Why is the Sup Forums archive so fucking shit?

Why is the Sup Forums archive so fucking shit?

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Make a better one.

Its really bad. Sup Forums got too popular and Sup Forums being the 2nd biggest board is too expensive to maintain an archive for.

blame hiromoot

What would he have to do with archives?

at least this place has one


The ocean of piss is still there.

Yeah, lotsa good that rulefaggotry did. Now we've swapped deep sea and Ito dumps for "What game lets me thinly-veiled Sup Forums reference?"

that only means we have to make sure to make clear that Sup Forumstards are not welcomed here

use the report button for that. Giving (You)s only enables more faggotry and more shitposting

>moe was okay until the idiot running it fucked up once and decided he couldn't run an archive anymore
>fireden was okay until this horseshit started
>desuarchive was shit at first but is now the best because it actually works

Have they said why deleted threads and posts are no longer archived or can I just keep on assuming it was deliberate to cut down on costs

It reflects the quality of this board

>rulesfags want generals on Sup Forums


suptg is an amazing archive, but it's run privately by a dude

>Why is the president so shit?

Isn't that precisely the absence of rulefaggotry?

My uneducated guess is to avoid illegal shit, what almost did in desuarchive.


Literally doesn't care, Moot was the one who hated archives, and then set them up anyway.

Is it just me or is Sup Forums really slow today?

>at least this place has one
What's the point if every day is the same anyway? That goes for all chans.

It is always slow as shit.

>tfw NSA is the only one who has access to the old Sup Forums archives now
It's not fair, give it back!

Nowdays Sup Forumstards just want to share porn pics, make "look at this totally non fake conversation I'm holding wut do i say lol" threads and trap threads.
Sup Forums is even more shit than before and I don't even know how they managed that

I haven't been to Sup Forums in years but it doesn't sound like it has changed at all

Are there still no Sup Forums archives that have search enabled aside from fireden?

Shit just going really fast, it's too crowded for such forum. Basically it's like chat with 10k people in it. Hard to discuss anything in those conditions, kinda make sense when people just dump porn. One day even Sup Forums have a chance become like that. Nothing you can do, things just become popular.

Sup Forums is already in the midst of turning that way. Even civil conversation is nigh-impossible these days, and the porn dumps last too long.

What an amazingly well though out analogy, you fucking inbred imbecile.

I was about to refute that, but happened.

Well of course. Every thing has to be turned into an argument with an obligatory personal attack at the end of every post.

That's what happens when the majority of a population is literally underage.