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>Jean-Claude Van Kong
someone needs to draw this

> (OP)
>>Jean-Claude Van Kong
>someone needs to draw this
Yeah lol @364842709, 364844048


Really makes you think, uh?



>Utan Island
>too conservative

how deep does this get?


Could've sworn these things had a line about Diddy Kong being Donkey Kong's nephew and Lanky Kong being "A twisted twig on a distant branch of the Kong family tree".

Those are from the dk64 manual.
This is from the official website.

That's the Berenstain Bears timeline, user.


thicc meme its the best can happened to mankind.

>tax official
>wears a beanie
Really makes you think

> Cranky, was extraordinarily successful in his younger years as a video game wrongdoer.

Wait so is Cranky Kong actually the original Donkey Kong from the old Arcade games? Does that mean the current Donkey Kong was the Kid Kong from the Game and Watch series?



I bet that supermodel career is working out nowadays though.

She also wants to be as hot as Candy.
Expect her to become a coconut creampies demon.

>Wait so is Cranky Kong actually the original Donkey Kong from the old Arcade games?

that's not even DEEP LORE. That's been the canon lore ever since DKC1 on the SNES. Hence why Cranky is sitting at the top of the DK arcade area in the intro.

heres some deep lore

Where is DK Jr? Why did rare have to use Diddy instead?

Diddy was supposed to be Jr, but nintendo didn't want Rare that redesign on him, so they made Diddy a new character.
Oddly enough, DK can be considered a redesigned adult DK Jr.

I feel like a got autism just reading that.

I'd shower her with them for sure.

Me too

>he had no desire to kidnap innocent girls as a notorious fiend just to have them rescued by another hero

Dixie in Smash when? Best Kong.

>Implying Diddy Kong isn't the best of the bunch

>As an notorious fiend

he wanted the toys or a toy or somehing didn't he?

Chunky sounds legitimately retarded.


good taste

>Lanky is some sort of uncle

That's Nintendo desperately trying to keep the arcade series relevant, and the sales and receptions show.

Why was this game so much better than its sequels?

Because it wasn't March of the Minis shit but instead a sequel to GB Donkey Kong

sequels aren't really sequels,more like a spinoff

Because it is a sequel to DK'94 instead of a mediocre Lemmings clone.



>on a reptile
who would do that

The same ones making primates fuckable


so you think jerking off to a cartoon monkey is any better? both is for literal retarded people

She is soo cute

Are you some kind of normie? Why are you on Sup Forums then?

>uses the word "normie"
>calls other people normies
Fuck off

>you have to be into every degenerate fetish if you wanna fit in on Sup Forums

fuck off, people like you are what made Sup Forums into the porn infested shithole it is today, sure it has always had a lot of porn but these days it's insane


perversion is the only glue holding Sup Forums together, though. It's our last bastion against the rest of the normalfags on the internet.

Does anyone have that Manky Kong copypasta?
I can't find it anywhere.

I'd rather see these monkeys than see Sup Forums shit it up again.

you're obviously the newfag if you think Sup Forums is a great army trying to "fight the normies"

>it's another "furries ruin a DK thread" episode

Thread was dying anyway since it wasn't console shitposting.

thread was dying anyways, besides, there was never a dk talk besides memes