Looking back was it really THAT BAD?
Looking back was it really THAT BAD?
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>Looking back was it really THAT BAD?
No, it had good qualities.
The key problems were
>too easy
>wasn't really a prince of persia game
no it wasn' THAT BAD
I wish they'd stick with it and made a sequel but niggers couldn't appreciate the beauty of this one
Who was the shit-taste-haver that ever said it was?
It wasn't really that bad. It wasn't really that good either.
I liked it.
fuck the haters
I loved the presentation and the characters and the setting, but everything about the gameplay could have been changed and it would have been better than the end product. Not unplayable, but christ there's some pretty unbearably boring platforming sections. Also, the kick-in-the-nuts DLC
People complain that it was too easy and you couldn't lose, but the series had been like that since Sands of Time, really.
Their main problem was probably that the game
>wasn't set in Persia, more of a Persian fantasy realm
>didn't feature a prince, just a guy called Prince.
The last good AAA game ubisoft made desu
From a aesthetic P.O.V. I say it's awesome.
The story itself wasn't bad. It was pretty solid.
Gameplay was easy due to the whole not dying things, but man wasn't the whole interactions with your partner great.
Also fuck the XBOX 360 DLC ending.
>I wish they'd stick with it and made a sequel
Got some bad news user.
This one is also missing an ending supposedly, just like the first one.
It was fucking terrible and if you think otherwise you just havent played it in like ten years and/or you have awful taste in video games
I used to think I liked it but then I tried replaying it recently.
Like many person here I actually liked it.
The fact that it's much easier than older games really gather the hate, however.
Also the part where everyone is mad about: Falling and not dying
I just think they handled falling brilliantly. I'm not keen on having to load the save every time I mess up. Even though, sure, that how all games was 20 years ago. But I don't mind casualizing and saving time in the right place.
Is that a game where you can't die?
Don't mind me just being the best game on the franchise.
PoP combat is poos so I was happy it was basically removed. As for not being able to die, it was essentially the same case in every other one assuming you weren't garbage and ran out of sand.
Visually it was great, but I have to repeat what most of the guys here said. I'm going to explain why:
The combat was very simplicistic. Combat can be simple but fun, so I prefer to use the word "simplicistic" instead, which I think conveys my point better.
For those who didn't play the game, you couldn't fight against more than one opponent per-fight. You are unlocked inside this invisible circular arena and your movement is much slower than the platforming/regular sessions.
The combat is made by dial-a-combos, each button is related to a specific attack (I'm going to use PS3 buttons since that's the version I've played): Square for sword attacks, Triangle for Erika (your partner in this game) attacks, Circle for Gauntlet attacks (the Prince has this weird gauntlet now) and X for dodge attacks.
The choice of an attack over the other depends on the opponent's state, if he has this dark puddly shit all over him (it's called "Corruption") you have to use Erika's attacks, if he's defending himself you use your gauntlet attacks, if he's a big fat fuck with a weak back you use your dodge attacks and mix them up with your sword attacks.
There is no real game-over. If you lose against an opponent, there will be a "final" QTE. If you press the button correctly, you'll recover your entire health (speaking of which, there isn't even a healthbar, it's like modern shooters where you can see your health status with the red signs all around the screen) and go back from there, if you miss that prompt (which means you must really suck anyway), Erika will save you anyway and go back from there with the only difference you are still one hit from that QTE status.
The platforming phases are a bit better but still somehow easy. The game is not as fast as PoP SoT or PoP 2 (the gritty one), which makes the jumping very floaty and slow. Double jumping with Erika is almost scripted from how slow it looks and feels.
So, yeah. PoP 2008 was very boring outside of visuals.
The ending was Kino
fuck the dlc
You are literally fucking retarded.
Not that user, but I do say that WW and TTT are in fact good.
The 2008 PoP is aesthetically great and fun, while the original SoT is to this day good, I honestly think that the latter two are superior. WW especially (because TTT had some mechanical and game issues that were indeed irritating).
And don't argue with the whole edge and shit.
It was noted that between SoT and WW, Prince had to be constantly on the run from the Dahaka to the point that the grimmer and more jerkass attitude is justifiable (everyone would be this if they were for six years on the run from a invincible monstrosity).
In TTT he becomes less jerkass after WW (in both endings, but the true one especially).
And I like the metal soundtrack in WW.
Also Sand Wraith segment was the best part of the game.