what was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
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We thought he had amazing insight in video game design until we realize he was an ADHD autistic prick.
He underestimated how many people's lives depend on oot being the best video game ever.
There's so much waiting!!!!!!
Remeber when egoraptor made actual cartoons?
Those were the times
>nintendrones are still mad
tip top kek
He was 100% right. LTTP was the last good Zelda.
i find it funny that his solo stuff is bombing...
why is he so unfunny?
Speak for yourself buddy
This pretty much. He had totally valid criticisms.
>has no patience
>quick to blame video games for his own wrong doing
>complains a game is bad because he refuses to read important information the game gives him
>criticizes a game for holding his hand when he needs to look up a guide or walkthrough 10 minutes later
>doesn't understand the concept of blocking/defending in video games
>can't grasp that there are more than 3 buttons on his controller
>lies about "depth perception" issues on video games he's terrible at
>gets angry far too easily at anything that he can't do
>constantly talks about video games, game development, video game lore etc as though he's an expert
>gets called out for being a liar and boasts about how he was just pretending to be retarded and doesn't actually know anything about anything
There's a lot more to add
I actually agree OoT was pretty easy
which makes it even more baffling how hard he sucks at the game
I mean this guy has been playing and dedicating his life to video games for more than a decade, how can you still be this terrible?
The OOT video didn't really have a core idea behind it other than "I don't like it as much as ALTTP here's some reasons why" so it just kind of rambled for a while. Sequelitis worked better when it had a core thesis to work off of like "adding whip control to Super Castlevania changed the dynamic in ways they didn't account for."
I remember how after this video so many people started just shitting on OoT literally because he did it. Then they saw how fucking atrocious he was at these games after the Wind Waker playthrough and shut up real quick.
>how can you still be this terrible?
He's just bad at games overall, have you seen how lucky he is at games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls? But he goes on to push the blame on the controls of a game rather than take fault for his own actions.
When he's doing well in a game, he doesn't praise the controls, he praises himself. When he's doing bad in a game, he blames everything else. Shitty person, shitty at playing video games
He thought that many aspects of the game were designed in a stupid manner. I agree with most of them. People only suck up this game so hard for its artistic direction.
I still don't understand how he became such an pretentious asshole
was he really always like that? He used to voice a vid making fun of his fans praising him like a cartoonist god
now he thinks he's a gaming god
like what the fuck happened?
>The OOT video didn't really have a core idea behind it other than "I don't like it as much as ALTTP here's some reasons why"
It did though, it was about how the move to 3D dumbed down many aspects of how the Zelda games used to be played.
alttp was boring shit
He's not very good at playing 3D games. He also legitimately has ADHD. He doesn't try using any other of the items available to you even when it would faster, then complains that he has to wait.
he was never nice. he was a dick as a animator on newgrounds and he still a dick on youtube. the only reason we saw otherwise was cause of his egoworks
Are you one of those people that didn't actually watch the video? I really hope you're just joking and that you don't agree with what he says. It's mostly opinionated and he's comparing a 2D gaming experience to it's first encounter to 3D and complaining about how he doesn't like it. Never giving any advice or critique to how it should have been, like he did in his other sequelitis videos.
This one he made was purely to hate on 3D Zelda games and get away with it, nothing more. The thousands of people who "agreed" with him before he played OoT on Game Grumps to those that agree now are phenomenal. Seeing him play the game and watching him play up to the parts he complained about in his video make obvious sense that he's just terrible at the game and wanted to shit all over it
The worst part about my post is that I actually don't like OoT and prefer ALttP - It's my most favourite Zelda game to date
That user hit the nail with his armchair profiling, I'll name it the DSP syndrome hence forth, were shitty people with the described attitude automaticly also get inflated egos from fame and try to preserve that status by being defensive assholes about themselves.
We all grew up over the years.
He didn't and in fact has regressed to literally shitting himself for laughs.
It'd be sad if 12 year olds and man-children still weren't supporting him. It's really kinda pathetic cause he had a lot of potential but if people support him for half-assing everything, why should he try?
alttp aged like milk. I won't deny that it was a good game back in the day but it just doesn't hold up now.
seriously though what the fuck is up with egoraptor i feel like when im watching his shit he is some sort of ticking time bomb and is about to have some ISIS tier explosion onto someone
does anyone else get that vibe?
yeah and he even sucks at the game he was shitting on
I've met him a few times at cons, he's genuinely a nice guy but his problem is that he has a massive ego and likes to be the center of attention when around his friends. I honestly feel sorry for Dan being dragged into his life like this but at least people seem to like him more than Arin.. Despite Dan's weird sexual predator behaviour he has for younger girls and girls in general, it really creeps me out
So he's our guy?
yeah i can see 20 years ago it being amazing and groundbreaking but all the dungeons were incredibly easy
the only ones that felt unique or interesting was thieves town and the ice palace
i think albw is a lot better
He would have murdered the game even harder if he found out, the basics combat are a boring waiting game due to how enemies fight, using instant win items that don't even require you to aim at all, just pressing a button, makes the existence of said enemies entirely pointless.
>it just doesn't hold up now
As someone who thinks you're 100% wrong, could you legitimately explain why you think it doesn't hold up today?
I had my 14 year old cousin play it recently and he fell in love with the game almost instantly, praising the controls, the way the game looks and even how it handles dungeon layout
Using your knowledge and resources in a game to overcome an obstacle that would otherwise take awhile is entirely pointless?
You talk like a fag.
I did watch the video, his complains ranged from what the game was stupid about, its misguided choices and things it could have done better.
OoT is a game where the problems become more and more blatant with every replay. I tried self imposed challenges to see if it would improve some things, it mostly didn't.
>does anyone else get that vibe?
It's a bit hard to really take anything of worth from the video, considering that the guy who made it is actually really shite at the game, but there is a real point to be made about Ocarina of Time's combat. It's hard to say that any of the combat in Ocarina was rewarding, and even mini-bosses like Dark Link and Iron Knuckle fall short once you get their solutions. As much shit as Skyward Sword gets, I think it really figured out how to do combat right. Motion Plus directional gimmicks aside, the Shield Bash gave a lot in the way of control of pace to the player. Ranging from breaking an enemy's defense to countering ranged attacks, it was a great addition. Of course, the Motion Plus gimmick gave a decent amount towards the Bow being viable, but--aside from the Darknut fights in Twilight Princess--Skyward Sword is the first time sword combat actually felt satisfying and engaging in the 3D line of games.
There's an argument to be made about most of the rest, but Ocarina of Time just had boring shite for combat, and the supposed plethora of items and sword techniques available did nothing to alleviate the pace.
That comment points at you missing the entire point of what the complains were about.
speak for yourself
He was a kid who couldn't into 3D.
That's it, that's all that video showed me.
I do.
this, I had my 8 year old nephew play and love the shit out of this game last year
Literally how?
>alttp aged like milk
In no way whatsoever.
Then contact the Department of Homeland Security, fag.
>As much shit as Skyward Sword gets, I think it really figured out how to do combat right
>enemy are designed like puzzles
Arin should've died with newgrounds
JonTron put him on life support for the start of the youtube LPer era
Steady decline ever since
>was he really always like that?
Kinda. Like a previous user said, his rise to fame gave him an opening to voice his shitty opinions on game design as if it were gospel. I recall years ago on one of his art live streams he talked about how games that have treasure and secrets in some nooks and crannys was boring and unrealistic. (ie: Treasure behind waterfall)
He praised Bullet Witch's environment for not doing that sort of thing using an underground tunnel(?) as an example that was just a regular old tunnel.
I'm being honest with you here, everything you said and that Arin had said in his video is extremely subjective. That's why people with sense don't agree with his video on Zelda. You're complaining about things that are fine for other people.
There's a lot done wrong with OoT and Arin doesn't hit those points. Only things he "believes" are bad because he's just terrible at the game. I'm talking to you as someone who once agreed with his video, watched him play OoT and then came to my senses.
He can't really articulate his opinions on pacing so he settled for just saying the same thing over and over.
and his shit's all retarded?
dungeons are ez pz, you can be done with the first 3 dungeons in about 45 minutes, the dark world dungeons aren't that much harder
I bet that would actually work. That would be fucking hilarious.
>didn't watch the video
I feel like Jon is super depressed or something, his videos are getting quieter, the graphics aren't popping up as much, and he just seems quieter himself. Poor guy, the stuff he would pick to review was funny and out there but he seems like he's in a rut
>Motion Plus gimmicks aside
So no "hit the 1/4 direction they're not blocking" or anything like the hydra. I mean the raw combat that has remained similar throughout the series was finally made satisfying with the Shield Bash.
I love both ALTTP and OoT. Ocarina is more controversial since it was one of the first of its kind and has more flaws, but I have no trouble looking beyond that and replay both of them every now and then.
also wtf is up with you autists defending him as if he sucks your dick personally? does he provide you with us dollars or something?
>That's why people with sense don't agree with his video on Zelda
I can see two kinds of people having problems with his videos, people who missed the point about what his complains were about and the ones who refuse to admit that something was missing because their affection for the game as a whole make them dismiss any potential low points.
For example, one of his complain is that the fighting is unexciting because of how mechanical and scripted it is, including lots of waiting, those people would answer "use deku nuts, dumbass!". Then if you do use deku nuts, fighting turns to unexciting to pointless, the way enemies fight don't even matter anymore, they're as good as sitting ducks signposts.
You're deflecting.
Armchair """ analysis """
The only sword fight in SS that actually felt like an actual swordfight and not some dumb puzzle was the fighting battle against Demise. That's the final 3-5 minutes long battle in a 35-40 hours long game. Peh.
I don't even watch his shit. You sound like a retarded teenager.
It's fine, honestly. You'll see it in Dan soon too if you watch Game Grumps. Dan and Jon are entertainers at heart that both love and understand comedy at its core.
Arin doesn't. He thinks comedy is comprised of dick jokes, talking about taking a shit and screaming at the tops of his lungs.
Jon used his Jontron/Normalboots work for something to ease into and get used to perfecting his comedy. I feel that he's got a good grasp on that now and wants to pursue other options, probably away from commenting over video games/movies. Like I said though, Dan will eventually feel the same way.
He's trapped right now because he's too much of a nice guy to just leave Arin behind alone with his grumps channel as he has no one else to take up the empty seat on the couch apart from his girlfriend and she already has her own shitty channel. That and Arin wanting to create Starbomb also forced Danny to almost never be able to leave.
you sound like a disgruntled jewish citizen
I remember him saying the clapping in new super mario bros takes you out of the videogame immersion.
>I don't even watch his shit.
>does anyone else get that vibe?
>claims to not watch
>yet does not get the vibe
>really snakes my pebbles
>Keeps eating up my shitposts like a fucking mongoloid
>good complaints
>arguing how bad combat is in a game that's based on puzzles and exploration
Please let it go. Everything Arin complains about with combat is because he's terrible at the combat in OoT. He encounters one enemy in the game that's really fucking slow, so he can actually concentrate and focus on not getting hit, and praises it as the best thing about the game.
I'm talking about the Darknuts or Knuckle enemies. Surprising right? As he engages them in the exact same way he does with every other enemy but praises them over all others because they're slow and easy to fight.
He was too correct about an unpopular opinion.
>gets called out
>b-b-buh i was just shitposting a-all along i s-swear!!!
gitgud retard
>only sword fight in SS that actually felt like an actual swordfight
And the Shield Bash still contributed to the rest of the game's non-sword fight combat
You're not going to your high school prom.
Deflecting what?
The last thing I think Jon enjoyed doing was the Disney bootleg video. The shitty Christmas with the pranks movie review seemed so dry.
I think if Dan jumps ship Susie will try to wedge herself in that spot and it will all die, Dan's solo lps did better than Arin's. that should have at least triggered something in Arin.
This. never uses his shield, never uses items the game gives you to make combat different. instead he spams his sword, cries when he gets hit and blames the game for being repetitive and boring
>Deflecting what?
You dumb, nigga.
No, he's your guy.
As if you wouldn't play videogames for hundreds of thousands of dollars if given the chance.
lma0 suck my dick beta bitch xd
It's already triggered something in him. Every video now is just Arin screaming about something the game does bad and Dan talking about his life and events that have happened.
Dan is the glue holding the show together as he's surprisingly interesting, informative and nice to listen to. It's a real shame he comes off as such a sexual creep in person and in the grump videos.
This pretty much. His main criticism of OoT being a faulty assumption regarding its combat sums up how shit the whole video wound up being. It's actually the one majorly strong point in OoT. If you're good you don't wait in combat. There is an alternate method or a means to outskill and kill every enemy in that game.
The game's not perfect but nothing he talks about in that video are it's core problems.
why the fuck would a jew give up sheckles?
>Then if you do use deku nuts, fighting turns to unexciting to pointless, the way enemies fight don't even matter anymore
That's true, but his argument was "too much waiting" and there's a solution, even more than one, to get around it yet he's COMEPLETELY oblivious about the other items and their interactions with enemies. He'd rather just mash a button, win, and be done with it but not everything plays like a fucking arcade game.
>If you're good you don't wait in combat
Exactly and it's not even if you're good. you just need to pay attention, but he disregards any information he ever gets in any video game that doesn't have Megaman in the title (probably because of how those games teach you how to play without any information) and assumes that there's no other way to play.
It annoys me so much too because people actually think he knows what he's talking about and I've read comments made by people who have never played the game commenting on how bad and boring the combat is because there's only one way to go about it
I wasn't the person you replied to before my comment uoure just being retarded. I think it's the fact that he's older and goes by Danny sexbang. At a certain point it's not funny, more sad and creepy.
Because more sheckles could come from fans offering him jobs. Their fan base is way too big for what they are and would probably love to work with them
>He'd rather just mash a button, win, and be done with it
Citation; his bloodborne and Dark Souls play throughs.
How agonizingly painful they were to watch, so many weapons, items, tactics and play styles to choose from and he only ever sticks to the basics
>Their fan base is way too big for what they are and would probably love to work with them
Dan would be all for this, Arin on the otherhand is too socially awkward and ridden with ADHD that it would never work
>the gameplay is boring
>It's okay, you can cheese through it with an item to make it quicker
That's still fucking boring.
It's not cheesing if it still takes effort to get a better payoff.
he just sucks at video games, its like dark syde phil but he once made 3 funny cartoon shorts and so 90% of his retard fanbase thinks he can get away with IT
He worked backwards. He set out to make a controversial video on OOT that would be talked about and tried to find evidence to support it, rather than using the evidence to draw a natural conclusion about the game.
You can see this in his frequent contradictions with himself, like with the whole "hazard spinning around a room" shit.
The funny thing is OOT hasn't been the holy grail of games you're not allowed to criticise for years. Egoraptor has even seen Mathewmatosis' video on it, he knows it's not as touchy a subject on the internet these days, but he STILL felt the need to start his video with a strawman depiction to dismiss anyone who disagrees with his terrible argument as a blind nostalgic fanboy. It's baffling.
>he has a massive ego
he only had 6 heart containers when he started the adult link quest in oot, you can get at least 12 and 3/4 if you explore, exploit the minor sequence breaks and complete minigames, from what i remember playing the game fucking 18 years ago
How is egoshitter even still relevant? If I'm not allowed to 'promote' good youtubers with good content, you shouldn't be able to promote shit youtubers with shit content, fucko.
ffs u can even get shit from the garudo valley with a chicken as young link but fuck aaron was retarded
Egoraptor's entire premise lies on how OoT functions as a sequel though. And that as a sequel OoT falls apart because the combat moves from hack and slash to wait and slash.
You are moving his goal posts.
Stalfos in OoT require bombs or finesse to avoid waiting.
Stalfos in LttP require bombs or cornering them in the bottom of the map and mashing the attack button like mad hoping you land a hit in one of their vulnerability frames as they jump about.
He completely ignores that OoT expounds on combat concepts introduced in LttP (the orignal zelda really) - that of dual channel approaches to defeating enemies - to neg on OoT unfairly.
Whether OoT is boring or not is up to your individual taste and is not the argument at hand.
I personally still enjoy it.
Sorry about the late reply, kind of forgot i posted here.
I don't necessarily think that Alttp is a bad game, i just think that it's been surpassed in many ways by its successors.
It's not some big glaring issue with the game, but rather many small ones like the design of combat and how dungeons would play out in general compared to say albw or Oot. It just feels like an inferior experience now.