Is this Bloody Roar?
Mei's a panda, you fucking moron
Where's the rest? Don't leave us hanging. Go all the way! Do not leave everything unfinished, OP! FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!
that's all there is, nigga.
Came to say this. Chinese people will get offended if they're not depicted as pandas.
I remember back when Sup Forums would be triggered to the point of virtual apoplexy whenever any "furrification" art of human characters like this would pop up. There would be entire threads where people would find this shit on DeviantArt and post it here and everyone would get pissed about it.
Man, those were the days.
Haha yeah, 'pissed' haha.
>Tracer's a Cheetah because fast
>D.VA's a bunny because meka
>Zarya's a Polar Bear because Russia and white looks really good on pink/blue
>Mei's a panda because
yiff in hell, furfags
i miss the days when Sup Forums wasn't a conservative shithole and the people really didn't give a fuck but i guess that makes me a cuck nu-male
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums is an incredibly vocal minority.
Chinese and THICC
also because of branding n shiet
Sup Forums isn't the problem
lol BTFO nu-male libtard cuck desu senpai kek
>doubting the popularity of Sup Forums
>mei isn't a polar bear
Zarya's the polar bear, Mei's a panda
Why do furries make everything better?
>Sup Forums wasn't a conservative shithole
which parallel universe are you talking about?
>Mei's a tiger
>Not a cow
the one we were in seven years ago, before reactionary conservatism became popular among autists because they were angry at their generation for not including them
The pool's closed garbage was just edgy teenager shit, it wasn't really noticeably FUCK LIBKEKS until feminist frequency got attacked by Sup Forums and the whole thing exploded.
Outside of Sup Forums, at least.
>2010 was 7 years ago
I was 14 back then
Yes, a tiger. What your parents never bought you Zoo Books user?
you mean people can have different ideas? WHAT THE FUCK IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW
Every Sup Forumsfag I've seen in public has been a short white man, either anorexic or portly, never a healthy bodytype.
>Mad his kind weren't the first to colonize Sup Forums