None of them play video games

None of them play video games

How do you know

Zuckerberg probably does tho

Bill here

I really enjoy demons souls.

Buy an XBox One today!

Tai Lopez please. Nobody gives a shit.

>tfw you've got a great paying job so you can fuel your vidya addiction

Their lives arent as miserable as ours

Mark Zuckerberg posts his love of Civilization and VR on Facebook all the time.

>Carlos down 25 mil

Times are tuff

Is Zara even that big?

he played civ 6

It's a pretty solid assumption considering most of them are very likely busy as fuck and get little time for hobbies. Aside from that, they're all fairly old except for Zucc. The last time most of them played video games might have been Pac-Man or Pong at a bar in the 70's. Bill was a geek in college, he was probably playing up through the 80's.

killing any one of these monsters would be doing the universe a favor

they contribute more to society than you do

Why aren't there any girls?

violent peasant

I'm pretty sure Bill played Doom back in the day

>they hurt society more than you do

Zark Fuckerberg does.

Not even the top ten you cheeky fuck

Bill Gates was into FPS games in the '90s and '00s.

>muh evil billionaires


>no Rothschild
>no Rockefeller
>no Soros

really makes you think

Your point?

>muh contribution

Does Soros play bideo games?

Why is Trump not there? I though he was rich.

What do you mean, user? Are you possibly implying that the top 10 richest people of 1st generation bourgeoisie are not actually the top 10 richest?

So are you saying that I should put gaming on hold and stop being a neet and get a job?

he plays Sims and Civilisation

Because they are old.
Zuckerberg does play videogames though.

richest in memes. magical mememan
