Are you going to buy this game? You want more Berserk games, right?

Are you going to buy this game? You want more Berserk games, right?

no berserk is pretty shit

yes berserk is pretty great

Nah i would rather wait for kingdom underfire 2

No and no


Is that the musou one? If so no absolutely not. I like Berserk but Musou is the absolute worst tier of game that exists.

I want berserk i dont want a musou

How would you make a Berserk game Sup Forums?

Dragon's Dogma warrior.

Dragon's dogma with disembowling

I already played the japanese version and after finishing every stages with Griffith and finishing the eclipse mode with Guts, Zodd and Griffith, I'm pretty fed up with the game.
Once you finished the game 100% you unlock unlimited Femto for Griffith but whats the point of keeping on playing at this point

yes and yes, have it preordered and everything
cant wait to fight this big nigga

Slot machine/Pachinko

I'll buy it even though I don't like musou. I should get some fun out of it as a huge Berserk fan..... I hope

I imported it and wish I could get my money back. It's worst than the Fate musou which is pretty damn sad since it's clear they had a bigger budget to work with. If you're going to do a Berserk musou, fine. It could work. But this is one of the most half-assed musou in a while.

The only thing that makes me feel a little better is that knowing KT they'll probably release a sequel at some point that doubles the content and actually make it worth buying.

>Eight (8) characters
>story mode skims past a lot of shit
>CGI models from the anime
>8 (eight) characters in a fucking musou



Yes, just not musou shit.

Not only are there only 8 characters but only Gutts, Zodd, Griffith, Serpico and maybe Waldo are interesting to play

Looks like a masterpiece to me.

>You want more Berserk games, right?
Fine with just reading it honestly.

What's going on with that title?

>Berserk is a pretty cool guy, eh kills apostles and doesn't afraid of anything
