Which one of these beauties do I play first, Sup Forums?

Which one of these beauties do I play first, Sup Forums?

Haven't touched any of them besides F.E.A.R. and I played half of that but forgot to finish.

>playing meme games

Well these are the games I have that I own and haven't played yet so I wanted to see opinions on which ones are worthwhile.

Life is strange is the best one there, very engaging game play.

Awful. Pretty good. Boring as hell.
Pretty good. Good. Good.
SHIT! Average. Ass.

Play Metro.

>Tropico 4
>not Tropico 3 Absolute Power

Are the sequels to Metro any good?

Start with FEAR for something dynamic, then slow down a bit with BG&E, then start playing Thumper (not a good game for long sessions, so play it from time to time while finishing the next two games), Life is Strange, Torment, then SS2, Tropico, Metro and TW2 (if you've played 1, if not - start with 1, if you don't like 1 - ignore 2 as well and play TW3).

System shock first senpai. Best rpg ever.

Recently dropped my . Only COD is true video game and pick up life is strange.

Now I'm much more sensitive about feelings. Caring other is such a rewarding thing.

Regarding The Witcher - I played 1 and got to the second chapter in Visima and did some quests and got bored. I do want to understand the story a bit better before jumping into 2 and 3 but at the same time the game feels so wooden and clunky that I can't force myself to finish it

Is The Witcher 2 the same thing or are there improvements gameplay and mechanics-wise ?

Play Metro then Witcher 2.

A word of warning though, The Witcher 2 is not an easy pickup - It takes hours to get interesting even if you play a lot of RPGs. If you're not feeling it just play 3.

There is only one, and it's very solid

Beyond Good & Evil is a nice light Zelda-esque game. The start is a bit weird tho but stick with it until you hit the first "dungeon".

Is this a bot generated message or just broken English?

>Is The Witcher 2 the same thing or are there improvements gameplay and mechanics-wise ?
No, it's completely different. More modern, but at the same time I feel like it lost some atmosphere and the story is rather silly.
Still, it's a good game.

Honestly if you're really set on life is strange, do yourself a favor and read the story synopsis online
I'm the type of person who usually likes the more movie-style games that Sup Forums seems to hate and, to be honest, life is strange's story sucked dick unless your a teenage virgin lesbian.

Completely uninteresting, riddled with plot-holes, god-awful voice acting, and an awful visual style. Only decent thing about it was the music and even that was B-list.

I don't know how you got memed into downloading a tumblr game like Life is Strange.

that's the only pirated game from the bunch lol

Beyond Good & Evil is insanely good.

>tumblr bait is very enganging

A lot of different opinions. Turns out I should definitely play Metro, Beyond Good & Evil and System Shock while the others can wait.

I did play Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 recently as well as a replay of both Deus Ex and Half-Life so I'm probably too burnt out for FEAR or Planescape

why would you install 9 games at once? all your gonna do is play each of them for 2 hours and then give up on 7 of them that you'll never touch again.

of course you already made the mistake of coming to Sup Forums so your mind is already poisoned by memes like games age. then you'll get people shoving their hot opinions down your throat or like someone already did by calling them meme games.

play them all one by one starting with tropico and work your way down. try playing video games on your own for once.

Play Beyond Good and Evil, user.

I rarely go on Sup Forums

I just saw that I had a bunch of games that I haven't played yet and since I got a lot of time freed up in February I decided I'd ask a bunch of shut-ins and teenagers what the best game of the ones I have is.

Only really played witcher and metro there. Metro is really good though def play. Witcher 2 is kind of controversial but I liked it.
Still, Metro > Witcher 2

>Tropico 4
If you don't like management stuff, stray far from this one.

>Metro 2033
Good ambience, albeit it's a bit of a short game.

>Beyond Good and Evil
Overhyped game. 99% of the people who asked for a sequel never played it. 80% of your gameplay time will be spent in two big dungeons. Stealth sucks, camera is ass.

>System Shock 2
Fantastic presentation, but the systems are VERY dated. It's an FPS, but you actually shoot inside a square to hit stuff (kinda like an RPG).

Very good. Don't play the expansions.

>Planescape Torment
If you don't like reading tons of text. Skip it. Story is good, but it's like reading a book.

>insanely good
That's a bit of a stretch. It's a clear case of style over substance.

>pretentious PC starter pack

>Sup Forums approved

>gonna shill these same ~100 games until death by old age

>People hating on beyond good and evil.
Literally 12 years old and fedoras with 0 taste.
OP, go play that game immediately.

whatever floats your boat mate, you got some pretty solid games there

Torment if you want a good story
The witcher/metro if you want a story with more action
Beyond good and evil for an adventure but a bit more light hearted

I haven't played the rest

I've played it 2 weeks ago, and it's shit. I can understand why it failled commercially. It's a bunch of good ideas thrown together with mediocre to disastrous execution.
>that camera
>that long stretch in the middle of the game
>that "stealth"

beyond good and evil will forever be the game that didn't include Y axis inversion, this is the brand it carries forever

this was the exact moment at which developers asked the question, can we just omit this silly option of flipping the Y axis, like every other control interface on earth?

As it turns out, no

But I liked running into enemies headfirst!
Seriously, it's like the camera is having a seizure every time you want to run away from enemies.

Beyond Good and Evil had an absolute shit PC port last time I played it a few years ago. Is it fixed now?

>life is strange
>tropico 4
>F E A R

I'd say play the witcher and BGaE then play witcher 2+3, delete the rest and listen to the tropico 3 soundtrack instead of playing 4

only acceptable choice

Yeah, but they kinda fucked up the atmosphere, and the voice acting. It sounds all weird and cheesy. They made last light a post apocalyptic action movie, it seems. Still good, though.
Also, the redux ruined 2033.

Why do you people like metro? I couldn't stand that fucking game, press 'e' and watch a cutscene x15 then it puts me on a railway shooter, what the fuck is that shit?

It's good but it doesn't quite have the magic of the original, the AAA treatment didn't exactly do it good.
On that note, I hope to God the Metro you have installed isn't Metro Redux.

No. You have to edit a few things so it doesn't have a seizure with flashing effects, and it doesn't use the graphics from the HD versions.

No, it's Metro 2033 from when it was free for a bit. I nabbed it but never had the time/motivation to play it.

What does the Redux do wrong?

Start with SS2

Best to get the shitty games out of the way first

Why would you want to play TW2 if you dropped the TW1?
There's really no point, if you didn't love the shit out of the first you won't like the second either.

I wouldn't play any of those.

If you haven't played any why do you think they're beauties? Because Sup Forums told you so? You got fucking memed hard. I bet you hate overwatch without having tried it too.

That's not true, I fucking hate TW1 except for the 4th chapter but TW2 was great.

replaces all gameplay mechanics of 2033 with those of Last Light
stealth is the worst offender, Last Light introduced one-button takedowns and a new stealth AI that's very similar to Human Revolution, only more casual

my advice is: play witcher 2 and metro.

I mean I love Metro and The Witcher both, but if you didn't play System Shock 2 or BGE you're all underage little cunts.

Wow ...

so I'm supposed to launch GOG Galaxy or launch Steam and go to the library and find the game I want to play? The easies thing to do is just to click on the game from the desktop

Tropico is quite average game. Lacks polish and stuff to buy when you eventually get rich. 5/10

Metro 2033 is great 8/10

Beyond Good, not played

System Shock 2 is meh, I liked Bioshock 1 and 2 better. Is not scary and the story is predictable, at least the mastermind is cute. 6/10

F.E.A.R is fun. I just disliked the jumpscares. 7/10

Witcher 2 is great 8/10

Life Is Strange started amazing, then threw itself to the gutters with too much agenda sipped into it. The game literally feel disgust for you for not being lesbian (one of the choice), and constantly remind you at the end for not being gay. Jesus. Also they somehow made the retarded choice of killing everyone the one that seems to be the best choice. Too much fucking tumblr pandering. 1/10

Planetscape 9/10, only if you like reading.

Thumper is fun 7/10

>too much agenda sipped into it

What? If anything it was the beginning that had the whole tumblr lifestyle, the evil military dad, the rich white prick etc. In the end it was just some random disaster/mystery bogus, the evil dad redeemed himself and the rich prick turned out to be just a psycho. The "agenda", as you call it, was much more prevalent in the beginning of the game.

FEAR first, then BGaE, then Tropico and Metro.

>not launching them from the start menu
Why put anything on the desktop if you only see the desktop when you start the computer?

All of these games are good, but they're all different levels of accessible. I'd recommend starting with Beyond, LiS, and Thumper. After that it's up to you. Have fun!

Stealth in the original Metro 2033 was a joke though. Enemies would randomly detect you from miles away before you were even in line of sight.