>microsoft does paid online
>sony follows
>fucking nintendo follows not even that far behind
Tell me Sup Forums. why do YOU hate Microsoft?
>microsoft does paid online
>sony follows
>fucking nintendo follows not even that far behind
Tell me Sup Forums. why do YOU hate Microsoft?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate Bill for stealing windows for starters and getting away with it.
I hate them because they did nothing for Xbox games back compatibility.
they've poisoned gaming forever by going after the dudebro market. I'll never fucking forgive MS/Halo/CoD. fuck em and everyone that likes them
I hate steve for being a cunt to his employees.
I hate myself more
Tomorrow's another day. Another chance.
Tomorrow and the day after will always be today
Maybe tonight is the night, user.
but what about yesterday?
>blames Microsoft for Sony doing paid online
Face it, Sonyfag. Sony is just as Jewish as Microsoft
Yesterday was the night. I missed it because of today.
I'm complaining about Sony AND Nintendo following microsoft though.
Another day/night cycle, another chance to finally be free from this ride.
Paid online was always going to be a thing, it was only a matter of time
If it is a cycle then its only end is its beginning. There is no freedom in that recurrence.
I don't tho. I've only ever had good experiences with Microsoft consoles. The 360 days were some of the most fun I've had in terms of gaming. Halo 3 was the shit back in the day.
I hate Sony more 2bh. My brother was one of the people who had his visa card details stolen in that massive hack. Nothing happened thankfully but I still don't trust Sony with my bank details. They've shown no evidence of change because they got hacked again just last year. This is way more serious shit than hating an optional subscription service.
Also I remember steam and Microsoft were going to do some kind of cross platform play thing last year but it all fell through because Sony didn't want to join in. Fuck having seperate servers per platform. We should all be playing together and Sony are currently the reason we're not.
>Tell me Sup Forums. why do YOU hate Microsoft?
Killing DOS/Windows 98 and PC games with it.
That stuff sucked at word processing and Internet browsing, but was GOAT for PC games.
Windows NT in the mainstream was a mistake. PC lost its performance edge (with direct hardware access gone) and gamedevs turned to consoles. DirectX became a slow and bloated API instead of giving games direct access to the metal, like it did before. Vista killed what was left of PC gaming.
At least xbox live was a good service, many games had dedicated servers (peer to peer was still there though). It rarely ever goes down, even during the PSN hack XBL was only down for a few days.
PSN just tacked on the subscription model because they could with no improvements to the service. Its still shitty P2P servers and is overall subpar compared to XBL. Nintendo really needs to make improvements to justify the sub fee because their online service was by far the worst and most barebones.
>DirectX became a slow and bloated API instead of giving games direct access to the metal
I really hope Vulkan becomes more widely adopted it shits on DirectX so hard its not even funny.
Windows Starter?
I hate them because I'm retarded and fell for Sony's lies.
2bh in that gen original Xbox was worth owning
it was certainly better than any current gen console
I hate them because some of us have to keep /consolewar/ threads going
they dont have any good games
Microsoft pushed paid dlc, remember left 4 dead xbox 360 situation. Kinect, killing conker, halo series in general, killing microsoft flying sim, killing mechwarrior series, xbox one, hiring pajeets and gypsies from romania, chinks, also bill gates is an open borders cuck who donates to common core.
>I know nothing the post
Sony won't even allow cross platform if companies do not host their own servers which leaves any smaller company shit out of luck as far as cross platform goes. Capcom was able to do it because they are a pretty big company didn't Sony also fund SFV? Would be ironic.
Microsoft is not totally free from blame though, FFXIV is not on Xbox One yet because Microsoft wanted their own servers and did not want people playing with PS4 players. Rocket League on Xbox One is also on its own servers instead of cross platform like PC/PS4 because of Microsoft.
Both parties are really at fault and neither wants their playerbases playing together.
fuck off xshills
Care to refute my post instead of just green texting with no elaboration? I had a 360 for most of the 7th gen and owned a PS3 later on. PSN was garbage then and from what I've seen its garbage now.
>DirectX became a slow and bloated API instead of giving games direct access to the metal, like it did before.
Do you even know what you're talking about? DirectX/3d has evolved from gen to gen. Before the coding to "metal" was specifically designing your game to work on literally a single gpu. Devs had to individually optimize for all the popular gpu. DirectX and it's ever-growing libraries and constant support is one of the better things to come out of Microsoft. Vulkan, like ogl is DOA.
I regret buying an Xbox one, just kill me guys
From what you seen or actually experienced? PSN was indeed dogshit on the ps3 but I have no complaints now except getting a shitty download server every so often.
I said I owned a PS3 so it was personal experience. I don't have experience with the current PSN, so maybe I am wrong that it has not improved.
Rocket league has been cross platform on xbox for some time now
Oh so I think I have it backwards then is PS4 still on its own servers or is it cross platform now as well?
>Do you even know what you're talking about?
DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectMusic, DirectInput, DirectPlay once provided direct access to hardware for video games.
Since Vista it's all emulated on the CPU and as result console games run 2-3 times faster on the same hardware specs, because these still have direct access to hardware.
DirectX is not just Direct3D (which is bullshit on its own).
>Tell me Sup Forums. why do YOU hate Microsoft?
Pretty much everything they did from 1990 - 2007.
With Android and Linux we are only just now catching up to what we could have been if not for Microsoft dominating the PC industry and running it into the ground.
They're both cross platform with pc but there are obviously measures in place to prevent any xbox and ps4 players from meeting each other in a lobby.
Having full cross platform between all platforms will literally start a gaming revolution.
Yeah but this is Sup Forums if you complain about Nintendo or fucking Microsoft you're automatically a sonygger. Even if you insult Microsoft and Sony you're a Sonygger for insulting Microsoft.
Microsoft is the cancer that started the decline of video games
Sony and Nintendo were retarded for following their footsteps so I don't blame Microsoft for jack shit.
>At least xbox live was a good service, many games had dedicated servers (peer to peer was still there though).
Its like you're talking out your ass with no evidence.
Microsoft had no servers, you don't remember all the people "Boycotting" Mw2 because no dedicated servers, yeah that was Microsoft not bothering.
or fucking gears of war multiplayer being a near unplayable mess because one xbox360 had to host and it was fucking pathetic.
Ironic. I called out Nintendo and Sony for copying these anti consumer practises by Microsoft in a thread like last week and I was called an xbot because I was against defending those companies for copying Microsoft.
No worthwhile exclusives
Very few Japanese developers want to support it
Dudebro player base
this shows how young kids are.
square had pay online way before xbox.
as with other mmos in 2000.
You hate them because they don't have Japanese games? Why would you actively hate something because of that. At most there should be dislike, not hate.
fake news
MMOs dont count nigger
I blame Microsoft for killing the dreamcast and sega consoles
Sony did that faggot
>MMOs have to host massive server arrays to support heavy, simultaneous traffic load from thousands of users
>makes sense to pay
>XBL has to do the same with probably far more people and huge downloads running constantly
So did the sonygger box 3 my PC is dojng perfectly fine with top tier servers (free) and sure if i wanna plan and MMO which i dont I would pay for them, damn xbone sucking fag.
but Steam is free. Explain that.
anyways, Sony showed that there was a better way of doing a console online subscription service on the PS3, but got rid of it for paid online anyways.
theyre ludicrous sales and microtransactions keep it alive. I'll admit XBL and Sony are very jewwy compared to Steam, but it's pretty clear
>the "Xbox single handedly ruined gaming" meme
Grow up kid...
I don't, they still make the best gaming platform.
If anything, Sega themselves did that.
They failed to compete and their total lack of protection from piracy made it so no one actually bought games.
.05c 40 times for meme gloves/hats or 60 for a sub a year
The choice is pretty clear.
Literally how, I think ur memeing me son all of ur games are on PC niggah
>I think ur memeing me son all of ur games are on PC niggah
That would be Microsoft Windows, poindexter.
I dont use 10 though Sir, also did you know the Xbone uses Windows 10?
>locked in Windows 10 UWP means they're on PC
Microsoft platform so still exclusive.
The only 2 not on steam are halo forge and forza fag but its okay you wanna keep your console thats worse than a god damn ps4 shoulda waited till your meme Scorpio came out
It doesn't, it uses a trimmed down version of the Windows kernel.
So Gears, Recore, and Killer Instinct are on Steam.
Literally about the same stuff
I forgot they existed desu
The only one i cared about was Quantum break
Also Cuphead is coming to steam lol
>The only one i cared about was Quantum break
So you cared about a shitty movie game over real games?
Says the nigga that play GEARS lol, and again technically as much as you want to defend your shit purchase theyre all on PC once again, defend till the end eh?
I don't. Never did.
At the start of this gen, I was defending Xbone's always online. I'm the one that organized notes from the so-called Xbone dev that posted on Sup Forums and rationalized, from a business perspective, what the purpose of always online was, which then got spread to a few clickbait sites online.
Mark my words, always online will happen next gen for at least 2 of the major manufacturers. From a business perspective, it is the superior decision to make. The only reason why Xbone failed to pull it off, isn't because people weren't ready for it technologically speaking, but because they weren't ready to accept it culturally yet. But by the time we're in true 9th gen, which is only a couple years away at this point, I think that will just about be a non-issue.
And it would benefit me. I like online features in games. Who doesn't?
If you like movie games go buy a PS4, Xbox doesn't need that shit.
Gears is a playable video game with a story, not having the gameplay interrupted by the story, forced in the middle of gameplay.
so your saying If I like movie games I should go buy a PS4 as Xbox doesn't need that shit?
>Microsoft Windows 10 Xbox ≠ PC
I don't know, what do you think I said?
what did he mean by this?
What did (You) mean by this?
Sure there is not any interrupting story anywhere, and damn i thought xboners werent crazy fanboys anymore.
Lmaoing at this nerd who deleted his post
Still on PC nig, can your xbox even play gears at medium LOL or Forza or quantum OR ROTR HAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Goodnight xboners defending your shit console for christ sake if youre gonna get a console its for exclusives desu
I get it your sad about your purchase deep down this isnt the Xbox 360 day of a more powerful multiplat machine for RDR desu
>Still on PC nig
That can only be played on a Microsoft platform and don't worry about settings, the Xbox Scorpio will play the UWP versions of those games anyway. Also movie games been killing the industry, we need actual video games not games that value story over gameplay.
Forgot to say here I don't have a Xbone bitch.
>we need actual video games not games that value story over gameplay.
Man you would have been mad if you were alive in the 90's so many glorious story based games, with good gameplay.
Oh but since you weren't around in the 90's that means you aren't 18 and you shouldn't be here.
I'd complain that Microsoft ruined everything by setting the stage for paid online, but fucking hell if Nintendo isn't doing their best to make the online their own brand of stupid
>could have had Nintendo vs Sega vs Sony
>or Sega vs Nintendo
>or Sony vs Nintendo
>or even Sega vs Sony
>instead we got Xbox vs Sony with Nintendo being little insignificant cucks that only appeal to their main base
I hate this time line. Any other time line would have been better.
Mother fucker I've been gaming all through the 90s since the early 90s.
if something were not monetised, people would find a way to monetise it. microsoft merely set a standard. the rest are equally bad for following, worse for uncreativity.
My biggest issue is how hostile they've historically been to PC gaming. Stealing PC games and making them exclusive to Xbox is just awful. Halo CE and 2 got delayed ports and 2 was just marketing for their subscription service. Dont forget Remedy fought for years to get Alan Wake on Windows. It was supposed to be a technical masterpiece on PC, and it was stripped and dumbed down to be a 360 exclusive. Also Microsoft has killed so many historic PC studios, almost as many as EA. Thank God we're finally getting a new MechWarrior.
Windows and Linux have free online, senpai. You should try it sometime
I like how it's free for a couple of months just to beta test it and get feedback. Early access console.
>paid online
how else do you expect them to pay for all the servers needed for MP games?
you could say let people run their own servers, but that just presents more problems.
No one forced Sony and Nintendo to have paid online. That's their own decision.
>all the servers
Where are these games being hosted then, if not servers? Individuals can host small MP games but big games like BF need a server.
Also these servers have the last the life of the console, not just the game. On PC a developer can provide servers and then close up shop when the game becomes unprofitable, but on console that's not an option. People have an expectation that when they buy a game for a console all its features will work, even if the company that made it folded. MS, Sony and Nintendo are not going to risk people leaving because they bought a broken game so they have to make sure people have a way to use any MP functionality the dev included.
>Listening to feedback
Pick one.