Daily XIV shill thread, because what are you gonna do without one?
What job are you gonna yadda yadda whatevs. Mhach >>>>>> Dun Scaith. It's just fact.
Daily XIV shill thread, because what are you gonna do without one?
What job are you gonna yadda yadda whatevs. Mhach >>>>>> Dun Scaith. It's just fact.
>wait an eternity for a Sophia farm group because everyone is doing Zurvan now
>finally get one, everyone seems decent enough
>die to the very first daughter spawn because I basically slipped on my keyboard and got pushed over just barely
>alt + f4 in shame immediatly
>almost done with seph ex
>didn't realize i had the earthshaker marker
>wipe half of the party
I just disconnected at that point
Rate finished Anima weapons.
Worst NIN
Who cares about pld and brd cucks
>warshiiters crying on the OF cause their relic is small
Why are WAR players are THE most obnoxious dudes in the game?
This seems about right
I really like the DRK too though
DRK's Relic seems anti-edgy to me, especially with the orange glow. Not that that's a bad thing, of course.
>PLD best relic yet again
Real shame that class is boring AF. I'd play it just for Excalibur
Are you saying you wouldn't be disappointed when dorks get jesus in sword form and warriors get 2 shiny dildoes strapped on a stick?
I'm not autistic enough to cry about it on the OF of course, but I am slightly bottom befuddled that I have to glamour the hyperconductive ukonvasara instead.
who is this semen demon
Yeah I have DRK, and for an egdy class having a holy looking weapon kinda sucks, hard to make a good glimglam for it.
>every new anima has big flashy effects, dragons and shit
>nin is just two sticks that glow
>not parashu awoken
I'm sick of mhiggers.
I'm disgusted they were sloppy and left sam in the dats, dat miners RUIN EVERYTHING
I'll never understand why NIN even use any other daggers besides Yoshimitsu and the AF2 daggers for glamor.
That is not an axe, that shit is a blunt weapon
>"Nidhogg EX clear for my friend join only if you have kill"
>Don't have the kill but join anyways
>We clear it after few wipes
>Apologize for lying and thank them for the kill
Who /mischievous/ here?
It's really not that hard to pay attention famalam
Are you enjoying endless A1S farming?
i luv'd it
>someone has a topaz carby out
>about to say something in chat
>it starts using wind blade
That fucker got me alright.
I just do frontlines instead
>yfw glow changes to edgy red/black in the 275 step
I think WAR's anima would be better if the effect was a bit bigger, not the axe itself.
>implying there will be a 275 step
What's wrong with those? They look nice.
>A11S RF with JPs
>Suddenly lag out of nowhere
>Wipe wipe wipes
>I asked to be booted
>"Donmai!" "Donmai desu~~" "Ganbatte!"
I just don't deserve you guys.
>rehash fantasy xiv
>not rehashing 2.55 relic
>MNK relic
Was Thordan Bird droprate increased? I did 13 fights and saw it drop once.
I agree, I don't mind the size itself. I'm just annoyed that everyone has more glow on their weapon than mine, even the disappointment that are nin weapons are better than the warrior axe.
>"bird farm group"
>clear it once for Khloe and leave
I unironically really enjoy Zurvan's themes and my biggest complaint about them is that they're too damn short, I start getting really into the song and then it loops and throws me off, instrumental songs should be longer and do more with the instruments.
Yeah, in terms of actually looking like ninja daggers, those blow everything else out of the water. I use the Dead Hive Kris sometimes though because they're so fucking huge and glowy and not ninja it amuses me.
>not glamourint it into the seph fists
Yoshi already announced it for 3.55
>Adders get told where to go next
>instead they want to fight and feeds the other two
>majority ignores crystals
>don't even go to crystals on our side
>not even BIG CRYSTALS
>they don't even come to base, neither regroup
>don't even reach 1000 points
I'm a bit salty about it.
>finally beat Zurvan last night despite knowing I should have on day 1 when I got it below 10%
>joining farm parties
>somehow they are far worse and disband instantly if a soar even happens.
What the fuck.
>Not farming it casually with bird farm groups
Do you hate yourself?
>not glamouring into the garo fists
what datacenter?
> disband instantly if a soar even happens.
I don't understand this. Why don't people just suck it up and go through this mechanic instead of wasting so much time disbanding or restarting?
>>implying there will be a 275 step
>Literally 2.X with the addition of split raids
>Not going to have a 275 step
Beats me, it's not even hard. There are literally only TWO fucking patterns even.
People don't base it off north being the Boss, and acting accordingly, they just base it off minimap.
Also if any dps calls out East or West, instantly leave, they don't know what they are doing.
I'd also rather do it safely with 4 dps than 5 and see soar so that if demon wall tank buster thing happens, the ot can eat it and no one dies so we don't fuck up tethers in last phase. As that for sure is what makes the group die after one person dies from that and there is a missing person for tether.
Because it means your DPS are trash and don't deserve to clear the fight.
Does Water Cannon after Demon Claw even insta kill DPS?
I swear I took it as the first in the stack once as 25k DRG and survived. Maybe I just didn't notice OT though.
>the diadem blocking message for fc airships is in jap
this isn't the america I voted for you damn slanty eyed fucks
Thanks to the crosserver PF the community has gotten even more anti-social and autistic.
It's 30k damage or something isn't it? that's if you don't have shields/virus, who knows.
CS PF was a fucking mistake.
>looted a microtome and gobwhatever from A10 and A11S
There goes any desire I had to do Zurvan.
I might have bothered otherwise but there are 0 learning party finder listings at primetime on a Saturday the first week of a patch, so fuck it and this game's retarded community.
>got three runes by farming dun scaith because my fucking hat won't drop
>even made a guide macro so I don't have to explain the mechanics by hand every run
>but there are 0 learning party finder listings
U wot
What datacenter are you on?
Dumb alive server poster
It's a fucking blessing for dead servers
>started working on an anima weapon to keep myself busy until stormblood hits
the AST relic is way too good to pass up
>Clear party
>Greed party
>Clear party
>Newbie party (no healer slots)
>Phase 3 party
>Phase 2 party
>Clear party
Zurvan is the weakest of the Triad in terms of thematics imo. He is supposed to represent infinity. I don't see what fire and ice attacks, plus a big red scrap junkyard has to do with that. His battlefield should look like outer space or something. His voice is also shit, sounds like some edgy cartoon henchman, his voice should be deep and calm, like he knows more than you could ever understand.
I get the impression that the HW primals are all supposed to represent two elements.
Bismarck - Wind and Water
Ravana - Fire and Earth
Sephirot - Earth and Water
Sophia - Lightning and Wind
Zurvan - Fire and Ice
I play with JP voices, Zurvan has a deep calm voice.
Also I never understood what Sloppy meant until yesterday until I stumbled a funny deaths video
the easiest leve to get vilekin?
What's the fastest way to get wolf marks?
>people actually use party finder
>not just running savage through raid finder queues
>tfw really like the PLD sword and board
>would have to get PLD to 60 AND redo the first anima steps and then do this new light 2.0 shit
>plus if I did that my relic wouldn't be named Sindri
Life is suffering.
I actually think that for Infinity getting Fire and Ice as elements was one of the best combinations he could have gotten in terms of elements since it means he controls the infinite span of temperature, the only other combination of two I think would work would be Earth/Wind. I do agree with you that the background and especially the arena were really underwhelming, I felt they could have done a lot more with it.
As for his voice, I actually don't mind it since it reminds me of Ravana and he is supposed to be a similar type of warrior god.
What's the best way to grind GC Seals nowadays?
Should I just grind FATEs in N Thanalan?
Winning in PvP.
What a stupid fucking question, you fucking moron.
greed everything in ex roulette
Which fucking PVP though. Obviously winning is the best option, but winning what? Feast? Frontlines?
Frontlines or Feast, either one, its not like you'll be winning anyway.
where do I unlock Niddhog EX and HW final boss EX ?
Revenant's Toll.
yoshida at mor dhona
Chests are random.
Is 2043 on Zurvan dummy good for i253 MNK?
show your work. lvl54 in churning mists.
It's more common to see baddies now though.
Zuvan sounds so fucking stupid in the english version, it really threw me off the first time i heard it after having played the trial with JP voices
black mage was a fucking mistake
>Havent done more than 12k with a fire IV crit
I really cant wait till next week when I finally get a decent weapon for my BLM
The fuck? What's your ilvl?
Step it up.
>9% crit
What? A WAR bragging about MUH FELL CLEAVE crit without being asked about it? Say it isnt so!
250, but with the 240 lore weapon
man, DPS seem like a hard job.
how do I keep BLM and MNK dps up while dodging mechanic?
Why is Yda so perfect without her mask? She's beautiful in the Stomblood trailer.
>first week of 3.5
>Dun Scaith queue has been empty for 3 or 4 days and queue time is "More than 30m"
wtf m8s
Superior Mhigan genetics
>got her on my first run
Too bad there is not super minion for having all 3 semen demon from the raid.
the photo was about the 9% crit
with foes raging bv and aoe blaance my f4 crits are upwards of 25k
maybe they are waiting for a guide video
>Pose only obtainable through male character
And they wonder why people don't like Lala players or Lalafell in general.
what role and datacenter?
DPS queues on primal are about 5 minutes or less.
>have decent to great rolls everywhere
>never roll anything higher than 20 in 24 man raids
no one cared who she was until she put on the mask
highlanders are the best thats why