So when are we getting more news on this gem? It's long overdue, isn't it supposed to be out in a couple of months?
So when are we getting more news on this gem? It's long overdue, isn't it supposed to be out in a couple of months?
It's probably been delayed like every other fucking game announced last year.
We'll probably get something soonish, but not much. Sega doesn't want another Generation scenario where they showed off too much to people before the game was even out (which I'm happy they're trying to avoid)
True, although with that said, it's already confirmed to have more stages than Generations so I doubt it runs that risk.
IIRC the Taxman is weary of spoiling too much of the rest of the game. Expect another trailer with a couple more zones and that's it.
Also is FP2 coming out this year as well?
>wanting to spoil the game
>thinking it would "spoil" anything
I'm fine with not seeing more new stages, I'd just like a bit more information on the game itself. Didn't Taxman imply that this game had an actual plot and reason for going back to these old stages? How many stages are we getting overall? Will it have Bonus Stages along with special stages, like S3K?
Questions like these are the important ones, and they don't give away the meat of the zones/bosses themselves
We have a good idea about most of these.
It has been implied to be a big game so most likely S2's length levels but shorter than S3K.
Special stage rings were sighted ala S3K.
There is a plot, yes. We can find about it on release though, it's not like we knew anything about S3's story before pressing the start button and seeing Knuckles steal the emeralds.
He said that the game would be longer than Generations
>it's not like we knew anything about S3's story before pressing the start button and seeing Knuckles steal the emeralds.
Technically the instruction manuals existed
It's coming out in "spring"
>shorter than S3K
I really hope not.
Considering they've got a dick-ton of content they can just straight-up recycle for the revisit stages (actually, even Mirage Saloon recycles content from a previous stage idea Taxman had to scrap) and the engine was finished in its entirety YEARS ago, this game really should have at LEAST 15 stages. 8 rehash stages and 7 brand new ones. I don't think that's out of order to ask for
Should be. Taxman helped work on it as well.
I know it was said somewhere that:
1. There would be more remixed levels than new levels.
2. Green Hill Zone is going to be the tamest of the remixes.
3. The remixed levels will be from Sonic 1, 2, CD, 3, & Knuckles.
It is. Have you seen the comparison shots between S1's GH and Mania's? The background has been redrawn and the layout of Ac1 is as big as 1+2. Second act will use new assets and that zone is even considered to be the tamest by far.
Sonic Mania is potential GOTY for me but don't raise your expectations that much. I hope we get different endings/final stages for each character though.
It's the only game I really want to buy this year the moment it comes out.
The "more old then new levels" was a thing that Iizuka said. I heard he was scolded for saying it.
They said that they aiming to have a complete beta by the middle of this year, full game might come out at the end of it. But hey at least they'll release a demo at the end of this month with all playable characters usable.
It's sharing that place with Ace Combat 7 and Shovel Knight 3rd campaign for me, tho I don't need to buy the latter.
>I really hope not.
3K was already pretty damn long for a 2D sonic game
>but shorter than S3K
Uh no? Every level we've seen so far has been massive.
>Special stage rings were sighted ala S3K.
He's wondering about the bonus stages that give extra rings, lives and shields.
Sonic was never good. The whole concept of "going too fast for your brain to process that info" should've died in the 90's.
>the layout of Ac1 is as big as 1+2
Considering who it's made by, I doubt that would have taken very long, especially since they have all of the map data, all of the level object scripts and everything else pretty much lying around already, since they were the ones to deconstruct the original ROMs in the first place and they already have everything that went into their Sonic 1 port.
>The background has been redrawn and the layout of Ac1 is as big as 1+2. Second act will use new assets and that zone is even considered to be the tamest by far.
I feel like you're overstating the amount of time it takes to create assets for a game like this, especially when considering that this is made by Taxman, Stealth and PagodaWest. Between them, these guys pretty much wrote the rulebook on Sonic hacking, level editors, asset creation (well, for Pagoda at least), clever recycling of content and streamlining of the creation process.
I very much believe that these people have the talent to be able to create both quality AND quantity for these games.
>It took 20 posts for the "Sonic was never good" poster to show up
Don't you get tired, little buddy?
>going too fast for your brain to process that info
So you're saying that your brain is slower at processing info than most peoples brains are at ages 6-12 (the average age most people played and completed these games)?
That's probably not something you want to admit.
>Every level we've seen so far has been massive
They've also been a lot more open than 3K's levels which means it will be shorter for the average gamer
It will most likely have less zones too
But that's ok because Sonic games don't need to be long(and they shouldn't be too long ideally for replays)
The problem with the Modern Sonic games was never their was that they sucked dick and you never wanted to play them again once you finished them
Stop enabling those shitposts already.
>Uh no? Every level we've seen so far has been massive.
Meant game length, not level length.
Go away
Memorizing the levels after failing 10 times isn't the same that beating them first try with your reaction speed.
It's time I guess.
Can you retards not imediatly jump to conclusions for once? First of all we still don't know what the ratio of old and new is going to be, since for all we know it could be 8 old levels and 7 new ones. Plus we don't know what more old levels impiles exactly, because if you recall, Taxman and Stealth wanted to include the Sonic 3 multiplayer levels as full 2 act stages for their proposed Sonic 3 Remaster, so they might be doing that for Mania.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that we don't know just how drastic the other classic levels will be remixed, since Green Hill's the most tame in the game. And I'm sure that the other ones are going to be quite different since Taxman said in an interview that there's a story reason why Sonic's going back to these old stages, and that they're being treated as real places that changed a lot over the year.
tl;dr stop going full retard before we get to see more than one act of two zones
>inb4 muh damage control muh shilling
>I feel like you're overstating the amount of time it takes to create assets for a game like this, especially when considering that this is made by Taxman, Stealth and PagodaWest. Between them, these guys pretty much wrote the rulebook on Sonic hacking, level editors, asset creation (well, for Pagoda at least), clever recycling of content and streamlining of the creation process.
>I very much believe that these people have the talent to be able to create both quality AND quantity for these games.
I do too, but I was arguing that they won't be recycling much content, just concepts (which will be remixed). Therefore, presuming that the game will be big because it will make references to past zones is not a safe bet.
Can you fucks not fall to bait for one fucking thread.
You cannot memorize Sonic Levels
They're too fucking big
That second paragraph was basically what I said.
Also I know that had source somewhere.
How much is it going to cost?
I'd put money down on it being a $40 game since it's a download on pretty much everything
You can memorize a specific path that you take to beat the level. I'm pretty sure that's what people mean when they're talking about memorizing a level.
Also this.
>I do too, but I was arguing that they won't be recycling much content, just concepts (which will be remixed)
Not just concepts - code. The Taxman engine is complete and has been since last decade. They've got all the code for all of the bosses, enemies, and stage gimmicks in Sonic 1, 2, CD and part of 3, since they worked on remakes for them all. So none of the stage gimmicks we see in GHZ Act 1 (Motobugs, Pirahnas, bridges, collapsing floors, etc) took them any longer than a half-hour to implement. Even the zipline we see in the single photo of GHZ Act 2 only required new sprites, since they can straight-up steal the zip-line code from their Angel Island prototype. The code for the bumpers in Studiopolis is lifted from elsewhere, nearly all of the enemies in Studiopolis are tweaks of existing enemies, and the platforms-on-wires are lifted from Scrap Brain Zone. The pinball bumper code in Mirage Saloon is taken from Casino Night. The list goes on. There IS a lot of new content as well, but people understate just how much of this is stuff they already had lying around.
The only limiting factor here is how quickly PagodaWest can pump out sprites for them. This is the main issue here, but even then, they've got years of experience with tweaking and creating sprites, and they're being paid to work on their dream project, which to my knowledge has still been in development for at least a year. I have faith.
>because if you recall, Taxman and Stealth wanted to include the Sonic 3 multiplayer levels as full 2 act stages for their proposed Sonic 3 Remaster
I'm almost certain they will include at least 1 Sonic 3 Multiplayer level as a full zone. After all, the reason they got denied from working on a S3K Remaster was legal reasons surrounding the music - but none of the 2P zone music was composed by MJ, Scirocco, Brad Buxer or co - it was all composed in-house if I remember correctly. Kills two birds with one stone really, they'd be stupid NOT to.
>Not just concepts - code.
That's a good point, but keep in mind that the stages, old remixes or otherwise, will most likely have new gimmicks that the engine won't be able to handle from the get-go and will have to be modified for.
I want Mania 2 to be a brand new game based entirely on Mega Drive.
>The new zones in Mania aren't based on some of the new zones we've seen in Mega Drive
Don't get me wrong, I love the shit out of Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon, but I do think Sega missed a trick there. Could've been a brilliant tie-in opportunity.
As for me, I'd love if Mania 2 still had a mix of old zone and new, only the old zones would be from the more obscure parts of Sonic history. Remixed versions of Chaotix, Game Gear and Saturn (Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R) stages in traditional Genesis style could be pretty damn cool.
Who did it best?
Who else other than my nigga
Knuckles is doing it the wrong way, that'll fuck him over big time
Definitely admire that they took the time to update the sprites rather than just reusing assets.
>Doing anything right
Presumably this means new information in three days time. If not, Hedgehog Day is a little over a week afterwards. We'll definitely get some new information on the game in the next two weeks, basically. This does fit the timeframe, as Tax said he wouldn't reveal anything new after Mirage Saloon until 2017 comes, and we're nearly a month in now.
Sounds good to me, hope they'll announce the release date since we're not far from Spring now.
Man, I hate that they've retconned Knuckles into being a moron. He wasn't like that at all in the classics or the Adventures - he wasn't dumb, just a little gullible from living a life with nearly zero social interaction before Eggman's arrival on Angel Island.
Have you guys seriously not seen the new trailer they released a few days ago?
haha good meme, brother
Thanks, buddy.
I wanna know when we'll hear more about sonic 2017
literally all I've seen aside from the initial trailer is one one second of footage during a games reel on the switch presentation
>I wanna know when we'll hear more about sonic 2017
Probably after Mania comes out, which probably means the usual time Sega starts showing off their holiday Sonic game on April or May.
>literally all I've seen aside from the initial trailer is one one second of footage during a games reel on the switch presentation
That was just the CG trailer again.
I'd guess they don't want to have to compete with themselves by giving Project 2017 and Mania loads of media coverage in the same timeframe. Project 2017 will see more coverage once Mania is out.
Presumably it's just Generations with an edgy plot and new levels anyway.
>never played sanic
how long are 2D sanic games? And how much replay value they have, when there are no cheevos.
This thing will probably cost 40€ right?
>Taxman and Stealth wanted to include the Sonic 3 multiplayer levels as full 2 act stages
If they make this happen with Chrome Gadget, I will buy that damn game twice, Day 1 for PC.
>This thing will probably cost 40€ right?
I wouldn't say that much. Considering it's digital-only thus far, I wouldn't place it as costing more than maybe 20 bucks.
>how long are 2D sanic games? And how much replay value they have, when there are no cheevos
Sonic games are built around replay-ability and getting better times. Your mileage may vary - someone who has played Sonic 3 & Knuckles multiple times can probably complete it in under an hour, whereas realistically, on your first playthrough it'll be much longer due to fuck ups and retries. Not to mention optional padding based on whether you wanna collect the emeralds or not. Also, each character generally has their own skills and exclusive routes, adding to replay value.
Taxman Sonic releases have the added bonus of online leaderboards and the like for time trials, so that definitely adds a lot in the way of replay value too. I'd say 2D Sonic is worth the money, but some nu-Sup Forums kiddies can't stand the idea of having to replay something to get good at it so it really depends on your mindset.
>If they make this happen with Chrome Gadget, I will buy that damn game twice, Day 1 for PC
I personally consider it highly likely that they will include either Chrome Gadget or Endless Mine in Mania. As said, using the Sonic 3 2P levels is a good way to work around the legal loopholes concerning the music in the main levels of Sonic 3 (not Knuckles), but Azure Lake, Balloon Park and Desert Palace already kind of overlap trope-wise with Green Hill, Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon respectively.
>not multi-dipping regardless
Don't we all?
>he can beat the entirety of S3&K in under an hour
Either you're bullshitting me or you're beyond goddamn fast. It never takes me more than a couple hours but beating every stage in the game in under 1 hour sounds almost impossible.
Provided that the game costs less than, say, 40 bucks (which it almost definitely will, what with it being a digital-only release and Sonic games being notoriously short), I'm buying this on every device I have that will run it. We need to send a message to Sega that THIS is what we loved about original Sonic, and that Taxman and co. should be given contracts to work on sequels to Mania.
well I don´t care about replaying levels if there is meaning behind. I don´t care much about Highscore, but about cheevos (when the switch will have some), hidden items or rankings. E.g. like in bayonetta, where you need to do each chapter under 3 hours to get item y, and S rankings in levels.
But I don´t this will be like that? man I just hope Nintendo finally will put some real cheevos in the switch.
Yeah, it's probably more like an hour and a half. I'm hella autistic and copied a lot of tricks from speedrunners. Current world record sits at about half an hour I believe? Or less if it's a Knuckles run.
>he needs achievements to want to replay a fucking platformer that's based entirely around the idea of getting from Point A to Point B as fast as possible
What the fuck is this cancer meme?
I've started just assuming a game won't meet its release date to stave off the pain.
>tfw I've already accepted Super Mario Odyssey isn't coming out 2017
>The problem with the Modern Sonic games was never their was that they sucked dick and you never wanted to play them again once you finished them
Maybe for colors
I replayed the shit out of Unleashed and Generations for dem times
Not everything's a meme, loser.
I'm a poorfag user. I'm not even if I'll be able to afford rent this month, let alone the rest of the bills that are on my ass as of this time.
I dunno, I completely trust the Mania team to deliver on time. What I don't trust is Sega's ability to not fuck up a golden opportunity. Somehow this game will come out in September despite being polished and ready to go by April
Cheevos definitely is
>not everything's a meme
Debatable depending on your definition of meme
yeah, i guess cheevos is just a bitch ass word said by fags like you
This guy did it:
Very impressive btw, he made marble garden seems fun.
>he made marble garden seems fun.
That's pretty impressive.