Do you still play games with your old friends from the school days?

Do you still play games with your old friends from the school days?

they're all normies now
why the fuck i didn't become one as well

They're mostly on console and I don't own one, but I do like my steam friends.

no, they are all normies now
b4 they were normies too but i could blend better cos i was young and all, but now 30 without a job playing video games is not well seen

>old friends


Yeah, and we still get together atleast twice til three times a week to drink and have fun.

Every weekend.

I dropped all contact with anyone from my school days

Every now and then. Probably would more often if most of them didn't just play LoL and Blizzard shit all the time.

I don't have any old friends from school days.

they're all dead

>ywn play splitscreen SSX or Burnout 3 ever again
why even live Sup Forums?

Yes but they play a lot of Dota and I don't.


>having friends from school


I used to have, but they're all gone now.

I just stray away from people I make friends with for some mysterious reason. It became a habit.

nah they became normie cunts who play mobile shit all day

No. I used to play with college friends but now we have different available hours to play together.

What the fuck is a friend?

I was a pretty big weeb in HS and so was my best friend. But I kinda grew out of it and mostly play strategy type stuff now. Any Japanese games I still like are usually more niche, meanwhile hes still all about the Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts plus normie AAA garbage. We just don't connect that well on gaming anymore.

only 1 old friend left that I have good connection with


Yeah sure. Although we live in different parts of the country so it doesn't happen quite as often anymore, but when we do meet up drinking and playing fighting games is one of the main things we do.

No because I didnt graduate from highschool last year and those people arent part of my life anymore.

One lives with me so we get a fair amount of split screen and Smash in.
Our whole group plays weekly online too, most moved city so it's the only way.
Though usually just normie games now.

Is it worth it to leave friends behind so you won't grow attached?

>hehe i am le secret club frog who have no friend xDD
Go back to fucking wizardchan you hopeless losers.


just one of them but i've known him since I was about 8 and we still play almost every night

We chat but never play these days.

Nah. My main old vidya playing buddy stopped playing any multiplayer games cos he realised his rage issues made him look really goofy. I still treasure the one time I made him throw his controller full power at the tv.