You know this brings up a good point

You know this brings up a good point.

Why "can't" Metroid crawl? It makes no sense

>ywn have a Wii U playing gf

>when you come for the fap, but stay to ponder


This is from a doujinshi isn't it?



Nah it's from Batman

Post source before it's deleted. Been a while since I fapped to a doujin

She can crawl, but what's not obvious from a 2d perspective is these gaps are too narrow to fit her massive shoulders through.

wow what issue?

Is she Barbara?

>sister incest

Father-daughter is where it's at

>Little sister
Wow, fuck you pedophillia and incest promoting degenerates i hope you all die faggots


I think I remember this part of the game. You couldn't get through this part without the ball bombs, which you couldn't get without using the missiles to open the missile doors.

Problem is that those doors take 5 missiles to open, and there's nothing to indicate that using more missiles on them would open them. Sure the door flashes a little but that just made it look like it was an "error". All the doors before this part would open with a single bullet too.

The developers had a hard time creating decent-looking crawling animations for Samus on the NES, so they decided to take the lazy route and just have her turn into a ball so it'd be easy to animate.

Just a ploy to sell more Nintendo Power magazines

If it flashes it works nigga, Nintendo design 101.

>Problem is that those doors take 5 missiles to open, and there's nothing to indicate that using more missiles on them would open them. Sure the door flashes a little but that just made it look like it was an "error".

Don't know if you're pretending to be retarded or not but you are just wrong.

Shooting a red door with normal bullets does nothing, but with missiles it blinks. Even my dumb kid self had enough brain power to reach the conclusion to keep shooting missiles because something was going on.

Shit taste.
Sisters are a miracle of the universe.




I just figured it blinked because the missiles were more powerful, but not powerful enough to open the doors. Escalating effects has happened in other games before, and frequently.

>even my kid self

Yeah, when you haven't played many games before. So you just keep doing the same shit because you think it'll have a different effect.

We live in different times, none of these kids have ever had to do anything for themselves.

Only older sisters.

>you will never be such a nostalgiafag for a videogame that you think nonsense design is a good puzzle