Guys why is this game SO EASY?
I literally ran through three worlds without dying once, and I'm bored as fuck since the levels are so easy
Thank God I didn't pay for it thanks to CEMU
Guys why is this game SO EASY?
I literally ran through three worlds without dying once, and I'm bored as fuck since the levels are so easy
Thank God I didn't pay for it thanks to CEMU
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Have you done Champion's Road yet? No shit the first few worlds are easy.
Is CEMU still having crazy stutters?
some of the later worlds get kinda challenging
or maybe I'm just really bad
Mario hasn't been difficult since Lost Levels, m8.
None of the Mario games are challenging, except maybe Lost Levels.
The Last level in Super Mario 3D Land is pretty hard though if you don't use any powerups.
>Is CEMU still having crazy stutters?
It depends on hardware
I am running this bad boy at 4k 60fps no drops
Those crazy stutters are shaders being cached
With 1.7 you can now import cached shaders from other people and play stutter free without caching them yourself
The only level that will actually make you use all your senses is champions road, which is locked behind a bunch of shit you have to collect. And naturally, dozens up dozens of shovelware iphone tier levels that you can play while drugged out of your mind. Its one of the shittiest games ever made.
Throwing rocks in lakes is fun with friends too, faggot.
>False flagging this hard
Damn, Sony is mad
Not an argument
Confirmed for not having any.
At least the levels are longer than in some shitty platformers people say are hard.
poorfag detected
I agree with you, OP. The difficulty curve in 3D Land and 3D World always felt off. The challenge comes in getting the collectables I suppose.
moving the games over to an SSD helped for me, only slight stuttering now
No you aren't.
Just download the caches faggot
Yes I am
I7 3770
Gtx 970
4k screen
4k texture pack
60 FPS
Stay mad
Hey, also played it using Cemu recently. Best Mario game I've beaten in years, way more fun than Galaxy imo. Surprised at how good the emulator already is.
As for the difficulty, it's easy indeed, but it had its challenging moments, at least to me. Completed the game with about 40 lives remaining, but that's cause the game is insanely generous with how many lives it distributes around.
The one thing I hated about the difficulty was how they gave you an invincibility item after dying multiple times on the same stage. What's even the point of playing when there's that shit around? It sucked that I had to willingly ignore it.
Cat suit is broken as fuck
>Inb4 nintendo internet defence force says "just don't use it"
That's weird. I have a 4690k which is a bit better than your processor, and an R9 290 which is about equivalent to the 970, a bit worse. Can't hold 1080p 60 fps, the stutters come up all the time and are hella annoying. Still highly playable but it's the sorta shit that can get really irritating. Maybe Cemu doesn't work well with AMD.
Is there a repostery for 100% cached shaders?
>only challenge is literally the last level
fuck you
I don't even have an account just go there and download
this. the game is so painfully easy its literally not fun. it seems like game developers dont realize just how important a proper difficulty curb is when it comes to game design. if all you have to do is press a once to jump over 1 enemy and walk to a flag pole for LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE LEVEL... ie shit so easy a 4 year old could beat it... your game is going to fucking suck and not have the same lasting appeal or replayability as the older marios which made everyone fans of the series in the first place.
what the fuck is good game design?
I don't see a problem with that, and you can just ignore it.