Wat did she mean by this?

why didn't she shave?

because slightly hairy armpits are objectively superior to shaved armpits

what's wrong with you, user?

because Kojimbo

Because Kojima is a fucking hack holy fuck I can't believe there are people out there who defend this game.

Kijimbo loves shoehorning his perverted paraphilias into his """""games""""".

>meticulously shaving your armpit hair
>in the fucking military
What would be the point?
Don't answer that, I know this is a shitposting thread

Tries to kill Snake, gets defeated, become friends.

Who else but Kojima


it looks like she did shave.

The only hair a girl should EVER have, is on his head.


Man it's so weird. I remember her being a lot hotter as a kid and all this looking so much better.

Do you know how they keep warm in Russia?

>mfw otocon thinks i'm a huge creep after seeing the dozens of pictures i took of olga when she was knocked out

>that fight against Olga when she was only wearing boots
How did Kojima get away with this? How did this game launch on consoles?

If the men in the military manage to shave their facial hair daily then I don't think it's that much of a hassle for a girl to shave her armpits.

She just chose not to.

She wants you to cum on her sweaty, hairy pits

Are the men required to shave their armpits?

Judging by the size of the hair, I never wanna say that again jesus Christ, she does shave but just missed a day. no biggie

This. And I want to.

They are not but that's entirely unrelated faggot. We're not talking about what is required.

I'm saying there was nothing stopping her from shaving her armpits, since vast majority of soldiers do shave some part of their body daily.

Have you ever shaved your armpits? Do you know how uncomfortable it feels? Mix that with sweaty armpits and chafing.

I was genuinely asking.

But then thanks for the answer. She doesn't have to do it. The majority of her comrades don't do it nor have to.

They have to shave their beards for decorum, shell' have to shave her legs when wearing formal uniform skirt.

All in all I don't see anything that should cause an issue.

Like, what's the matter?

>No scene with Olga in Russian formals

>Have you ever shaved your armpits?


>Do you know how uncomfortable it feels?

No it doesn't, stop making shit up.


sorry I'm not a fatty.

Because that's fucking hot.

>Like, what's the matter?

People saying it's a huge fucking hassle to shave a small part of your body simply because you work in the military.

Conversely, why are people making a huge deal of someone not doing it?

She was a cutey.

Just because you sit on your ass all day doesn't mean people who actually move around don't chafe unless they're fat.

FACT: Video games need more female characters with unshaved pits.

Were the Raikov and Gurlukovich families related? They have very similar features.

What about female characters with happy trails?

I don't see enough of that in 2D to formulate an opinion. Present your case and I'll give you my opinion.

Gu_l_____ch r u k o v i
r u k o v i
r u i k o v (gu l ch)

L. chug Ruikov
raiden/olga confirmed

What exactly is the problem with hairy armpits? Are you all metrosexual faggots or something?

She's Russian.

They fell for the clean shaven meme.

I also haven't seen any.


To keep her warm on those cold Siberian nights

cute girls with hairy legs/armpits are the patrician choice

I bet you're a virgin. this is something virgins say


>calling kojima a hack because a woman in a mercenary group who has more important things to worry about than beauty doesn't submit to your narrow ideal female form

tbqh famalam she probably also has hairy legs, crotch, asshole. hell she's russian so she's probably even got a thick treasure trail, some back hair, maybe some dark hairs on her nips

Post more hairy girls

Stop. I can only get so hard.


Hairy armpits are disgusting, no matter the gender. Shave that shit.

>le foreign people are hairy meme
Why with russians though?

>tfw had a gf who was autistic, was a fucking QT, but also had armhair and a faint but noticeable happy trail

she gave me these fetishes. God I loved her so much

>tfw she went full autist and went off the tumblr deep end

I will curse tumblr for as long as I live for poisoning our relationship

Hair on your head is disgusting, no matter the gender. Shave that shit.

ITT uggo fujos try to push their lack of hygiene as anything but disgusting.

Shaving isn't hard.

>being hairy is lack of hygiene

So why do you have hair on your head?

not him but hairy vaginas usually smell more

No they don't you sperg.

Go back to /cgl/ you fat, hairy whale.

You're not alone with a girl being ruined by Tumblr. It happened to a lot of my close friends too.

because russians and slavs are fuckin hairy.

i know, i am one

tumblr didn't ruin anyone, you failed to be a reasonable voice and pushed her away.

>implying i don't have full body alopecia

good, i like the musk

>conflating hygiene with grooming
Don't do this

Who cares, it's hot as fuck, probably what gave me my fetish

>Not sending Otacon the image of the solider in his boxers
>Or the ghost

>implying one of my biggest kinks isn't girls with poor hygiene

I never noticed those hairy pits the first time I played the game

PS2 graphics were shit, especially compared to GC.

Scalp does not sweat nearly as much.
There's a standard of hygiene set for women to shave their pits and legs in this region. Failing to adhere to it makes you just as gross as neckbeards who don't shave.

So what? That standard is completely arbitrary similar to women being forced to wear burkas in the Middle-East is.

It's disgusting either way and thankfully I live in a nation where that's normal grooming for women.


Once again, it has nothing to do with hygiene, it's just aesthetics.

There's nothing wrong with that standard, unfair, or unrealistic. All standards of beauty are "arbitrary."

Men that don't shave are gross. So are women. What's the problem?

I bet most of you faggots don't like pubic hair too. Just how old are you? 12?

>All standards of beauty are "arbitrary"
>But I'm still going to accept only one of them as correct and call it's antithesis gross

Just kill yourself.

Bacteria that causes the unpleasant aroma associated with body odor naturally can reproduce and thrive in warmer temperatures than cooler. Hair naturally insulates and causes this bacteria to thrive better. More moisture can cling to the hair than just the bare skin alone.


what if the unpleasant aroma is actually pleasant ?

I have no reason not to find things that my culture finds revolting disgusting and no reason to find the ones that aren't unattractive.

I have no obligation to adhere to other beauty standards.

Its not ok

Simple grooming

Body odor and hygiene aren't related though, hygiene is about health.

>Hairy pussy
>Hairy armpits
Not great.

Most people find it pretty unpleasant by a pretty wide margin. It's why bathing is popular these days.

And you have no obligation to adhere to the current one either.

"That's not okay" isn't actually a reason.

Sounds semantic to me.
But go on

It is

not in small quantities amidst sexual intercourse

I have every reason to. It's what's expected of me, and of other people and therefore makes other people happier in society. I don't think solely of myself. It would be selfish to insist that people like a habit that most people find disgusting.

Talk about moving the goalposts.

then why dont men shave their pits/balls too? If its purely a utilitarian health thing then there'd be no reason to have one gender do it and the other not

The smell of sweat isn't the same smell as the smell produced by lingering moisture in the underarm region when the bacteria has time to grow and multiply. Rather, after a certain amount of time the sweat and heat gives the bacteria an environment it can breed in better than a shaved pit.

>sounds semantic to me
Well yeah, words have that thing called meaning.

For some women, yeah. Genital hair is disgusting
But I'd be lying if I said it was purely utilitarian

>then why dont men shave their pits/balls too?
Because women aren't in general as attracted to signs of youth as men are.

Not at all.
You believe that I've no reason to adhere to the current beauty standards. I have several for both people.

I gave reasons why you shouldn't either.

More directly. You can't force or tell people what to like or dislike and to do so is fairly judgemental and unjust. There's no reason to force people to like something they don't, and to dislike something they do.

So I live where shaving the underarms for a woman is gross. There's no problem here.

You want me to use a different word. Something you think would be more accurate. Grooming. Right?

I'm not forcing you at all. I'm just telling you that YOU saying something is gross shouldn't be an order for anyone to listen to you, and neither is it an objective fact of the universe.

You're literally like arguing with a fag-bashing religious person in the South.

I'm telling you what the standard is where I live. Sorry, but here, you don't shave your pits, most people are going to be grossed out.

Oddly enough, I'm curious how many times you've thrown the word "neckbeard" as an insult. Kind of how legbeard is.

Maybe we should start using pitbeard too.


You're literally like arguing with a fact deprived feminist.

Dark-skinned, mind-broken gyarus with hairy armpits, a thick bush, nipple piercings and tattoos are objectively the top tier of anime girls.

No, you're not just "telling me what the standard is where you live"

You're saying that the standard where you live is correct because it actually incurs an emotional response in you.

Realize that social conditioning isn't an excuse to be an asshole.