Make Roguelite with very fun gameplay and great items

>Make Roguelite with very fun gameplay and great items.
>Everything looks like shit, piss, menstruation, edge or memes.


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because some people enjoy crude humor
for the record there's a huge number of biblical references which i think are cool as fuck, and a lot of generic pop culture references
if the game used a more generic setting/theme i think many people would not enjoy it as much as they do

Have to brainwash people into worshipping the devil ofc.
>Oh look, God is an asshole, the satan is cool though, make pacts with him if you want to win

satan is a boss that you kill though

>because some people enjoy crude humor

And by "some people" you mean edgy 14 year olds such as yourself?

>for the record there's a huge number of biblical references which i think are cool as fuck


Then why the sheol ending shows Isaac becoming a demon, huh? You kill satan as a training to defeat god. Hell in the new one you have to beat the fucking lamb, aka Jesus.

2011 was 6 years ago

The entire game is a kid's dying dream while he comitts suicide, senpai

I got you senpai, maybe this will clear up the story for you.

Not an excuse. Itis a game to teach people to reject religion and follow the satanic.
While it is your own life and I don't give a shit what you do, I don't approve.

>Reading anything into the bullshit Edmund comes up with.

Just look at him. Really, take a while just to take it all in.

I dont know if youre memeing or just dumb as fuck

You all will be destroyed. Enjoy the time you got left.

BoI is in that perfect zone between cutesy and grotesque. It's very Zim-esque.

Reminder that the only plot in Binding of Isaac is that Isaac sudoku'd because his dad left him because mom wanted a girl and Isaac was more than happy to be a crossdressing fag for her.

What did he mean by this tattoo?

Go back to /vp/.

You too weirdo

The edge meme needs to die already.

I'm glad its on its way out, but its like you can't make a design choice thats not butterflies and rainbows mlp tier shit without some fag saying muh edgy!

Really limits discussion of darker themes.

i don't even know that that much is clear
there's really no cohesive story outside of the initial cutscene

>Not an excuse. Itis a game to teach people to reject religion and follow the satanic.
>While it is your own life and I don't give a shit what you do, I don't approve.
This has to bait. No one is this retarded right? The entire premise of the game is a kid convinces himself he is at fault for his parents separation and therefore is the devil so he kills himself.

I feel sad for you

Like he said, kid's dying dream.
Do you know why he's commiting suicide? Dumb shit thinks he's a demon and that his mom was told by god to kill him. It's not anti-religion so much as it is a mentally troubled child offing himself.

fuck off, biblical shit is cool af

Not him but those kind of things are popular outside our basement.

I dunno, this attitude of 'this thing is popular so I dislike it' seems edgier to me.

I don't mind the edgyness, specially because it's not trying to be gruesome and rather cartoony, it's hard to take it seriously and it feels more like dark humor, like Happy Tree Friends.

What I simply cannot deal with it's the literal shit everywhere, toilet humor is stupid and Edmund comes out as a manchild for the exsesive amount there is.

The road to destruction is wide and comfortable. The road to salvation is ugly and small.

Now that's really edgy

Yes and you also get to murder Mega Satan and you can choose to not kill the Lamb by not going that path.
I don't get where you got the "Devil is the good guy" crap when he is constantly trying to take your red hearts and angels give you shit for free.

>toilet humor
it's relevant to the story. there is shit everywhere because isaac shits in the chest as he is dying.

Except with the items that are holy, you can't win. However with satanic items you win easily.

>The road to salvation is ugly and small.
No user, you are not salvation.

It's still exesive, there's 2 fucking boses that are centered around shit, over 10 items, if not more, enemies, trinckets, etc.

It's funny for a while, but jesus is it does not get old pretty fast.

>It's funny for a while
it's not really funny at all, ever, it's mostly sad when you realize what it represents.

>Except with the items that are holy, you can't win
This, Sacred Heart is still one of my favorite items ever.

>Except with the items that are holy, you can't win.
Git gud.

Newgrounds humor. You're too young to understand.

>You can't win with Halo, Sacred Heart, THE FUCKING MITRE, etc
There are plenty of kickass holy items, what the fuck are you on about. I don't think you've even played the game.


The game is funny from how grotesque and unique it is.
However it gets annoying when you have to beat bosses for 2 hours because you never got a single power up item. That's when I dropped it.

what are holy mantle, sacred heart, godhead, the mind, the body, the soul, dead dove, the halo, the habit, the relic, the wafer, prayer card, holy light, purity, crown of light, censer, and circle of protection?

>very fun gameplay
l m a o

Oh, you're just really bad at a very easy video game and lashing out.

Except the religious person is the only good person in the game, and that's based mom

Did I said I died? no. But then what's the point of laying there evading attacks for 2 hours? Fuck you and your stupid hackmund.
>Oh look I have so much fun avoiding the same patterns for 2 hours, woohoo.

Speaking of Isaac,
>The Antibirth development team is working on a "Wrath of the Lamb" sized expansion to add onto Antibirth
>Are also wondering if it'd be possible to do something similar to the Black Mesa mod for Half Life 2 for said expansion
>But Tyrone has decided to completely ignore them for a while now and their hands are tied as a result

>Oh look I have so much fun avoiding the same patterns for 2 hours, woohoo.
If you had to do this, you must be bad.

This. My wife's son started playing this game and I found him burning his bible the next week.

You have genuine autism user.

Remember that everything that happens in game is a fever dream. Even Delerium represents Isaac's mind screaming at him to get the fuck out of the box, same with Hush. Mother wanting to sacrifice him is a part of that dream.

>You must be bad because you enevr got power ups in rng game
Nice b8 m8

Why are curses so shit? I don't understand the thought process behind them.
They don't up the challenge, at best they're a minor inconvenience. But the only way to circumvent them is through RNG with the black candle or some shard. Like, I could understand it if curses proc when you did something wrong. Then they would actually a punishment and by knowing/learning what triggers them, the player gets better at the game.
It's a stupid pointless design decision.

user you're a fucking idiot

Going in with 3-4 damage at best against enemies like Big Horn sucks dick, not to mention the bosses with armor. Stop being such a faglord.

Even without a single power up it doesn't take 2 hours to clear the game at base damage. I did it the other day in about 17 minutes.

Not the same user but most of the times I get soul hearts or divine hearts rather than an item.

So how exactly does Steakman expect anyone to defeat the second phase of Ultra Greed in Greedier Mode as The Lost?

>you're just really bad at a very easy video game
>bad at a game where the challenge revolves solely around RNG
Nah, you're just a cunt.

By not being shit? It wasn't that hard. I did it on a standard run without having any extra lives or invincibility.

Literally just move from corner to corner, ultra greedier is easier than normal ultra greed

I agree.
>Curse of the Lost renders map sight (that you usually bought from a shop) useless and just makes life more annoying
>Curse of the Unknown means you gotta keep track of your HP cause haha
>Curse of the Blind means you may accidentally pick up Soy Milk or Bob's Brain or Cursed Eye because not knowing what you're getting after wasting a key is fun!
>Curse of the Maze can waste a ton of time, occasionally get you into a room for free without spending bombs/keys, other times make you walk out of a Curse Room door and take damage or go into one and warp away meaning more damage if you want in
>Curse of the Labyrinth is by far the worst if you have a shitty run
>One less shop, secret, and super secret room
>One less devil/angel deal
>Long, shitty layouts

Post-Rebirth the game went to shit.

What is your excuse for watching Le Wacky Nonthreatening Man while being over 12?

>bad at a game where the challenge revolves solely around RNG
If you can't win without any items you probably are shit.

I'm so lonely.

How do I farm angel/devil/secret room items easily? I just need some items from those pools to fill up the collection page.

Afterbirth has good and bad, but overall is a net benefit just for more content and synergies. People hate on it too much.

AB+ is overpriced, kind of bad, and came out right after the amazing Antibirth so it's pretty easy to hate on it. Doesn't mean the game went to shit though.

>You kill satan as a training to defeat god.
i hope you realize how stupid that sounds

this. the game is so fucking easy. maybe user should play Pokemon instead, it's more on his level

There's no easy way, you just have to play. Play as Isaac so you can reroll the items you get for a better chance at the ones you need.

I was under the impression that you fought the antiChrist

I didnt realize running in circles around enemies, getting brokenly good or shit items at random, was considered fun.

Also, after the flash version, the music turned to utter trash.

Ok Hackmund.

His mental break on Afterbirth + #20 (Ultra Hard 1) was pure comedy.

I find fun in seeing people being bad at video games and fucking up. Is like a sitcom for me, but instead of normies shenanigans it is vidya games.

>I'm not bad at video games, it's RNG's fault
When exactly did this meme start anyway? I know it comes up a lot particularly in FTL discussions and (new) XCOM discussions, so it's at least as old as FTL, but I can't recall if it was ever used before that.

Le Wacky Nonthreatening Man is actually very good at Isaac. Observe his basic gameplay, that is shooting and dodging and you'll see.

Bob's Brain isn't that bad anyway, compared to Soy Milk or Cursed Eye at least.

>Get shit tier upgrades the whole gameplay
Ok hackmund drone.

Break the game with Isaac and hold on to the D6, if it is broken enough you can pretty much spawn and reroll items in the devil/angel rooms.

No, definitely not. It got much better with AB, AB+ is a mixed bag but hopefully they continue to improve things.

he's very mechanically skilled but he has very poor judgement and memory when it comes to items
this combination of things (and the commentary) are what make him so fun to watch

>It got much better with AB
Fuck you and your steak.

Isaac clearly does not have a very good understanding of Christianity

It's a neo Sup Forums scrub mantra.

It depends on the run, really. If you get Pyromaniac, then of course it's great. But in AB+, there are quite a few rooms where it could very much fuck you so you'd have to stop shooting until you can get a good angle to launch Brain off so it doesn't hurt you too, then go back to dealing damage.

>he has very poor judgement and memory when it comes to items

That's acting. Le Wacky situations that stem from his mistakes about items are what draws viewers in.

upgrades make the game easier. everybody else here can manage just fine with shit upgrades, maybe you just aren't very good

Afterbirth was really mediocre.
>All those fucking mediocre Trinkets in an already bloated pool
>Bob's Bladder doesn't even count towards the Bob Tranformation

Labyrinth is actually good though
4 items per floor instead of 2

He's objectively right, though.

t. Eternal God

It just combines two floors into one though. You're missing out on a potential devil deal, even two if you're unlucky.

He isn't. The majority of the items are copy pasted shit, how many items do you fucking need that up your hearts? Greed mode is literal garbage that removes an entire gameplay mechanic (i.e. exploration). Daily challenge is pointless. Fucking more useless coop babies no one ever uses.

>shit, piss, menstruation, edge or memes
That stuff is actually in the game though.

I didn't realize this was Nocturne in disguise. Thanks for opening my eyes!


You get free stuff in angel rooms though.


That is part of the appeal desu, you just gotta grow out of the phase "im not a teenager anymore muh edgy muh memes, i don't care about these because i'm a very serious adult person!"

>in the new one

I didn't realize we time traveled back to 2013.

Wowza, Rebirth sure is brand new.

Sure is hackmund apologizing in here.

>handpicking just the trinkets and ignoring all the other items
Even by the trinkets alone, many of those are decent to good. The only bad ones are worms, leash, locket, and brown cap. Bladder should count towards the transformation I agree.