Fate Extella thread

Get in here Riderbros

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I hope Shirou's going to take responsibility!



post the source you cunt, reverse image search only ends up on desuarchive

Just finished getting through the story, and as expected the Nerowank was largely an exaggeration. It's nowhere near the level of Rome in FGO and it doesn't make sense why people kept parroting that it was much worse.

People around here seem to enjoy shitposting on games which many people aren't going to end up playing. There are less people to refute their obvious false statements, and so they think they get some popularity for being "informed" on a variety of topics.

Also, that Rider thighgap.

Found the source, no thanks to that other useless git.

Google >shirou kun harem< and >shirou kun harem servant


Altera is a miracle of the universe. Really wish that Nasu hadn't come up with some bullshit to keep Body Hakuno dead.

Would it kill you to search for Rider English on sadpanda? How can you call yourself a Rider lover if you can't even do that?


Well would you look at that!

>Servants that have previously hated Nero have to work for her and talk the smallest amount of shit possible
Wasted opportunity. They even could've just used the Sad Vlad design since that was confined to the Extra universe already and hell Tamamo even mentions him by name and acts like he's still around. Maybe in Extella 2.

i couldnt find the one in op but i found something better

Makes me remember how fucked up is Shirou house in Hollow


oops, forgot to post

S.S.L boys

>Saber with tits

>Titan Altera dressing up as a nurse
>doubles as a pic related reference
Nasu should exclusively write giant girls from now on


>he can't recognize an artist purely from their artstyle

You don't read enough hentai

Altera is so sweet in a terrifying way. So timid but also assertive.

What is this game like? Is it worth getting as a game? Or is it purely for fanboys/autistic anime lovers?

It's a fairly competent musou, obviously didn't have a lot of money put into it but I'm having a good time with it. It does a good job of keeping you under pressure when enemies will be constantly trying to take back its territory.

Ok, so how the fuck can this guy walk off absolutely everything
>gets vaporized completely by C Liz's NP, narration goes to great lengths to point this out
>shows up during the Sephyr fight like nothing happened
>gets his shit pushed in by Nero to the point where he's starting to disintegrate
>holds on long enough to retreat to Velber II core
>has his ultimate defense penetrated by Venus, Velber II gets completely blown up
>shows up completely fine in the cliffhanger scene
>All this and he's a Caster

Kirei should've become a mathematician instead of a priest.

>Nero says she needs to practice moderation and self control so she doesn't have sex with you and says she wants to wait until it's all over
>Never happens

Can someone explain her ending anyways? Does it get answered in Tamamo/Altera's route?Was that actually mind Hakuno at the end or something else?

No idea, I'm just here to animepost

She's the main Servant in the True Route and she even gets a super special form in it. She also pushes Tamamo off the bridge on the way to the Moon Cell core so she's the only one that makes it to the end with Hakuno.

Ultimately the story ends up being about Altera, but Nero definitely gets the most focus outside of that.

Someone on the staff also had a boner for Liz too since she's the only character that gets like 4 in-game costumes.

Mind Hakuno is stuck in a body she can never use. If you go back into the story Nero gets to talk with her but only in a dream. It's a dead end, like all the other routes besides the final one.

She is waiting for you to wake up.

incidentally I have a boner for Liz as well

> She also pushes Tamamo off the bridge on the way to the Moon Cell core so she's the only one that makes it to the end with Hakuno.
This guy need to take some notes in how to keep your harem alive from Shirou and not killing between each other.

Anyone with a high level Artoria, does she only have 4 triangle combos?


I don't know how Al's story ends yet but I get the feeling it can be as bad as Nero's. She's probably going to suffer for eternity.

I want to be Tamamo's loving master

>Tiny amount of levels
>Almost no enemy variety
>Very few story missions

By all regards this should be a poor game, but I can't put it down

I do miss Hyrule Warriors' adventure maps though

Hakuno is split into the three main components needed to form a complete being; Mind, Body, Soul. The Mind represents passion and emotion, which is why its dialogue is a lot more flowery and gets along with Nero the best. The Soul represents instinct and true nature, which is how it can tell that Tamamo is acting weird right from the beginning. And the Body represents, well, the physical body.

Even though they're separated, they can all still function as their own entity as long as they each exist. If the Mind and Soul "die" though, they simply go back to the Body, making it a complete vessel again. However, if the Body dies then the Mind and Soul have nowhere to return to and without the Body being around anymore, the Mind and Soul also lose all their physical abilities.

In Nero's ending since the Body is dead, the Mind's body basically shuts down. Hakuno is still alive and is completely conscious but can't do anything that requires physical movement since the Body is no more. They're basically comatose/a potato yet are still aware what's going on around them. Nero is waiting for Hakuno to wake up and Hakuno really wants to, but since the Body is dead they never will. It's assumed the same happens to the Soul as well.

It's some cantwakeup/and I must scream shit.

I'd love to see them do the maps shit from HW in the sequel.

>mfw no fem gil

Nero's suffering only lasts till the timeline is closed off, same with all the others that end in planetary destruction.

This guy on the other hand is fucked forever.

As the game points out, the Soul can live on by itself in the Moon Cell, the Body is inevitably going to collapse and the Mind will last as long as the Body does.

Nero says that the Soul is still 'at large' in the ending, so Tamamo is probably busy having sex with it until everyone dies.

first part meant for

The enemy variety doesn't really bother me. It's a musou, so I'm not really paying attention to the enemy designs since you're just getting bum rushed by the same mobs even in other musou. What they have covers everything you'd expect anyway. Standard grunts, ranged grunts, slightly bigger grunts, giant grunts. They could have used some of the other Aggressor designs from Extra though.

I do agree it needs more stages though, yeah. There's only about 7 maps and two of them are the same just with different layouts.

True enough but it might as well just be an eternity for Nero.

There's just one thing that confuses me about the Extella worlds. Are all of these world lines that Zelretch observed or is the Moon Cell observing them independently of him? Or do we just have no clue because Nasu is a hack?

>You will never take a bath with Nero
>Tamamo will never slip an aphrodisiac into your food so you can fuck all day
>Small Altera will never use and demean you like a tool only to have Giant Altera cuddle you later and make you feel better
>That Nero ending
>That Altera ending

I play musous to have dumb fun and forget about how much life isn't fair, not be reminded of it.

tbqh if I knew the world was ending the last waifu I would want to spend time with is Tamamo. I would probably sneak out at night and fuck Medusa in her shop.

Math, nigga.

That's what happens in her side story. She rapes you and forces Tamo to watch.

You have to understand something about the Japanese.

Math is the absolute greatest superpower that exists. The only thing that can defeat math is hot blooded passion backed by math.

I want my foxy waifu to rape me

Nasu just writes shit while ghosts write shit. They don't think that shit through and then later on after fans get mad at the realization that the shit isn't thought through they hastily put together a retcon to fix everything, except it doesn't fix everything, so Nasu goes back to "everything is canon in its own universe."

Then the next project fucks up the panic logic and the cycle begins again.

What the fuck is fates even about?


Mages summoning heroes from the past to kill each other so they can get the Holy Grail.


Imagine being Hakuno in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Medusa, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, including my Soul, Mind, Body, and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another genderbent historocal figure in his dressing room. Like imagine having to be Hakuno and not only sit on the ground while Medusa flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, minute after minute, hour after hour, while she writhed on top of you. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her mystic eyes as Tamamo screams at her she's A MAN-STEALING WHORE and FUCK, I'LL CASTRATE YOU IF YOU GET HARD *DARLING*!! because she's also forced to sit there watching Medusa's mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of saberfaces and whores and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE EXISTENCE coming straight out of the depths of the Mooncell. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to be forced to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she once hated for so long due to her decrepited granny-ass ageing while her far cuter sisters did not. And then she says she's going to fuck you, and you know you could use your command seals to force every single servant in this room to kill themself before the Mooncell's security could shut you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Hakuno. You're not going to lose your future as a Master over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


I feel like the games have more sex scenes than both vns


Muslim servants when?


The Hassans have been here since the start, user

>HF hasn't been animated yet
>In Fate/Zero they never actually explained who Hassan was
really makes you think

>tfw you will never be in the grail war

That's fine.




Too bad her small self is a cunt.

>Archimedes tells Liz to show him her throat

Why did Altera have such good taste in teammates until she got to Jeanne? Arcs data must be in the mooncell somewhere that she could have summoned instead

finish the story you silly fool, all the Alteras are perfect

>that she could have summoned
All Altera does is take whoever the Moon Cell sends after her, plus Gil who still remembers CCC.

Altera is best Extella.

She picked her up because she knew that her NP kills her.

How can Altera be the best when Gil is always the best? Especially Extraverse Gil

Nero's ending was fucking devastating for me because I'm a huge Nerofag. Now I playing through Tamamo's story and can't even bring myself to level up her bond because every time she's on screen I'm thinking "Bitch I'm not in the mood right now, just fuck off and let me go back to my wife".

I liked that he wasn't even summoned in Extella he just came to see.

Fine, Altera is best Extella girl.
And Cu is better than Gil at being a bro, thus he wins in my book.

You'll probably hate her towards the end then.

Reminder to bully all Tamamo's.

fuck you buddy, I can`t even play Extella unless they decide to port it in years.
I just wanted to Bro with Gil and is not even translated

I mean, story wise Jeanne is supposed to be one of the strongest Servants in Extella. The Moon Cell rules literally don't apply to her.

That's actually true of every on Altera's team. They're OP as fuck.

they finally let him take off his jobbing limiters once and he's never going to put them back on.

It's alright, Tamamo in her own route is nothing but bad sex scenes and her harlot-mode meme, Liz is the real heroine of the arc.
Soul Hakuno has the worst taste and doesn't even matter in the end since Mind + Soul goes for Nero anyway, and Body has far better taste than either of them.

It doesn't matter how much bullshit they write Jeanne will never be a strong servant when her powers consist of waving a white flag and killing herself.

I have a feeling that Liz was probably supposed to get her own route but they ran out of time and money.

Liz was not to get a route, she was a running gag. You are absolutely delusional.

Which literally recreates the CCC scenario for Extella 2

That wouldn't shock me.
Wait for the sequel.

>when her powers consist of waving a white flag and killing herself.
>French Hero
I don't know why would anyone be suprised.

Here's part 1 (Rin+Sakura)

And Part 2 (Rider + Saber)


japanese spent thousands of years perfecting the ultimate military society, military culture, military philosophy, training, lifestyle, tactics, strategies, etc. They conquered perhaps a quarter of the globe and a tenth of the population of the world in seven years of expansion. They lost because a mathematician had an idea and tried to see if it would work in real life.

Does Tamamo get better after you level her? I'm playing all her route with Karna because she's weak as fuck.

That's because they were Top Servants that were called to defeat Altera, so they are very strong by nature.

Seibah is also called as a Top Servant, but unfortunately doesn't show up in the main story.

The only character that starts out bad and gets better is Gil tbqh
Tamamo hits a little harder but still does all of her damage via EMs

Her flame thrower finisher is good for taking out Plants and her tornado one is a good crowd clearer. Having her Moon Drive form is already a guaranteed win against bosses/Servants. I don't know why people say she's so bad.

I found Karna a lot more awkward, actually. His normal strings are slow as fuck and a lot of his enders either have long start-ups or require weird spacing to hit properly.