You DO realize that this not coming to PC at all, right?


Other urls found in this thread:

>Day one edition
>70 sharia dollars

Huh? I thought games cost the same in Europe

pc gets all things in time, all things.

thats why i own an gaming computer and every console. exclusives nigga

except Bloodborne

except Battleborne

all things in time, if it never gets port it gets emulated eventually.

Fucking when then? I dont want to buy the ps4 japanese version and then wait to play the definite edition a month later. They should have released the game earlier for the both platforms and the west also but now the are in an akward position because of the Switch release. Fucking Square...

haha sure, whatever helps you sleep at night buddy

in 20 years i guess

depends how patient you are, it could get a port in a year or two if not wait 10-20 years for the emulators to really get fleshed out.

It will be playable at one point on PC through emulators.

Still: Who gives a shit. NieR had a perfect ending (D). No need to do a cash-grab.

Yeah, the main problem for me are the spoilers desu. I stayed awayfrom Sup Forums almost a month before Bloodborne release and it was a beautiful surprise finding the secrets and, most of all, the cosmic horror plot.

>except Bloodborne

Mod Dark Souls 1.
Rename a few things. And then pretend it's Blood Souls, oh wait Bloodborne of course. Silly me.

You will get a way better game, which even runs at a proper frame rate on PC.

I don't understand the point of this thread, the PC port is confirmed

Unless they went back on their word?
Did they?

When will PS4 fanboys stfu about bloodborne. It's a really mediocre game.

It doesn't even show on the official webpage. All we have is a retarded video and that it shows in the USA online store as a preorder. No other mention to the PC version whatsoever.

Bloodborne got mentioned literally once and all the pcucks went after it like hungry dogs.

>It will be playable at one point on PC through emulators.
Nope. There will never be working emulation past 5th gen.

Are people thinking Sony decided to reimburse SE's development costs for proper exclusivity at the last minute or something?

he's not referring to this thread but in general, its like bloodborne is the only good game on the ps4

STILL haven't gotten Jet Set Radio Future.

yet the "masterrace" still can't stop getting butthurt about it, really makes you think huh?

enjoy your derailed thread

You know that its just sonyggers pretending? No PC gamer gets butthurt about bloodborne.


Are you actually retarded? Just asking.

Oh is that so? Do you have proof?

gg no re

Not an argument
Keep crying bitch

>Huh? I thought games cost the same in Europe
Console gaems are only cheap in US and UK.
At least no region-locking anymore, unlike PC, which introduced it recently.

Taro said, on camera by the way, that there's going to be a PC version of the game. Stop being retarded.

So where is the Steam store page?

yeah, that exactly what I said:

>it shows in the USA online store as a preorder.

Not up yet. There isn't even a release date yet, nips aren't good at setting up Steam store pages in time.

>Le you mad bro may may XD


>but even if you get the game you don't get the special snowflake experience I had with it


keep up that delusion, its going really well for you

Still no argument
Good job

I know this is meant to be a joke but do understand retards will think you are serious when you make posts like this.

>Look! a phoneposter!

I was asking because you litterally judged an entire group of people by looking at the search reccomendations on google, You remind me of that noobtubegamer faggot.

Holy fuck... Pcucks BTFO

This is the truth.

A lot of people would play it if it came to PC, but no one thinks it's a must have game which makes the ps4 worth buying.

Huh? Region locking has been on PC forever. What are you talking about?

>Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Why can't you manchilds just not give fuck about each other platform and stop shitting the board up with these pathetic posts.

Heads up, Nier: Automata is being showcased at Taipei Game Show on January 22 at 3:15 PM Taiwan time, or 2:15 AM tonight EST. They're streaming it on twitch.

And you are literally talking for the entirety of PC gamers, when there's evidence that you are wrong

Do you have proof that pc gamers are butthurt about an overrated souls clone? Typical delusional sony apologists

I am desu

Of course, that's why I'm playing it day one on my PS4 instead of waiting around for months like a fucking chump just to play it hunched over a desk at a higher resolution.

>inb4 it doesn't count
Well it counts more than your opinion

because theyre 2 poor 4 idort

It is supposed to, but I seem to remember that fat cunt at PS Experience literally stating 'the Playstation exclusive' in regards to it

It's most likely coming to PC after, but there's a real chance they could've changed their minds

>overrated souls clone
Well, I've got proof that you're butthurt at least lmao

>implying your "argument" is better or even worth calling an argument
If you think posting a screenshot of a google search result classifies as an argument then you might be retarded.

I am butthurt. Playing at 30fps fucking blows and i wanna use an xbone controller and play online.
But i don't get why that's a bad thing. Pc gamers care about vidya. Sue us.

>Huh? Region locking has been on PC forever.
Wrong, PC was region-free from 1981 until 2014.


What are you gonna do about it punk?

look in the mirror and theres your proof

If you think you somehow know more than google about trends you are delusional

There is no evidence, you litterally showed a google reccomendation you fucking retard.

Nobody cares

It's not exactly good evidence is it?

Going by sales no one gives a shit about any of the ps4 exclusives, whereas on PC they are very regularly played (ignore the f2p and non early access paid exclusives are still common at the top) and I assume that doesn't mean anything?

It's a good game, but not as good as you'd expect from the million threads about it each day, and few people outside of Sup Forums care about it.

I have a ps4 and I'm not buying either of these trash games

Going by sales PC is the most irrelevant platform

Looks like dog shit.

-ps4 owner

still no proof, keep crying apologists

Spoken like someone who hasn't played it. Fuck off jealous faggot

have fun with your rehashes while I enjoy objectively good games instead of mediocre trash that fits your low standards

Nice try fag

You do realize that's based on your search activity and the data they've gathered on you?

>if you ignore the games 90% of mustards play exclusives are near the top of the list!
Yeah, and Bloodborne is the best selling game on PS4 if you ignore every other game that sold more than it. Lol.

You can try it yourself

See I genuinely think the reason no one cares anymore is because it's no longer exclusive. I still remember that game getting shilled 24/7 by the #players.

Can you explain what you're talking about? Because for example Borderlands 2 was released in 2012 and it was region locked on Steam.

What is region locking on PC to you, exactly?

It's funny how ps4cucks prove my point everytime I post They really can't help but insist that every person that owns a pc wants to play bloodborne, even still after 2 years has passed. Really pathetic.

result still shows up if you use encrypted google.

>Google search reccomendation

Nice dude, enjoy playing with your superior children's toys that have been ported from those pesky consoles.



All this game is good for is the fapbait waifu, and that's mostly from fanart that i already have access to.
Same reason why buying Overwatch is a naive move.

>Sonygger being delusional

Not that user but I'm genuinely curious; how does a petition to port a game to the PC translate to "PC gamers are butthurt about the game"?

bb is over rated I have a ps4 and I didn't really like it. dark souls 1 is the best souls game we'll ever get.

>Mediocre Game
Lmao how pathetic are you if you can't even admit when a console exclusive is good simply due to your own fanboyism

A genuinely mad PC cuck? Well I'll be.

I dunno OP. I think it might.

OP, explain to me the purpose of shitposting.

Except your point is that it somehow proves that pc users want to still play bloodborne after 2 years. You do realize that the amount of people who search shit up doesn't imply that it's only pc users who want to play bloodborne. Honestly get over yourself and learn to make concrete arguments.

>pcfat not playing bloodbourne.

You are the one denying here.

Search reccomendations are not proof

>It doesn't count because i say so!



It's the mainstream one in Europe (this is gonna trigger people but outside of Amerifat land it is mostly children playing on consoles adults on PC)

Ignore f2p because those don't count for some magic unknown meme reason. If you include them PC exclusives are even more widely played.

The point is that no matter what memes people say it doesn't change the fact the most played ps4 games are shit versions of the exact same multiplats on PC, whereas on PC the most played includes a lot of exclusives mixed with the best versions of the exact same multiplats on ps4.

>Sonyggers in denial