How do I git gud?


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Learn to peek, check your corners, and how to play your specific operator and you will be better thandle most casual players.

Do the situations.
Make a custom game by yourself and run around the map learning it
Learn camera positions, learn drone hole positions
Learn all the potential objective locations, sometimes you're going to get unlucky and Mute will block all your drones from marking the objective. It's nice to still know where it is without having to rely on a marker
Learn audio cues, you should be able to hear gadget noises from a room away and be able to identify them
Learn likely killhole locations, learn where roaming defenders like to wait for an ambush

Basically it's a whole lot of learning. It takes time

It's not even hard

Come the fuck on.
This shit is literally call of duty, I've been playing it since it came out.
I hopped into a ranked match after a month of not playing and my teammate told me to go back to casual for a little while


Pick Fuze

>your team has killed the hostage
It never gets old, I laugh my ass off every time someone picks him when the hostage needs rescuing

1. there will be a lot of morons like who think they know the meta. but the reality is that you just have to copy the top loadouts from pic related

2. just play. most skill in rainbow comes from knowing the map and knowing the spots to shoot at. you don't need to practice your bunnyhopping daily like a quake player or have twitch aim like a counter strike player, rainbow6 is all about knowing shit. if you can't learn that while playing yourself go watch a stream or youtube or anyone you like and you'll learn

There are also a lot of morons who think that people should follow pro league meta.

don't you mock me

yes there are those and then there are people who play in the mudleague

I love how ranked actually has skilled players. Wants expecting that

>weebs choosing the weeb character the most

They really need to be beheaded

Rainbow six siege is the fucking best. 550 hours in

This video isn't a bad new player's guide to some of the less obvious features

or maybe it is because she is a fucking 3 speed with much better primary and secondary compared to thermite

Get the "collector's" strategy guide edition, like me
Then scan the guide and resell the box, because it's awful cardboard

If you're playing a shield operator, move with you're team. Also in general, move with you're team, you generally live a lot longer.
You don't need to spot people on cameras constantly or at all if you know what room you see then in, call it out over the mic.
Communicate with your team.

>ma meta

this shit is why I stopped playing Overwatch; in R6 I can load it up and pick whoever I want (barring fuze on Hostage) and nobody will whine or tell me to switch.

why the fuck would anybody want that kind of shit in Seige.

Velvet shell hype

>call it out over the mic.
Not him but you should also pay attention to your compass and learn room/area names

if you ever leave bronze you will find that R6 has an autistic no-deviations meta that is caused by the devs incredibly misjudging the direction the game would go in at the beginning.

take for instance thermite. he tackles a core game mechanic: reinforced walls. destroying these is the most effective way attackers can force a new firing angle onto the defenders. Until habanero came out he was the only one capable of that task and because of that absolutely mandatory in every single round.

If you look at the lowest picked operators in the pic you will see what I mean. Tachanka, Glaz, even Caveira are never picked by people who know what they are doing because these operators do not provide solutions to any mechanics.

>thatcher/thermite been pretty much crucial since day 1, even in casual
>nobody ever fucking picks thatcher/thermite
>pick 1
>nobody picks the other


>pick thermite
>noone takes thatcher
>guys we still need someone to destroy the jammers and banditboxes
>"don't worry I got you senpai"
>locks twitch

[screams internally]

>locks twitch

>when you kill jammers and car batteries freely because everyone went roaming


>drone phase
>watch bandit placing battery
>gets a few metres away
>zap that shit
>valk throwing cams before the round starts
>zap that shit
>friendly drone stops and looks at your shock drone
>zap that shit