One of the most played games on Steam, with multiplat capabilities

>one of the most played games on Steam, with multiplat capabilities
>Sup Forums barely ever talks about it

Let's change that. You ever play this game? What do you think about it?

I think them releasing expansions without first finishing the game is pretty low.

Don't play on a pvp server unless you want hours of work destroyed in minutes. Logging back on to see you were raided is frustrating as fuck.

>early access open world survival meme games

Is that the FOTM generic open world crafting survival game, but the twist was that it had dinosaurs instead of zombies?

I'll think about buying it when it actually fucking comes out.

This is probably the only time where I would defend this, but they did have an original schedule, and as more shit got piled on, they had to push back their original release date. If what they've said is true, then Scorched Earth would have actually come after the release.

That's the only time I will give any ass of a defense toward it, though. If they do it again during EA, then I know for a fact that they're being greedy fucks.

>Made console ports and paid DLC before taking the base game out of early access

Perfect example of why early access is cancer. Why finish or polish your game when its already making money in early access and you can shit out console ports and paid DLC?

>Play in single player with x100 taming rate
>Taming is still horribly tedious

It's god awful.

Horrible fucking optimization.

>not putting it to 10000x taming

Guaranteed fast tame.

>minecraft with dinosaurs

Can you do that? It's been a while but I thought I put in something like 99999999999 then the game automatically rounded it down to 100.

Love being robbed every other hour

You can't set it too high, or it'll just auto-round it.

You can get away with setting it to 10000x for taming and XP if you're doing singleplayer, or even multiplayer. I have it set to 10000x in both those slots, works out fantastically.

How easy is it to tame (mainly inflict enough torpor) for bigger dinosaurs? Things twice as large as the player? Can it be done without tranquilizers? If I shoot it with a slingshot like 8 times will it work?

And just saying, the performance is god awful. Especially on low-mid tier rigs. I know most games run bad on those anyway but this is something else. The optimization for this is fucking abysmal.

Your going to want to use tranq darts or arrows for bigger dinos. Slingshotting shit bigger than a trike isnt worth it.

There was apparently some lawsuit against them and they had to make scorched earth to continue funding the game, I'm not defending them at all however.

>play with ARK with some of my friends
>we find eachother and decide to build on a cliffside jungle
>after building our base we realized we'd have to parachute/run all the way down to get water and other resources
>decide that we should build a giant ladder down
>proceed to do this for the next 2 hours
>"Ah finally our shitty thatch ladder is comple-"
>some faggot on a huge pterodactyl comes by and looks at it for 20 seconds
>he destroys the whole thing within a couple of seconds

What a fucking faggot. Kind of funny though but still annoying, my friends however got extremely butthurt and hasn't touched the game since. It will be hard to convince them to play again after something like that.

Also, they need to make it less grindy with the fucking building. I don't want to spend an entire day just to build myself a little wooden cuckshed.

All the crafting recipes are inflated as fuck and they keep adding new creatures to the already crowded island since that's easier than fixing anything. Also taming is the most boring activity ever, whoever okay'd that needs flogged. The Engrams system was fine originally, but now it's inflated out the ass and makes it so you have to pick up every prereq you missed if you want to make a single stone wall later.

And this is with me playing on a local server with inflated gathering/harvesting rates, an inventory that can hold 1000 pounds, and inflated taming rates. Shit's just not even fun after the first 30-40 hours.

Waiting for it to leave EA so I can get a refund

I love the game, but my friends don't have the time or patience to play (Or the PCs in one case.) I tried playing with randoms and it just never works out, too much time and effort that can be lost instantly.

I honestly would love to play a server where the Dinos are always lvl 1, so tame rates and strengths are stable. Kibble taming and stat minmaxing makes certain dinos such a joke that there's no point to the other dinos.

It's one of the most poorly designed games I've ever played.

Combat is horrendous, taming is terrible, dinosaurs don't matter at all once you have a few tools and a giganotosaurus.

The game is literally designed like a retard made it.

Called pipes, moron.

>Using a Giga post-nerf
You best be joking. You encounter a wild giga and you're fucked, at least if you only ride fliers you can just ollie outtie.

I encounter a wild giga on my Quetz, stand there and tranq it with my tranquilizer darts, and tame it. I have like 15.

Hoping Conan Exiles is decent, EA starts the end of this month. Looks like they are focusing on good combat and mounts only for traveling, thank god.

Just hope they don't screw it up like they did Age of Conan.


Fun as fuck game with a few friends on a friendly PvE server, but fuck any that use 30+ mods that do nothing.

I don't talk about it because I purposely try to direct the filth of Sup Forums to Rust where the community is as toxic as the developers for it.

ARK is simply not a game. I played this game for a long while, and I loved it for that time period. But looking back now, I realize two things.

It is a farming simulator, and a grinding simulator, wherein you set out to chop down trees and hit rocks until you have enough materials to build something incredibly basic. Once you have a base and have everything you can have in the game, which doesn't take long, the game becomes an upkeep simulator. You begin to play just to maintain your investments, to justify all the time you spent taming dinosaurs and building structures, not because you're getting on to have fun.

The actual gameplay is non-existant. You ride around on a dinosaur, looking at other dinosaurs, in a very plastic looking world. The dinosaurs walk around in circles and have no behavior patterns or specific abilities that make them unique or fun to fight or even tame. Once you have a T-Rex, Giganotosaurus, or Spinosaurus, the game becomes very dull. The ocean is essentially empty, and I don't see what they will add that will change this.

The game does a good job at hiding the fact you are actually not doing anything. But eventually, you start to realize that all the dinosaurs do is walk around in circles in the wild, and all you're doing is hitting E over and over and left clicking trees and rocks in a very plastic looking world.

If you decide to play stay far away from offovial servers they all have alpha tribes that will ass rape noobs on site

Instead find a high rate server thst has some active people on it

This, the grind is fucking awful. They need to rework Thatch somehow so it isn't RNG.

Having to cut down around 12 trees just to get 35 thatch at best but hundreds of wood is tedious and makes no sense.

I had a large-ish group of normie friends who were hardcore into ARK for a while and they even bought me a copy but by the time I came around to caring they'd all quit and one of them told me there was an update that ruined everything or something.

Yeah, the whole building system is terrible and looks terrible and its far too tedious.

You can use a pick to get more thatch from trees.

Just like hitting a rock with an axe provides more stone than flint.

Its horrible, why port the game to multiple platforms and release DLC WHEN THE GAME ISNT EVEN FINISHED IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Absolute shit game. This is coming from someone who used to play dayz and has played rust since legacy.

DayZ was amazing.

It's almost a lot like Animal Crossing, if you put it that way. Once you see through the smoke and mirrors you realize that you don't have the drive to find the money rock, check what the shops are selling, do a few other things and then farm fish for bells for the rest of the day, every day.

The only real difference is in Ark a player or Alpha dino can destroy everything you've worked for in minutes, while there is no such threat in Animal Crossing.

Its a shitty early access survival game.
Zero fun to be had. From what I see, only normies with no taste in videogames play it.

In AC, there is relaxation and enjoyment out of your accomplishments and collecting.

Not so in Ark.

Played with my housemates for a bit. Dropped it when I saw every stretch of half decent land was dotted with thatch floor pieces in some bizarre land-grab war where autists would sit there waiting on timers to run down to try and grab another few square meters of sand.

They ended up trying go noahs ark on all the dino breeds.

Most of the time I was thinking I'd rather play minecraft than this.

It's fucking dogshit, even without the whole thing about releasing an expansion in early access. I regret buying it for half-off through G2A it's that bad.

Has the w10 multiplat thing happened?

>early access
>open world
When will this shit fad end?

Not that it'll be replaced by anything better anyway.