Deep Sea Thread motherfuckers

What are some spoop deepsea games? I know about Depth, but want something single player and story driven.

SOMA scratched that itch big time but then it was over, leaving me desperately wanting more, and there's still no DLC or anything.

I have my eye on Narcosis but it looks like it's mainly intended for VR. I don't know if there will be a non-VR version and can't afford a headset right now.

I guess there's also Deep Fear for Saturn, but eh. Eeeehhhhh.




Is there even a single research submersible sim? There's like a billion military subsims.








I wonder if anybody goes in just to salvage expensive gear from bodies and resell it

You could try Subnautica.


It's just a trick, that cave is where the Grim Reaper hides his treasure. He doesn't want you to find it

How is the Xbox One version of Subnautica?

My pc is shit but I don't want to waste my money getting it on xbone if it performs poorly

That really satisfies my desire to build underwater bases/cities. What other game even allows that? Minecraft? Deep Sea Tycoon?

>Chris Hansen waits for underwater pedophiles, with a seat they can take

There is that game Barotrauma, only fun with multiple people but it's pretty spooky, especially against the Abyss Worm thing.

Every game of that I have ever played was a shit show with one asshole sneakily sabotaging shit while everybody else tried to keep things running in spite of him. Then he claims he saw someone else do it and they both get kicked because it's often impossible to be sure

Oh im sure there are people who do just that. They have shops dedicated to selling salvaged goods from sunken ships where I live and they got some great stuff in there.


Sounds about right, I played it with a group of 6 and we usually just try to complete objectives, with the occasional traitor round.

What an adventurous life. That's the kind of thing I fantasize about quitting my job to go and do instead.
