>With so many additions, improvements, and adjustments, no part of Battleborn was left untouched by this update. In the words of Gearbox Software Producer Chris Brock, “I’ve been at Gearbox for 10 years and this is the craziest update we’ve ever done!”


It's such a crazy update, the game is now running at 60fps on console. There's a new hero with insane skills, there's new maps and modes. The guy has been at gearbox for 10 years and it's the craziest update he's ever been a part of.


SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums!!!!



You put so much effort into this atrocious bait. I pity you.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Is it F2P on every platform?

This is so badass!!

Wtf is battle born




Long live the eternal blunder known as blunderborn

Did they turn enough of a profit on its sales to justify the time and money spent on doing a major overhaul of the core game?

PS - Did you know Battleborn has a Rule 34 subreddit? CHECK IT OUT!

Has there ever been a shit multiplayer game, that with updates, became good and successful?
Even if, right now, Battleborn became the greatest multiplayer game ever created, would it even have a chance of being a success?

The artstyle in that picture is hideous and somehow still easier to look at than their game

>tfw you're stuck developing content for a game for years that only 100 people play including testers
Must be soul crushing.

_________ no

Close. Gamestop in germany sold it for 0,50 euro. And its 5 euro in every other store

Team Fortress 2

It's a Paladins clone.

it was a commercial failure at launch?

i tried randy but its just full of overwatch shitposters now. is anything safe from their toxicity?

Maybe I'd be hyped if there was any porn of it...

I hope the new mass effect follows in this games shoes.

Have I got some good new for you!!

No, but it was a shit game at launch before it went F2P.

Jesus how old are you? It came packaged with the Orange Box. Of course it was fucking successful.

Um... racist, much?

YEAH PORN MODE! wait.........

So is Battleborn a CUHRAZY game now or is it still a badass game?

shill elsewhere

ignoring sunken cost

You were born after Borderlands came out

>over 30% gain

Face it, while overwatch and TF2 has completely stagnated, Battleborn is on its way to take the top spot.


why are they still sinking money into this? why are they still trying?


Obligated by contract to finish their dlc because they sold season passes

autism at its finest

>Did they turn enough of a profit on its sales to justify the time and money spent on doing a major overhaul of the core game?

They sold a season pass with the game on launch so they're stuck supporting it for at least a little while.

Hopefully this update will revitalize the community. It's a revolutionary game!

>no part of Battleborn was left untouched by this update.

except the player count

im actually blown away by the fact that they thought this game would be successful enough to warrant a season pass. holy shit.


can't give a shit about battleborn but anyone speaking like this should be publicly executed to scare the others.


I'm pretty certain that you're getting a paycheck for this thread.


Never mind the season pass they came out with figurines, trading cards and everything. They really thought it was going to be a smash hit and they were going to have a more or less equal rivalry with Overwatch like League of Legends and DOTA have.


>literally babby first mmo
fuck off you casual

Why do people hate battleborn?
It more balanced game than nigggerwatch

what the fuck does hobby-grade coop even mean?



it was here to begin with? Seemed dead on arrival




A hobby grade level epic battleborn heroes.

Most of those look pretty fucking necessary. Why didn't it launch with those features?

WTF I love Battleborn now!


FF14 if you consider ARR an update.


Gearbox when your arm has the plague u have to cut it off


stop it randy do you want to lose the last 30 people willing to play your game

>29 euro
kek not even for 5 at -75%

Link to porn subreddit please

I want to fuck Orendi




I assume it means you can play it for so long it by itself becomes a hobby like MMOs or something

Thats Badass!

>think for a second that this says Bloodborne gets PS4 pro support.


I really wish Gearbox would just stop developing shit for this game already.

It's kind of sad that all you see from them is this game that didn't sell shit, it's just pathetic now.

>no part of Battleborn was left untouched by this update.
>except the player count
So you imply the player count did change?

still have to grind to unlock characters, sucks

No badass woman no buy

Did they make it free to play yet?


Fuck off then.

They look like shit even in chib form. Damn.

somebody post the webm of randy's son

The new hero isn't very good and they didn't fix the HUD, but it does indeed run at a constant 60 FPS now (why it didn't at launch I don't know) and the menus are much more polished.


I wonder if they've already burned all the banners and decorations they were going to have at the first national tournament of for a league that never materialized because the game bombed harder than the Enola Gay


>nothing was untouched
>except for player base
>which was touched
So it did change

>pick/ban draft mode

Literally ASSFAGGOTS now.

I'd get Battleborn for $5

nothing was untouched means everything was touched

except for the player count, that wasn't touched.

craziest update?
Not badass update?
I feel still won't touch this.

This is beneath even a kid's meal toy. I don't even know how they fucked it up so hard.

You're in luck, it's always on sale.

Very obvious shilling.

I unironically enjoy seeing these shillposts because I am reminded of how deserving Gearbox is of foreclosure and delegation to the trash developer status they have so rightfully achieved.

Should I, Sup Forums?

Badass! I can't wait! Stop masturbating to video game character pr0n and play the game!

Nah, get a decen meal like ramen instead.

If you've been itching for a single-player game - sure.

You're Enola Gay.

Objectively, the gameplay was actually solid. I had fun, but the polarizing effect of everything else from the game (visuals, writing, typical Gearbox BS) made it unbearable.

I feel bad for the guys that did the gameplay.

It's really only six bucks?

still too much but damn

what is it?

I'm fairly certain the OP is just dripping with sarcasm instead of bait.