Horizon:Zero Dawn (1080p 60fps) or Zelda:Breath of Wild(720p 20fps) ?



Which will be the better game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Horizon will be ''literally who'' tier 3 weeks after its release.

Breath of the Wild will be the better game.


The one that emphasizes gameplay over graphics or story.

So neither of them.

>(720p 20fps)
Umm... It's 900p 30fps.

Get it right next time shitlord.

All this will prove is which fanbase is bigger on Sup Forums.

Horizon will likely be the better game because western devs have been doing open world for longer than Hacknuma has

But nintenbabbies will never admit that

>It took four years to develop the horses

But did they model in their assholes like the Bethesda horse guy?

Next thread it'll be 480p 15fps

acfag is that you?
zelda but horizon will probably be fine.


Zelda, actual gameplay :^)

By that logic Ubisoft should be making masterpieces instead of the shitshows we've been getting.

Horizon is 1080p/30fps, 1800p+checkerboard upscale on the Pro.

Zelda is 900p/30fps on the Switch

As someone who own a PS4, the only good thing I've seen about Horizon out of everything that's been shown are the visuals.

The only thing holding up this Zelda game is it's legacy.

>60 Fps

What the Fug

Ubisoft is a cancerous company that is cashing in on the open world meme that was started by actual good sandbox games.

How autistic do you have to be to make this thread every hour on the hour?



Trailer for Horizon already shown the in game story will most likely be shit.

Zelda botw story actually looks decent this time.

I'm sure Horizon is much better on a technical level but considering they both seem to be open world I need a decent story to motivate me to play till the end.

So I'll buy Zelda and wait for Horizon to get cheap later.

Horizon Zero Dawn has no 60 fps mode user, even the devs confirmed. it only has 4k check board rendering and supersampled 1080p

Horizon is also 30fps on the PS4 and Pro.

More like 20 that sometimes drops to

Horizon might be kinda neat and I haven't played a Zelda game since windwaker so I dunno I'll stick to nier

>I play video games for the story


Well you probably aren't playing them for the gameplay.

Zelda is free, while Horizon costs money.


Oh great, you're that guy from the previous Titanfall thread, aren't you?

No but it isn't really that hard to spot you.

Neither of them look particularly amazing, but Zelda is definitely the better game here.

This one

Just keep accusing everryone. I'm sure you'll find Acfag one day.

That's not me.

Story that leaked for horizon is laughable. The ending ruins the rest of the game.

Zelda is zelda and will at least be above average and connect to the dumb timeline nintendo had to make for its autistic fans

Horizon's gameplay looks really dull.

In 3 years not a single person will remember Horizon outside of "damn, I can't believe I wasted money on that" and "oh, I heard of that one, maybe I played it?"

Meanwhile BOTW will still get discussion all the time, for decades to come.

Not to mention fun triumphs over everything else.

It also shows how little Sony fanbois have to work with when they have to use memes and exaggerations to make the competition look bad.

>1080p 60fps
Thanks, I needed a good laugh

>actual gameplay

Horizon is objectively better based on everything that has been shown.

>60fps vs 20fps
Is this really a question?

High test girl will win.

>h-hey guys sony employe here.. p-please buy horizon!!
Nobody cares about your shitty ass game

Well, I've hated every single Zelda for the past 5 years, and I hate Monolith soft as a company, so I have no hope for Zelda BOTW being good.

On the other hand, Sony's specialty is movie games, and I hate those even more.

Hmmm.... stuck between a movie and a visual novel.

>can't even keep 30fps steady

THIS... is the power of the PS4 Pro, now only $400 + tip

>Story that leaked for horizon is laughable. The ending ruins the rest of the game.
You can't post this shit without explaining it or linking it.

it's the killzone devs, remember when they said shadowfall was native 1080p, just so people figured out it rendered at 960x1080 and used some interpolated frames shit? No wonder the game was blurry as fuck

WOW look at that solid 240p with blur!

I think I got the gist of it, but I'm not sure. Basically, the girl is a robot too, and the robots that took over the planet have become smarter and made her to infiltrate the humans, but she didn't have the desire to kill humans, so the robots left her with them in the hopes that she would hate being with him. She rejects it, kills the robot overlord, and saves humanity

I can't believe this is real.

40 for BOTW and 5 for Horizon

Yeah, seems about right, I figured this board had 5 Sony shills.

Hoe Rising: Zero Hype

Both will turn out solidly I think.

But Horizon will stand no chance against Zelda.

>add bullshit framerate and resolutions
>89% still prefer Zelda

>adds resolution and fps

Is that all you guys care about in games?


Even when OP inflates the resolution and framerate of Horizon Zero Dawn only 10% give a shit

it's actually 30fps vs 30fps
sonyggers being wrong as always

It's a webm retard, game is 1080 30

Not only did he inflate HZD, he deflated BOTW.

In reality it's 1080p 30fps vs 900p 30fps, but that 900p game comes with a built-in 720p portable mode as well.

Have they shown anything other than combat for Horizon? Like, what do you do in the game other than fighting?

>Falling for your own traps
It's clearly a bait thread made by a nintedrone you retard


the leaker said there is a sex mini game of some kind

So many newfreinds, can't even see this is a false flag. OP knows that everyone knows the game is 30


It doesn't even have to be great because Horizon looks like crap. I just know I don't want to play that.
I don't care about Zelda too much but it seems like a much better game.

>merely pretending

60 for BOTW

5 for Horizon

I wonder which is better.

They both are not worth playing. I can tell you right now nintoddlers are the ones comparing Horizon to BotW. Everyone else already knows the developers working on Horizon are talentless retards that have never made a good game. There is zero chance it will be good, but once again, nintoddlers will point to the worst game they can find to justify their terrible purchases.

>b-but my pile of shit tastes slightly better than that pile of shit over there that no one cares about!

t. OP

The weird resolution was only in multiplayer so it could maintain 60fps ie who care about multiplayer faggots. Single player the mode that matters was actual 1080p.

>those #'s
>Sony BTFO again!!!

t. retard that will spend $500 on a Switch and it's accessories for one $60 game that will suck


are you retarded?
it's fucking sonyggers trying to put up fights as always
BotW threads are 100% shitposting, if it's not about the graphics it's about the open world, if it's not about the open world it's about dub, if it's not about the dub it's about why Horizon will be better.
Don't kid yourself, sonyggers are this pathetic and haven't changed since ps3 launch days.

>Horizon Zero Dawn

You mean "4K"

Horizon will be the better game.

Zelda will be the better experience.

I see people dropping Horizon fast and quick after beating it, while I see people playing Zelda for months on end finding out little secrets here and there and working to piece together any lore.

Horizon will definitely play better, but it just doesn't seem to have any depth to it outside of its combat.

Oh well. At least Horizon's Decima engine will be put to much better use with Death Stranding.

Horizon looks empty as fuck and totally devoid of any style or charm.

Yeah, all 5 of them fucking ruin threads constantly.

Zelda and Horizon were playable at E3 2016, Zelda won best game of the show with Horizon in a distant second or third.

>Horizon will be the better game.
>Zelda will be the better experience.

Excuse me?

Real talk

When will Nintendo fans grow up?

Oh fuck Horizon got a 6th vote, a new troll must have woken up!

Real talk

When will people realize that piling on more and more graphics doesn't make a good game.

game: a technical term, a mixture of graphics, sound, and other technical aspects.

experience: a collection of things encompassing fun, enjoyment, level of comfort, level of excitement, ect.

I've not even heard of Horizon so it seems like a no brainer

Nobody ever said Knack would kill Mario, please get your head out of your ass

>posts hillary

Trolls on Sup Forums were acting like Knack and Killzone would make the PS4 the best system ever.

You're on a board about video games. A past time of children.

I think the question is, when will you grow up and stop playing video games?

Then get a pc you fucking dumbasses. Something that outputs true 4k. It looks fucking glorious

>What is paid endorsement
>What is an already established fanbase

No shit it won. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if a mobile Zelda game beat out Horizon for "best game of show."

Reminder that this is sony cucks desperately trying to associate Horizon's name with Breath of the Wild.
Nothing could be more pathetic.

ordering parts right now

>Reason Six: Zelda is cute! CUTE!

you mean the character herself is high test? because she does look like a dude.

Horizons is literally a big empty open world game where you do jack shit except run to waypoints and listen to voice acting.

Then go get a fucking pc, stop comparing your shitty games with your potato 4, my rig would run your stupid game 4k at 60fps maxed settings too.

I'm sure the ps4 has turned down settings to ake it 60fps.

Games have grown and expanded the demographics.

Nintendo has not.

I have no interest in Horizon.
That being said, Zelda looks fucking boring. I watched multiple gameplay videos, and its just a dead, open world with gimmick tech thats been in games for ages. Its like you see it once, and it becomes one of those things you never use again unless the game forces you. It legit looks more boring than Skyward sword from what they've shown.

I know Zelda is just a product of brand, rather than quality, but it baffles me people are excited for it. It's like they only watch tailored trailers for the game.

Why do you even still bother trying to push this meme when no one is buying it?
If someone else had made a game like BotW, with successful adventure games in their portfolio from before, and then given people hundreds of hours of hands free non-railroaded gameplay footage of said game. It would been a huge fucking deal.

And guess what. Horizon didn't have that.