Switch to Japanese dub

>Switch to Japanese dub
>Suddenly the most comfy game out there

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imagine being this much of a weab


I know that feel bro
sometimes it's better when you don't understand shit

>sometimes it's better when you don't understand shit
then why specify Japanese specifically, and not just "foreign language"?
I'll answer that for you: it's because you're a weeb.

It's not the language in itself but the feeling it brings to the game.

Plus the dialogue in the game is utter shit so it's a win win situation that you don't have to listen to it.

Also Japanese sounds more business and official like. Gives that agento feeringu

Trust me you don't feel like listening to German and certainly not french for the whole time you play the game.

Russia is a good second after Japanese tho

you idolise japanese culture, I'm sorry to break it to you but that means you're a filthy weeb.

It turns the game into an anime about American military, politics, and social issues

aka it turns the game into Metal Gear

comfy as fuck

>This scene while some dude is talking Russian on the radio

Straight out of STALKER.

because japanese language sounds fucking awesome esp when its done by decent voice actors

the tones and way its spoken is very unique

cant say that about any other language, the same way you dont want to watch a german love story thats subtitled, their language sounds like shit

> switch to Spanish dub
> now a hilarious telenovela

you are a weeb



Well you sound like a liberal

Trust me, most people in your life probably think you are a very opinionated idiot, but for some reason they do not tell you.

I want the normies to get out and kill themselves.

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

>Sup Forums - anime

You are a complete and utter retard, not only for assuming that your own weird fetishes apply to everyone else, the true hallmark of an utter moron, but you also continue to make absolute statments about entirely subjective things as well.

>sometimes it's better when you don't understand shit

I think this actually makes sense.

I remember being content as hell walking around in Beijing, because I couldn't understand what people were saying, nor could I even read most of the signs.

I think we're hit with information overload all day every day, but we're used to it. When you put a dampener on that information by making it unintelligible to you, you spend less time thinking about the information being directed at you, and you have more mental cycles for introspection.

Been thinking about getting this game. What sale price would be a good "worth it" target?

>I remember being content as hell walking around in Beijing
>being content when dying of smog

I don't think your story happened buddy

The smog was pretty bad, yeah, but it's not really a big deal unless you actually live there for an extended period of time.

>French people

you can tell he's french by the dodgy grammar straight away

Nah, it turns it into a fukikae

>Sup Forums - madden

sounds about right

>trying to shitpost about dudebros in a thread with The Division in the OP

you can only see the sky 2 days out of the year, if that

super comfy senpai

take any escalators over there?

>weeb is now an insult on Sup Forums
pack it in guys, we 2chan now
wasn't it for the language barrier i would've probably already did that

Yes, and elevators, and I was fucking terrified the entire time of them if it wasn't an obviously upscale place.

By the way, they typically skip floor #4 in the elevators and call it 3A, because 4 sounds similar to their word for death or something like that. Kind of like our superstition for 13 being unlucky.

Grow up. You'll never be a nip.

Are you me? I felt the exact same way when I was there
It also helped that there were just so damn many chinamen there and they legitimately arr rook same. They just blended into this faceless mob, I would have felt the same way had there not been a single person in the city. Made it really easy to sit back and enjoy the food and scenery around me

Fucking weebs lmao

Ey, ese!

... Game is still shit, op.

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

animeNEETs on suicide watch

I feel like the biggest reasons people like Japanese is that it's a "smoother"/"softer" language to listen to, especially in comparison to other Asian languages and even more so to Germanic ones.

Maybe I'm just retarded.

>Maybe I'm just retarded
Aren't we all?

it's not yours either

Well we're all posting in this shithole, so yeah?

I play The Crew with Japanese dub, so I can be a Drifto Samurai.

That, and you don't have to worry about anyone getting in your way of seeing something interesting when you're a 6'3" fucking white male that has at least a foot in height on everyone around you.

Cute little old ladies wanted to take a picture with me. "Ooooh rook at big american cowboy, you like Tom Cruise"


You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

u frst faget


it's not yours either

You're not far off. Japanese is structurally far closer to European languages while still maintaining that asian flair in its pronunciation, without being tonal and nasally like most mainland asian languages

>go to watch some fireworks
>everybody was pushing and shoving to get to the front
>mfw I could stand right where I was and look over top of them all for a perfect view

But Tom Cruise is tiny.

I've been here since 2005, weeb. I don't give a shit that your epic gaia friends turned you on to habbo raids, you can fuck right back to your baka boogaloo and never return.

>Baby momma drama glitch happens in Spanish mode

>Out of nowhere pulling the liberal card
your bait used to be somewhat ok

>I-I read about gaia and habbo on encydlopedia dramatica, I can pretend to be an oldfag!

Imagine not using weeb correctly, oh you don't have to

Looks like I fucking nailed it. Back to Gaia, kiddo.

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

You can't blame people being weebs when they do shit like this.
How can america even compete?


>muh safe space REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>I've been here since 2005, weeb

If you had been you'd actually use the term weeb correctly, but you don't and thus you are a dumbass in every sense

>implying you don't have a bunch of naruto wall scrolls on your wall

Nice try, weeb kiddo, but you failed.

Like seriously how can we even dream to compete?

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

It's just as cringe as I read it 10 years ago.

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

Daily reminder that whining about anime is about as cancerous as posting anime on non-anime boards.
anime-reaction images are fine, everything else on non-anime boards is frowned upon and was always frowned upon, animefags you should know that.

>being a weeb

>been on an anime imageboard for over a decade
>still manage to vehemently hate weebs on such an autistic level

I kind of a weeb myself, I even study japanese, but at least I'm not this laughably autistic.

>Shit on SJWs safe spaces
>Then go and post this shit

No its true

I was thinking about this the other day

Being grateful that anime is Japanese and not in some other asian country because Japanese just sounds really good, spoken either by male or female, stern/serious or soft/breathy.

I live in NYC near a lot of chinese people and hearing chinese on the streets everyday its really guttural and disgusting, annoying in comparison to when watching anime and hearing Japanese instead, sound sharper, more normal.

>anime dubs are fucking trash watch it in original language
>but dubs into japanese are great muh chinkynese say-yoos paid over a thousand yen

you can like anime and videogames and still be disgusted by weebs, otakus and waifufags

I don't hate weebs, they're just cringey as fuck. This board was only japanese-centric very early in 2004 or so. Once SA goons were done masturbating to hentai, Sup Forums turned into a board for dank memes for a good couple of years until normies ruined it in 2007 after partaking in le epic raids.

why is he next to a giant and a hamster

>Hammond is smaller than Cruise


I wish weebs would kill themselves

I don't mind if you are feeb, but if you are one of those Japanese knowing otakus you need to reconsider your life.

OP is alright. I love Jap too, precisely for the comfy sound it has.


This already shows how little you know, don't even mention that garbage to me it's just as fucking trash as DBZ

Japanese sounds better because its phonetics are made using the middle of the mouth, bringing it closer to the diaphragm, giving it a superior tone

You are wrong, dudebro
We have like a gorillion new boards to contain al the animefags.
Why do you think that is?

You haven't been here in 2004. Stop posting shit you faggot.

Why are you pretending like you've been here for longer than a year if you actually use the term "dank memes" and "normies" trying to be serious. It's extremely obvious you just started browsing here in 2015 and are just spouting shit you remember reading from ED

Does the division have another map after the initial one or is that the whole thing?

I've been playing it and taking my time because the map is pretty small.

>elitist about mainstream anime

And he claims he's not a weeb who's surrounded by wall scrolls and semen-covered figurines LMAO

It's funny because guns are illegal in Japan.

>the division is my favorite game since 1.4 and 1.6 looks mad noice
Life is good m8s

And he claims he's not a fag who's surrounded by wall cocks and semen-covered gay asshole LMAO

How is Division? Is it enjoyable if you play alone?

Id say so mate, much more fun with others ofc but decent alone


Because it triggers you newfags. Everything went downhill after snacks was gone. You kiddos wouldn't last a second.

Thanks for confirming for me that you're just spouting stuff you just read on ED and are trying to act like an oldfag

Weeb was always an insult in Sup Forums. Thing is it used to be reserved for people who liked Japan even more than Sup Forums. They were the people you could point at and say, "yes, I'm stupidly obsessed with Japan, but at least I'm not as pathetic as THIS guy." But it didn't take long for people to realise there was no objective standard. If you're into Japanese shit at all you're always a weeaboo compared to someone.

You aren't welcome here.

This is not your site.

You do not belong.

Kill yourselves.

Stop trying to act like you've been here for more than a year.
"dank memes" is a newfag meme


Hope you're getting lots of good google searches to bookmark, kiddo.

>I've only been here for 2 years starter pack
simply epic

Irrelevant. They only see him in movies.

You both love talking about gay shit don't you, especially when you get called out on the fact that you can't even make a distinction between good and bad anime. You're both retarded making baseless assumptions. Go play some xenoverse or something you weeaboos.

tanasinn.info/wiki/Complete_History_of_Sup Forums

Not him, it's just interesting.