What is the most pretentious video game of all time?
What is the most pretentious video game of all time?
Other urls found in this thread:
no man's sky
the witness
anything made by hideo kojima.
>having to explain to neo-Sup Forums why the father of pretentious indie platformers is pretentious
no man's sky is just garbage. i agree with the rest tho.
The Last of us. If that wasn't bad enough, the game is trash.
It kickstarted the indie video game scene and started the whole "video games are art" "such a deep story" etc.
surely it wouldn't be difficult to explain then.
Gone Home. It's more obvious, but there's truly no contest
So you don't know why?
Thomas was alone was pretty pretentious, but I liked it a lot.
Undertale. The game isn't nearly as pretentious as the fanbase though. I wish I could hate them to death.
I don't remember any names, but there are plenty of shitty freemium and/or indie shit that's trying so hard to be "artistic" (at the expense of gameplay - of course) you can practically hear its little 1's and 0's disappointing their parents.
I think ultimately Proteus was the worst offend, if only because it was the first one I had the mispleasure of "playing".
It's not pretentious if it actually delivers on its premise.
Yeah, the game isn't really pretentious at all
Dark Souls
If you ignore all the garbage about nuclear weapons and take the story at face value, it's a lot less pretentious.
I actually liked Proteus, it was C-C-COMFY
I wouldn't pay money for it though
New Vegas, I bet the writers thought they were "deep" and "edgy" and jerking off to their bullshit armchair philosophy simulator, also it's a horrible game in general.
Proteus is not pretentious, fuck you.
It's simply a chill exploration game and doesn't pretend to be anything deeper.
its a metaphor for the atomic bomb
That one about the "game" where you have to guide some old lady to a seat in a cementery and just wait for her to die
I agree buddy
You're alright, I'll let you off with a warning instead of a fine for the buzzwords
Metal Gear (any of them)
I thought it was kind of cool, considering it was like a buck on kikestarter
It had a great middle ground of 2-3d
Eh, maybe if it took itself more seriously
>t. mgs3 fag
MGS2 might have been then but now it's more relevant than ever
Go fuck yourself you worthless rancid pile of shit, no one will miss you if you hang yourself with barbed wire right now, fucking abomination trash degenerate. How's it feel to be the worst human being on the planet, the best example of what you're not meant to become? It's the only fucking thing you'll ever be the best at by the way you horrid troglodyte pile of dogshit filth kill yourself.
Whoah, buddy, calm down there, don't make me start thinking I was wrong about you
Dear Esther, easily. It's one of earliest influential 2 deep 4 u walking simulator and spawned one of the worst genres to plague the industry
Every indie game.
Oh fuck, I forgot that turd even existed
Mass effect 3
>can't actually explain
>if you ignore all the garbage that makes it pretentious it's less pretentious
The Gran Turismo series is certainly up there. The length of time Polyphony Digital works on each game speaks volumes about the kind of product they think they're making. Unfortunately while I loved the series, the later entries have just gotten unbearably dull and dry, and it's difficult to understand where the fuck they spend their hours, because it's certainly not making games noticeably superior to that of rival franchises who put out equivalent games every year. GT5 was where I stopped, and that game was downright flawed in many ways.
Sports games releasing every year for full price
Any post that isn't Gone Home or depression quest is wrong
Dear Esther
Dominique Pamplemousse
The Graveyard
What was that game that didn't sell made by the guy asking for a Rocky quote to be rephrased into a Dostoevski quote?
Because it's that one.
Proteus is a walking simulator done right, instead of just being a "press W to read the next pretentious piece of prose" game, the main attraction is the environment itself. Just you and the world.
There's some fun stuff to discover but if it had more content I think it would be top-tier.
The game is good and all, but it isn't nearly as deep as it pretends it is.
Sunset, iirc
Tales of Tales are a bunch of cunts
Not a terribly funny response, but technically correct.
Only the most pretentious of subjects could have gotten all those STUNNING AND BRAVE shit out of the journos.
It wasnt a terrible game, it is far and away the most pretentious though.
A close runner up would be Dear Esther, but that didnt get nearly the attention and at least it acutally looked nice.
>Dominique Pamplemousse
This one 100%. Stop motion point and click adventure game about gender voice acted by one chick who thinks she can sing
what a load of crap
If you say Metal Gear then you are retarded.
I want you to explain to me why you think Undertale is pretentious, because I'm pretty sure you have no idea what pretentious means.
Life is Strange
And now a dead studio.
> story about how you have been a pawn
> its cool, just b ur self t snek
Youre saying a game where a demon accosts you about hot chicks and the mascot is a snowman is more pretentious than Gone Homo?
I'm glad of that.
Metal Gear!?
bioshock infinite
the witness
favored by pedants and leftist shits everywhere
What's pretentious about Gone Home?
damn Todd calm your shit
The Witness
Stanley Parable
Edmund McMillen's Edgy Steak Simulator
>game about how killing is badong with the second edgiest evil route in history
>not pretentious
That said I dont see how it's even remotely as pretwntious as Gone Home or Dear Esther or Braid etc
>The Graveyard is a computer art game developed by Belgian developer Tale of Tales in which the player assumes the role of an elderly woman walking through a graveyard to a bench
> The difference between the free trial and the full game is that in the full game, every time it is played there is a small chance the elderly woman dies of natural causes.
It takes a lesbian love story that would be considered trite in other form of media and repackages is as a video game to sell it to progressive gaming sites
The fact that it parades itself as deep or interesting demonstrates how far video games have to go to be considered art by the mainstream crowd
It pretends to be a videogame when in reality it's a poorly written and very dull and mundane story about nothing with just enough vagueness for retards to not notice how shit it is.
The game pretends to be a deep and meaningful experience but it has almost no effort put into it and the story is just "ur sister gay lel"
Also there's so little thought put into the story that it inadvertently ends up promoting child molestation
First post forever best post
it doesn't. the writing is on par with a 10 year old's understanding of politics. even mgs2's translator called him a hack that wouldn't last in a writing room for TV.
ironically, his comment is almost nothing but pretentiousness itself
It was "a art" that masqueraded as a game, and pandered about as hard as humanly possible with the oh so progressive ur sister is a homosex as its only real "twist" or story device.
The fact that game journalists couldnt stop fellating it didnt help
super mario galaxy
haven't finished it yet, but I've heard great things about Xenogears. I hope it goes way up its own ass later.
Dark souls franchise
If people are beating it with a Guitar Hero controller then it's not that hard of a game.
it doesn't even have a plot.
>inb4 muh lore
how is that game pretentious though? I don't hear many people talking about it or even gloating that they're good.
Well o if he said it, it must be true
What was the name of that one indie game where the dev took advantage of his dying kid or something, something cancer
this meme sucks
fez isn't pretentious though
Gone Home isn't really a game for the first it's more like interactive fiction. The game tells its everyday style story rather well, and if it was a hidden objects game no one would have given a shit.
It got press coverage that implied that it was some deep masterpiece, but the game itself during "gameplay" doesn't pretend that it's more than it is.
Well that changes everything
The last of us.
Mediocre in terms of story and gameplay, yet so many claimed it earned the title of the "Citizen Kane" of gaming.
This shit right here.
I hate Braid for spawning a whole generation of this shit right here.
That dragon cancer
she's also an actual writer.
Yeah, I know. Such a well renowned one to.
Yeah that one, i wonder if that game is pretentious
well considering tv writing is mostly filler, redundancy and le ebin plot twist
At least it was a solid puzzle game
>if this one writers says he sucks at writing, it must be true
Roger Ebert hated For a Few Dollars More and Die Hard, Orson Welles called Woody Allen a hack etc etc
This, only game I had to use noclip to finish