya theories
Ellis > Nick > Coach > Louis > Francis > Bill > Rochelle > Zoe
Why have western developers barely ever tried to make JRPG-style games?
What game do you secretly play that is for girls?
Lute died
Flash sale!
Attractive western female characters don't exi-
People getting angry at Vidya
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Ragnarok online
Will this be GOTY?
ITT: games with terrible playable rosters
Let's try and forget adult existentialism. Post any game from your childhood
New thread. jolly coop using RAGE
What went wrong?
What food do you eat while gaming?
Why is there no pc gaming scene in Japan...
FFXIV Pre Stormblood
Mech games
In a few hours it'll be my 21st birthday (Jan 22) but i'm really not feeling it
If Nintendo were to buy the rights to Sonic, would Sonic games finally be good again...
LBA3 announced
Why americans are that stupid?
Why are the bosses so easy? Literally the only challenging non-DLC boss is Glascoine
>switch has no games
90's and early 2000's JRPG
There is seriously no reason to play TF2 over this game
Genesis 4 - Day 2 cont
Kirby Thread
She's way too good for a shit game with a shit writer, she deserve better
ITT:We pretend it's been two hours since BOTW came out
You DO realize that this not coming to PC at all, right?
What do you think of the whole RNG lootbox thing that Overwatch, Halo 5 and I think Titanfall 2 are doing...
I don't usually play visual novels. Is it normal for them to abruptly end and have stories that go nowhere?
Game is known for having an extremely rich lore and backstory
Sup bitches
It's been a while since it came out...
How are these graphics allowed in [current year] dont want to start a zelda bashing at all...
Just played this game blind for the first time
ITT: Times Sup Forums was utterly BTFO
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has 5 Battle Modes
How do you think Nintendo felt about this?
How can anyone defend this?
3ds Hacking Thread
Zelda fans, it's time to leave
Weapon has a 20% chance to make the target take 10% increased magic damage for 2 seconds on hit
Admit it Sup Forums
ITT: Worst girl from their respective series/game
Video game music ruined by memes
3 main dungeons
Not Japanese? Well too bad
Hey Sup Forums
The Legend of Zelda: BotW 120 SHRINES 900 KOROK SEED PUZZLES 76 SIDEQUESTS confirmed!
About to play pic related for the first time, what should I expect?
GBA appreciation thread
How is the zone treating you today, stalker?
ITT: edge done right
What am I in for?
Wtf? why do I have to kills dogs in this game
How can we meme magic this back into popularity...
Why did they ruin his face more and more since 4? It was literally perfect in 4, sexy, cool...
Who did you vote for?
Add a HUD element
What games are you currently playing, Sup Forums?
Why is Nintendo so fucking stupid?
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Mass Effect 1
Is Altair the goat assassin...
Ice boss
What is your opinions about Wario Land series Sup Forums?
Post a screenshot of the game you're playing and describe what you are doing
Why is Sup Forums obsessed with bloody and dark games like dark souls and bloodborne?
What's your favorite weapon in TF2?
Be positive about upcoming game
What went wrong?
He still hasn't downloaded Cemu
1990-2000: Fallout 1-2, System Shock, Deus Ex, Diablo 2, Starcraft: Brood Wars, Half Life
You did buy your Queen's game, right?
The next AC game takes place in your country of origin, 200-500 years ago
Switch has FF7 remake confrmed
Can't fucking stand Richboy McNofeels or his shitty quips, or wandering around his poorly lit house and life anymore
What was the last game you enjoyed?
Why are GIRLS playing GUY GAMES MORE?
ITT: nigh unstoppable playable video game characters
How good are you at drawing video game characters
ITT: we lament dead franchises
What is the best video game trilogy of all time?
City level
I take it he was agreeable?
Meanwhile on ye olde Sup Forums
What games do you wish had a more active community or wasn't dead anymore?
Miss me yet?
120 shrines
Pieces of Heart in BotW
If given multiplayer support, would you play Halo 2 on the PC right now? Project Cartography
What came in the mail today Sup Forums?
How's your game coming along?
Is it actually the hidden masterpiece of the PS4?
This is a Swedish 18 year old fighter
Risk of rain
I've been in a coma since 2007, what did I miss in gaming?
Etrian Odyssey
Would Sup Forums play my game...
This is Kat
How do I git gud, Sup Forums
1% drop rate
Tfw you have to instapick widowmaker, not to play them...
What would you choose?
Which Souls game hub area was the comfiest?
Undodgeable jump attack that does 2/3 of your HP
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Does anyone on Sup Forums actually like Destiny?
Who cares about SJW drama or whatever fucking cancer incel pepes are talking about who just likes to play games...
The true cost of the Switch
Get out of mom's basement
Miis are never coming ba-
This is objectively their best album
Boss is introduced with a grandiose title
Is 2017 the year of PlayStation?
Would xbox suvives the next 5 years
Could I get a good gaming laptop for around $350?
ITT things developers say that you won't fall for anymore
Who is the best companion in an rpg?
Was there a worse game released in 2016?
Final Fantasy XV
I'm bored, what's a fun game that doesn't take hours to get into?
If Pro Ass Fishing was a real game, would you play it?
What went right?
Webm thread. Post webms
Don't mind me, I'm just posting best Bomberman
Thought you said the map was small?
When you realize this will be Mr and Mrs Smith RE Version
Older sister comes in to watch me play the game
Pillars of Eternity 2
Boss can heal itself
Is there such thing as "too much" in a video game?
Make Roguelite with very fun gameplay and great items
Exactly what is the point of Japanese games like this?
Vidya opinions that legitimately make you mad
The password to open the door to the ancient ruins is
What went wrong?
We can all agree this is best current gen game right?
Sonic confirmed in MK8 Deluxe
This is my Super Mario Sunshine disc. Every time I try to play it...
Why did this Zelda entry do better than any other one?
Monster Girl Gamu: Show your love with your wallet!
What are the games that you really tried to like but you just fucking can't for whatever reason?
Look I don't care about cute girls, or great music, or even fucking a wonderful story
Sup Forums says Ghost Recon Wildlands will suck
Why was Ape Escape so good?
Enemy scaling
Ace Combat
Grey or Neon?
What happened to him?
3 more days!!!!
If you don't feed your character food, you get the bad ending
Remember when pc use to get exclusives that actually justified owning powerful rigs?
What's it like occupying the moral low ground and being on the wrong side of history?
Will we get Endless Ocean 3 for the Switch?
"I can't say enough how gorgeous this game is"
Why $70 for a Pro Controller is worth it
Find a flaw
Probably one of the least enjoyable games I've played in a long time
So, Tier 20 is updated Black Temple gear. Is this lazy, nostalgia bait, or cool?
Name a more satisfying sound
Developers are never gonna bother to properly model pic related, will they? It makes sense though...
HeWillNotDivideUs Shia Labeouf subverted
PS4 Pro marketed as a 4k gaming machine
What games have the best dragons?
Nioh Thread
Sup Forums tells me that MP3 is shit
Seriously Sup Forums, STOP shilling this series so much
Can we discuss the best RPG ever made?
Plant Pokemon get in here
Now the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think?
Feels great being a graphics fag desu
Resident Evil
Genesis 4 - Day 2 HYPE THREAD
There are literal "people" here who don't use Reshade/SweetFX in every game
Man, reception for the Switch, hasn't been positive, in fact, it's been overwhelmingly negative...
Have to create an account or login to social media to download drivers
A hacked Wii U is the ultimate Nintendo machine
Daily ARMS Thread
Whom do you main Sup Forums
Why does fuck does EVERY fucking game need a final boss battle?
How badly do you want it to fail?
Perfect games don't exi-
How do i get good with this piece of shit?
Why Rockstar never had the balls to introduce a transgender character?
So far it doesn't look so bad. Aside from all the ports...
Starts at 6:17
My wife gets insecure because the avatar can marry in this game. I really wanna play it though
Name a single game with massive pre-release hype that actually lived up to the hype
I dont care about graphics
Why does Sup Forums want every new game to fail?
ITT: Games that take itself way too seriously
Why germans allow this?
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has confirmed that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the last...
How trustworthy is G2A?
What is the best original soundtrack in the last 5 years?
Why are people on Sup Forums so bitter?
Humble giveaway thread
So how's that game of yours coming along?
Why devs choose to make ugly characters?
ITT: """Villains""" who did nothing wrong
Daily reminder that BotW is literally a Bokoblin fighting simulator
The Elder Scrolls
I want to play JRPG now
I feel sorry for anyone who mained Urien or Laura last season
How old were you when you outgrew video games?
Ps3 emulator is now on patreon
Is it happening, lads?
Why do Aoe2 Cutscenes are one of the great things from the game and why Joan d'Arc campain is the best of them?
ITT: Controllers that give you nightmares
Post a game you will NEVER get tired of playing
Why are people excited for this again?
What action-focused games let me avoid most of the combat?
Disregarding all the shitty business practices around it. If this game had 75â„… less Batmobile it would've been godtier
Walk into gamestop
What video games to buy with this money?
You will never again make a visit to the local game shop to check out the hottest new Playstation games
Kenichiro Takaki yet again is saving the gaming industry with his innovative thinking
Name one good reason why you aren't playing Titanfall 2 RIGHT now
Switch to Japanese dub
Open World Cities
Diversity > Gameplay > Art Design > Graphics > Music > Story
Are we witnessing perfection?
Do consoles hold graphics back?
Never played Dragon Quest
ITT: games that will save the Switch
Most gamers are homophobic
What's you opinion on zAAz, the best female Counter Strike 1.6 player?
*Balamb Garden starts playing*
If Square fucks this up, are they finished as a company
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What if Monster Hunter for Switch is a multiplat?
This election, vote a real hero
Say it with me boys
Dark Souls 3 lore
So these two are pretty cheap in the flash sale at psn. Is it any good? Is ducktales cute? Is child of light boring?
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
Titanfall ran on the Xbox 360 but somehow can't run on the Nintendo switch?
What games come to mind when you see pic related?
XIV or WoW?
So when are we getting more news on this gem? It's long overdue, isn't it supposed to be out in a couple of months?
This game with shirts graphics and controls will be game of the year 2017
Realistically, what will be Zelda Breath of the Wild's metacritic score...
Sup Forums cult classics
Wat did she mean by this?
Was this game considered TECHNOLOGY when it came out?
Since I just want to use Switch as a portable console, can I buy the games for 35$/40$ instead of 60$?
Why was this mission so hard?
Switch literally sold out in 10 minutes all over Japan despite Nintendo making sure to stock a lot more than they did...
Nintendo actually expects you to pay $60 for charades
Dexfags BTFO
What is the almost mad you have got over a video game?
This is the "Playstation Master Race" bros
What are your hopes and expectations?
Opinions on the FGC?
Is there a game that's ever made you cry?
Expectations for Final Fantasy Event
Kat still controls like shit
Dragon Quest XI
Nintendo switch
This bland horseshit will be forgotten faster than Shadow of Mordor
FE Gaiden Remake
Concussions and politics will kill NFL
Seriously fuck this piece of shit...
Who is this guy?
How is a console that is underpowered NOW and can't run most third-party AAA games supposed to survive for at least 5...
What make RE4 so good?
You are now in charge of designing a traditional fighter version of Smash Bros...
Are Western game developers contractually obligated to make women look like ass?
When the FUCK is Nintendo going to give us more details on the Switch's virtual console?
Do you want Nintendo to stay as a console? Or would you rather the games start appearing on Steam?
Is 8k the end game?
Why is the Sup Forums archive so fucking shit?
Nintendo switch advertised as $299 in store
What game has done a complete 180 after release?
Mario 64
So did this new Hitman project work out all right? Did the episodic model work for the game...
Guys why is this game SO EASY?
What video games has the most metal soundtracks?
Post 2006 core
Why is this thing impossible to find?
Daily XIV shill thread, because what are you gonna do without one?
Nintendo Switch looks like it's going to be a lot of fun with it's ability to bring local multiplayer on the go
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Name 1(one) single BLACK(of african ethnicity) nintendo protagonist
What is it about Overwatch that angers the TF2 autists?
How are you holding up this month?
Would you buy a AAA Power Rangers game? What features would you want?
Souls Series
It's good to see Sup Forums finally getting red pilled on Nintendo
What am I in for?
What the fuck is USK's problem?
What is stopping Sony from releasing a digital-only portable PS4 in a few years as a successor to the Vita?
Why can dwarfs be shamans?
How do I remove this stupid category? I don't even owb VR
Serious new Ps4 problem identified
I'm not sure whether I like these kinds of loot-driven ARPGs or not. I tried Torchlight 2...
Gee, it sure is BORING around here!
This game costs 40 dollars on the Nintendo Switch
Who are some vidya girls that bring out your submissive side?
None of them play video games
Why do Eastern European people ruin every single multiplayer game?
Do you report people in video games?
>2007 was 10 years ago
Do you still play games with your old friends from the school days?
>PS4 has no games
Yakuza Zero 5/10
Hey, remember the Wii?
What the hell happened to gaming? These days its all about how much resolution you have or how smooth it can run...
Tfw at some point Egoraptor will come out as a tranny
Any other Soulsters not sold on Nioh??
The Great Debate
dad walks in
Are you going to buy this game? You want more Berserk games, right?
What does Sup Forums think of this game? I need to feel validated so I need your help
Dead or Alive
PC Master race here
Why do people on Sup Forums get angry about Nintendo so often...
Stop buying from Nvidia
What is the best load out for RE4?
Game is literally easy mode on all difficulties with power armor on
What makes a videogame character interesting?
Calm down man it's just a game
Looking back was it really THAT BAD?
Resident Evil 7 Reviews
Start playing video game
Remember how every Xbox One shipped with Kinect 2.0 and it was supposed to be an integral part of the system?
Video games will take another step towards becoming art with The Last of Us 2
Switch sold out in minutes in Japan
Solar Eclipses
What led to this stark divide
How would you remake this game?
Don't mind me I'm just the most useless unit in the game
So can Sachiko count on your vote this April to win the CG election?
I am pleased to announce that the author is both a faggot literally and theoretically
Screenshot thread
Legend of Zelda
Which one of these beauties do I play first, Sup Forums?
Buy game
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Switch my shit up
What are some good medieval games?
Fate Extella thread
ITT: post a game that you're cautiously optimistic about
I'm thinking of buying a next-gen console, I already have a fairly decent PC. Should I get an Xbox...
I'm now constantly reminded that Tracer's eating pussy on a daily basis and it annoys the hell out of me...
Sony is kill
Is it, dare I say it, going to be a flop?
Your boss walks over to your cubicle and spots you making this on your computer. How do you respond?
If your name tag has the word shadow in it, I automatically think of you like this
Mfw I realize that Sup Forums didn't like MGSV because it was too "westernized"
Is Mei thicc or are her clothes just bulky?
Awoooo, motherfuckers. AWOOO
PE1 any good?
We create a dlc for a jrpg mmo where crpg (or western rpg) fans invade
When will Nintendo not be a considered a joke by third party devs?
Le just make the game dark and gritty to detract from the awful graphics game
Western release of the EOV was canceled because of piracy
Thoughts on this?
I'm interested in trying out some god simulators. Is Black & White, or B&W2, any good...
This is bulborb
Which game lets me play as an alpha male?
Vidya reaction images
Anti-aliasing: On/Off
What did you play today, user?
Do you think he'll ever unfuck himself?
What kind of person plays as the Baby characters?
Tfw esports was actually just a fad
Which game has the best dragons?
What's the point of getting a ps4 if it only has one good game?
What does your mother think of your videogame habits, Sup Forums?
Watch people play this shit on twitch
I still dont understand why the switch have a touchscreen that you cant use when the system is docked...
Has a games writing ever been so bad it's affected your enjoyment of the gameplay?
How do we fix her?
TF2 is never going to recover isn't it? How long before it's player count reachers 10,000- 9000 players?
How do I git gud?
Is he our guy? Nintoddlers BTFO!
Post BOTW webm's to get (you)'s
E3 2017 Nintendo conference
Paid online
This is Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States of America
You are voting for best dragon right?
What was his fucking problem?
What is the worst map in TF2 and why is it 2fort?
Whats the best Xbox emulator
Will he ever end this series?
Who is the best?
In MGSPW, Paz is implied to carry a pistol with her when she's performing her sabotage...
What's objectively the best girl?
You have 5 seconds to explain why this game receives such a ridiculous amount of hatred
Mini map
How do i be remembered in the gaming world?
No dual audio for BotW, apparently
Remember that time that Ash and Pikachu fucking died?
Could have a major impact on the game industry and make whatever he wanted
Meanwhile on the Sup Forums Covenant corvette
Is there a racing game where I can drive a red hot 1984 Ferrari 288 GTO on a beautiful sunny day...
What are some games where there's little to no story and ignoring it doesn't detract from the experience?
Fate VR PS4 exclusive
What games let you get your dick sucked?
Is it worth it
Final boss is so hard you need to call a friend to help you
Armor thread
This game is super comfy
Any GameStop employees here? Isn't the return policy something generous like a 7 day full refund no questions asked...
Post 'em
I use the Wii for fitness
What are some games with good melee combat?
What are some good games about a president who baited racist trailer trash into voting for him by pretending to hate...
Which one has the best domination lines?
Games you want on the Switch
Filename Thread
What's their endgame?
Gee guys, I don't think Elsa is gonna make it
You bought our game, right anons?
What games allow me to be a hypocrite?
Mosaic Thread
So, what will you be getting, Nintenbros?
Game has a stealth section
How do you feel about Treehouse probably fucking up BotW localization? They already confirmed no dual audio support...
Tonight on Sewer Gators, another worthless fucking Resident Evil 7 thread
What games are you speedunning?
Anyone know a good and comfy twitch streamer?
Has Overwatch become the #1 worst community in all of video games?
Snake, did I ever tell you I fought in WW2 whilst 9 months pregnant? I served in a group of elite special operatives...
Which one is the better game Sup Forums?
You do use a mechanical keyboard, right? It makes you better at videogames
3k MMR semi-professional Dota 2 player here. In your opinion, who is the cutest Dota 2 female girl heroine?
Did Nintendo download a Mario ROM and sell it back to us?
Genesis 4 - SMASH MAJOR final thread
Favorite SNK character?
Vidya meet up thread
What is the best stat for combat?
Do you actually care about videogames? How many of these apply to you?
Setup Thread
Tfw a porn game has deep combat, multiple endings, and Undertale-tier meta fuckery
What are some good games that you can beat in one sitting?
Dear video game industry
How do you think he will use HD Rumble
One of the most played games on Steam, with multiplat capabilities
What are your thoughts on Half-Life 1 and its expansions?
What do you guys think of Genji's design?
What would be Sup Forums's ideal game?
Woomy thread
Why are Americans so self-absorbed?
Before I get started I just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that the Nintendo Switch is a MESS
Vidya/anime convention coming up
This is on sale for cheap on PSN, is there anything I should know before grabbing it...
Bro's I'm really scared
Pictures with amusing video game related names
Gaming Myths you used to believe
Game lets you main an avian character
So now that the dust has settled, is this game actually good?
Game lets you be a kawaii samurai
These violin attentionwhores are literally the worst
Bought a ps4
Microsoft does paid online
Are there some good PSX games worth going back to? I played pic related yesterday and beat the whole thing...
If you were rich would you still play video games?
Is there any games that let you beat the shit out of vegeta ass?
Nioh Beta Thread
Would you want to have children with your favorite video game girl? How many?
This shit is sold out everywhere, not 2DS, no 3DS, no 3DS XL, no new 3DS, and no new 3DS XL
Sup bitches
Why aren't you emulating Wii U games?
What did he mean by this?
"They are scratching your Company of Heroes thread Helmut."
Game is ugly
Which Link had the most difficult adventure?
Why are esports dead?
What did he mean by this?
Watching other people play videogames
Since GTA V was eventually brought to PC, so will this
Would Master Zangief dare betray the boundaries of the Master/Disciple relationship?
What is the most evil thing you ever did in a game?
Dragons Crown
Is this the most pretentious indie game in history?
Horizon:Zero Dawn (1080p 60fps) or Zelda:Breath of Wild(720p 20fps) ?
Who's the best Mortal Kombat character and why is it the Chinese Ninja Warrior?
What are the best Star Wars games on the market?
Deep Sea Thread motherfuckers
Infinite Warfare was the best selling game in 2016
Post your
How can Valve revive the playerbase?
Now that RE7 is out, it's safe to say that this remains the best RE. ;)
I didnt see a thread about it, and im too lazy to read a wiki
It's time. Post em and rate
Tfw PC is about to get paid online
Why get happy if the Switch fails?
I hope you didn't spare this murdering psychopath
What are some games that let me bork?
Holy fuck can someone tell me how to make a good Steel Roller Coaster? Shit is ridiculous...
People literally fall for these
What are some good games to play while on the shitter?
Holy shit, why this game isn't praised here?
Bloodborne or Dark Souls III?
Realistically speaking, how many units do you think the Switch will sell?
What the fuck is her problem
Nostalgia thread
Why are female video game players so unfunny?
Not bundled with Switch
Best Indie game 2016
Anyone else tired of all the pessimist shit here? I'm not saying we should lap everything up that comes our way...
Have you thanked sweden yet?
How does this game hold up to classic literature and films? Will it get my mind thinking?
So what went wrong with overwatch?
So this is Lucina
3rd gen was good
What do you think, Sup Forums?
Is this the best fuckin OST you've ever fuckin heard or what, fuckers?
Jojo reference?
Why is he so bad at video games?
Why do JRPGs always have more content than WRPGs
Let it Die Thread
You play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
Is this game overrated?
Is 6 the best Final Fantasy?
Name a better video game weapon
I'm currently a level 10 drifter. I've unlocked a few other classes, but they're still level 1 and I've never used them...
What was his end-game?
What is the average age on Sup Forums?
Holiday skins
What videogames have the scariest monsters
What kind of vidya does he play?
Let's face it user, you will be getting a Switch this year
So wait, there are different translations into English for Japanese games depending on if you're in the US or Europe?
What does it take for a vidya to impress you
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...