Seriously fuck this piece of shit...

Seriously fuck this piece of shit. He feels regret and cries about it in the last five minutes so I'm suppose to just ignore all the time traveling murder he did? Thank God there was an option that allowed you to tell him to fuck off

Well, his name is an anagram for serial murderer for a reason. You're not necessarily supposed to sympathize with him. The good thing about this game is that it presents ambiguous situations and doesn't tell you what to feel about them, even if it appears to preach pacifism at a glance.

That wasn't Asriel. It was Flowey. Flowey didn't have a soul, and thus couldn't feel love. The game's pretty explicit about this. It also states that when Asriel and Chara's souls were one when they left the mountain, the part of the soul that wanted to kill the humans was Chara's, not Asriel's. It's to illustrate the dichotomy between monsters and humans.


>Asriel Dreemurr
>Serial Murderer

REALLY causes the neurons to start working...

Asriel and Flowey are the same person you retard
Furfag pedos please leave

Again. Flowey does not have a soul. The game is not subtle about this at all. It outright states this.





Jumping on here to say that Flowey couldn't feel emotion or even kill himself and was trapped in a time loop or boredom until he 'exhausted his options' and befriended everyone / killed everyone / saw everything that could be done

Undertale characterization are pretty fucking bad, full of hypocrisy when you look at it with some care.

The only good part of the game is the sttention to details during the playthrough (dialogues for every situation).

I thought Flowey was a mixture of Chara and Asriel, minus a soul.

I'm guessing the Chara part started taking over after a few hundred timelines.

He's still the same character retard

Yes and no. That's as far as I'm willing to go. Asriel had/has a soul. Flowey does not. You can't say someone without a soul is the same person as someone with a soul, when the game explicitly states that a soul allows you to feel love, and thus changes everything about you. But please, go on wasting both our times.



but i thought Sup Forums never liked undertale

Flowey is legitimately insane. He was stitched together back from the dead without his soul and emotional connections. Asriel was still a good person because he was the only one preventing Chara from murdering all the humans after his death.

I'd almost say Flowey and Asriel are fundamentally different individuals

I just did, bitch. Keep your dilusions though

Brilliant rebuttal.

Don't reply, he's just baiting at this point.

Dear God the level of edgy 14 year old in this post is overwhelming.

Everything that happened is entirely Alphys' fault.

entire game is shit

Asriel is a cute goat and you should hug them.

>Oh boy I'm gonna be a piece of shit all day and do horrid experiments
>Oh fuck the experiments went wrong better keep it to myself


If her design and demeanor were more appealing I wouldn't hate her as much. With the order of journal entries, she possibly ignored Gaster's warnings too. Fuck Alphys.
>If I make a killer robot attack the human and save him he'll love me!

>Flowey couldn't feel emotion
He only doesn't feel certain emotions. If he didn't feel anything at all he couldn't get any kind of satisfaction from doing anything at all.
He lost his feelings of compassion and love.

and the genocide run shows he can still feel fear, yeah.

*Him. What's wrong with neutral pronouns? We just use it anyways lol.
>so I'm suppose to just ignore all the time traveling murder he did?
All that stuff also never happened because it was reset away.

If the entire middle third of the game wasn't the Alphys and Mettaton Show I would have hated her less. Everything up to that point was fun and varied, nothing overstayed its welcome, but then you get nothing but Alphys on every fucking screen for longer than the entire game took up until that point.


It went on way too long, but I'm not sure it could've gone good either way. Let's say Alphys/Mettaton's roles were reduced. Instead of the big long hot zone/Mettaton stretch of game, you got a new town. What's the new town gonna consist of? We already saw with the echo flowers that monsters dream and hope to leave the mountain. What more could a hypothetical new town tell us? Instead of that, gimmicks!

I didn't really mind Alphys but her deal with Mettaton was confusing and Mettaton's joke got old fast.
His boss fight and the secret backstory made up for the character but killer robot with skewed sensibilities is almost as old as sci-fi and horror are for a trope.

>I'm suppose to just ignore all the time traveling murder he did?
No, you're supposed to forgive him for it.

what kind of fucking hack makes a shitload of money off of his shit game then doesn't bother to make another one

That's not how that meme works.

>full of hypocrisy when you look at it with some care.
You don't even need to do that much.

>monsters attacking you everywhere you go and fully capable of killing a child

>Asriel Dreemurr
>Israel Murderer

>Hating on best undertale
Lol, get fucked!

The game does nothing if you kill anyone.
Only Undyne really bitches if you kill random monster.
Sans doesn't care as long as his brother is alive. "Y-yeah, it was just a self-defense" is one of his "judgement" lines.
You just defeat Omega Flowey and fuck off.

Reminder that the monsters killed six innocent children, stole their souls to store into containers and never answered for it.

Those children probably weren't innocent, user. Humans are the true monsters etc. and you have to be the exception.

> Those children probably weren't innocent, user.


> Humans are the true monsters etc. and you have to be the exception.

Funny, considering even if you are 100% good they still keep trying to kill you.

> t-they are just playing!

Yeah, Asgore, Undyne, the guard dogs, royal guards... they surely aren't trying to murder a child.

>Implying you would not do the same
Fuck, Flowey was essentially an immortal autistic child with crazy powers. I am surprised things did not go to shit faster

Ya know as some one who works with kids, they really are selfish monsters. Humanity's past was ripe with biased selfish pricks and it takes years of disciplining kids just so they can "play nice" with each other. Given a choice a six year old would wish some one out of existence just because they did not want to share

>people still talking about a shit meme

>the only main character you can't kill
>for the obvious reason that she's an annoying bitch and everybody would relish killing her
Yeah, best Undertale alright.

Kids are cruel, Jack.

Well, one, you are technically an enemy to them since they are at war with humanity but are inherently peaceful creatures, and two, their "attacks" are not necessarily them trying to kill you, but might be their way of socializing.

>not being the goodie shoes kiddo walking with xir stick and hugging strangers

Asgore "Spyke the tyke" Dreemurr.
You probably aren't innocent either but we don't crucify you for it.

I want to have an entirely platonic relationship with a goat.

The difference being that kids eventually learn empathy and stop being monsters, whereas the monsters will always be sociopathic cunts willing to commit murder when push comes to shove.

Unless they are monster kids of course. Because in Undertale monsters are victims no matter what, and humans are murderous killers by default. Monsters can't be evil, only inherently peaceful. But humans are bastards by default.

So basically when they kill it's ok because they MIGHT not have meant to, though that implies they never even considered such a thing. So they kill from ignorance and then get mad and take a moral high ground when humans get tired of getting killed by their attempts to socialize?

My point is that the game tries too hard to make the monsters out to be perfectly kind and innocent beings who can do no wrong unless pushed to it by mean old humans. It's the same thing fiction has done since forever.

Kackle kackle kackle

He actually could kill himself, he was just too scared to do it.

That is good.

>Yeah don't worry bro my brother is totally harmless
>Cue Papyris trying to capture me by beating me to death

Yeah maybe I would have spared him if he didn't try to attack you fat lying cunt.

I have one of those things in my house so I'm trying too hard to understand this image, this is my thoughts atm.. they are basically going through their voice data entries for doubt & likeness. The mia post it note on the male thing is like male ownership mentality over what they like.

The thing that i hate about the game is its lack of explanation. Toby wanted the game short cause he hated long games but in doing that there are a lot of up in the air questions. Why could they not just dig out since the barrier is akin ro a door rather than a sphere how did they build everything etc.. Hell you have to get to the end of the pacifist route just to get a xhunk of the story..

>Monsters are supposedly suffering and undergoing some sort of plight from having to live underground
>No where is this apparent or shown, it's only told to you, everything seems to be fine and their society is functioning


They're in a cave, not just under some dirt.

China is kinda functioning, too.

>implying he's attacking you for anything else but to wear you down so capturing you will be easier
He's a skeleton of his word, user.
He's going to capture you, nothing more, nothing less.

his dad is hot doe

I swear to god people who fucking ship skeleman and goat mom are cancer.
He fucking calls her old lady you dont fuck someone you call old lady.

Flowey doesn't have Love, Compassion and Hope because that's what monsters souls are mostly made of.
Flowey is just a flower who has the memory of Asriel because his dust was dispersed on it before Alphys (who has a rather shallow understanding of the works of W.D Gaster) injected Determination in it to see what would happens, and can live despite not having a soul through sheer force of Determination.
Flowey is a rather direct analogy for psychopathy and he only killed all Monsters in his various playthroughts of the game. (and he is implied to have gone through a lot more of timelines than the player)
When Asriel really become himself for a short time, he naturally regret the actions of Flowey, and you can argue they are not the same person.
I mean, a child dies in a traumatic situation and is "ressurected" in a way that basically makes him a sociopath and he is forced in a groundhog day for a very long time where he killed all monsters to distract himself...

>Is forced
He could have just not reset. Everyrhing is literally his fault because he was a little shit

Things are not horrible but that's not like they are that great.
That's not like the Core seems to be that old, their territory is tiny and a lot of their economy seems to revolve around about human garbages.

What the fuck is this