How to make the Sea Dragon scarier: Remove the big fucking smile he has all the time and just close it's fucking mouth.
Also Subnautica thread.
How to make the Sea Dragon scarier: Remove the big fucking smile he has all the time and just close it's fucking mouth.
Also Subnautica thread.
Or get rid of the goofy looking arms.
He should at least swim with his tentacles instead of paddling with his arms
>warpers are geneticly made by the ayys and aren't the previous crash survivors who turned themselves into them/got mutated
>you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
They've made two giant creatures with stupid arms and tentacles. Not very creative compared to the rest of their creatures.
Fucking love the electric eel looking thing though
all creatures in this game look goofy and laughable
Did they remove the terraforming yet?
I'm tired of playing with the terrible pop-in.
and I mean the voxel terrain system, not just the terraformer tool
The creature design of this game is godawful.
Why are Power Cell rechargers so ridiculously hard to find? I had to look up a guide to know where I'd find the damn things, because I was worried I'd run out of inventory space with all the empty cells from the Cyclops and Seamoth
>Remove the big fucking smile
its not because reptiles try to be photogenic, its anatomical. they are still terrifying when breathing up your neck.
Reptiles are cute! CUTE!
>This game has ending
It's surprising for survival type game.
Not as terrifying when it can't destroy your Triton while fucking lava larva can glitch it out.
You clearly never heard a boneshark.
This, he doesn't look scary or all that threatening. Just looks like shit.
they already made the foundation by removing buildings dependence on terraforming. you simply cant build anymore where is terraign in the way of the building. the voxel landscapping might remain in the game until its going gold, its so much easier to work with it when its still on. 1.0 release date is around may, until then they continue to build the caves and stuff, and still need the voxel terraforming feature, after that they can bake the pointcloud into solid map geometry, and debug it afterwards, since artifacts might remain from the baking. there are still a lot of tiny stray voxel blobs floating around in some places.
what is a triton?
do you even subnautica?
Voxel terrain is hated because it negatively impacts performance and causes pop-in, not because of artifacts.
i did not question that fact. its still needed by the devs right now. they cant bake and debug new terrain for each update they push to steam. dynamic voxel landscaping is just the way to go right now, until their map is finished.
so, phallic shaped dick snakes are scaring you?
Negatively impacting performance is one way to put it. My game consistently kept crashing whenever I tried traveling too far from the Aurora.
I dont even....
My sides just left the room.
>never seen an eel
i bet it will be better when its gone, but i see the benefits for the devs keeping it a few more months. ever been to the areas BENEATH the lava zone? the are still building down there, and theres even a hole they drilled going down to 1759 meters, what the fuck. prawn suit maxed out pressure compensator can go down to 1700 meters. and theres a large area excavated where this hole is located, like the size of the upper lava zone itself.
Freud wants a word.
i have seen eel, i was eel fishing a couple of times , they are not scary. and they do not look like dicks
Sounds like you've never seen a dick either.
so is subnautica just the real version of pressure, or what?
Whats with the xenomorph cocks?
One is even shooting a sperm...
>never seen a cock
They look nothing like eels.
While I love the concept of an abisal "whale" it is highly unrealistic to think it can survive with that lifestyle.
I like swimming but I get panic attacks when I'm diving underwater. This game kept bringing me those fears again and turn it to 11. Yet I bloody love playing it. Fucking hell, I hope they'll finish the game someday. It's bloody great.
So is the sea dragon
It's really not. They're going for a certain style you might not like but it's not objectively bad by any means.
I personally like it a lot because it doesn't go for all he tropey video game character design pitfalls.
>What are sperm whales
So its basically an exact rip off of the final Kaiju in Pacific Rim.
What's the point of this game? I made an awesome nuclear powered base in the safe shallows, I have upgraded both my Seamoth and PRAWN suit, I have a Cyclops and a secondary base on the precursor gun island with a bunch of storage for excess resources. I've gone down some abyss in the north, found some glowing tree, the wreckage of a precursor thermal energy plant, got annoyed by that abnoxious sea dragon that just doggy paddles around spitting fireballs, didn't find anything of interest down there because it's pitch fucking black with barely any maneuvering space for the Cyclops, found my way up through the grand reef to the south right below the floating island.
I never found some way to shut off the precursor gun, let alone a way to cure the disease to get offworld and I've gotten bored enough that I'm ready to uninstall and just play something else. Also, the Cyclops needs sonar. The deep areas are pitch fucking black and even the lights on the external cameras don't work so you're relegated to feeling your way around like a mouse using it's whiskers along walls. The Cyclops makes the pinging sound effects of sonar, but they don't let you actually use it. Leviathan reapers are really annoying when you're in a submarine, there should be counter measures that let you shock the fucks away.
Not that much, really. Haven't played Subnautica yet since my PC is shit but iirc it can appear in the game at low depths, which is something.
The abisal depths are pretty much poor as shit in terms of biomass minus underwater volcanos, and a whale-like animal (not even in terms of size, but type of feeding) would have an awful time finding a bank of fishes half as big as the one on that pic. If it was a mesopelagic fish, like the lancet fish, it could work better tho.
A cetacean that doesn't feed like a baleen whale, that's for sure.
>What's the point of this game?
Cure yourself of space aids, build rocketship, turn off precursor gun and escape
Well you're obviously the cockmaster here ;^)
All of this isn't fully implemented yet.
Sperm whales definitely turned the abyssal plane into their hunting ground. That's as close to an abyssal whale you're going to get since all whales still need to surface to breathe.
>What's the point of this game?
Having fun.
your mom
I think I'd be having more fun if the day/night cycles weren't like 20 seconds each. This game also has a shitty hunger/thirst system like 7 Days to Die. In the latter, you can eat 100 ears of corn and still be hungry. Same shit here, I feel like I spend more time interrupting myself to eat and drink a ton.
That thing looks kinda sexy.
>playing far cry 4 on evga gtx 1070 sc
>ultra settings
>silky smooth 70-110 fps
>start playing subnautica
>silky 30 fps
>shit draw distance
>constantly driving seamoth and sub into things that pop into view last second
>have to keep clearing game cache to stop constant crashes
>game cache is usually close to 1gb
>exiting game to desktop almost always causes game to crash
What an unoptimized piece of shit. I paid $10 when it was on sale on Steam and I still feel completely ripped off.
>if the day/night cycles weren't like 20 seconds each
What does it matter? Later on you work with enough illumination.
>I spend more time interrupting myself to eat and drink a ton.
Get gud. When you find the proper fish and get the drink your own possible suit you have zero trouble with starving anymore.
its not even released yet
serves you right for buying an unfinished game
at least you'll already have it once it's finished
>bought during EA
>will get cute fish so you can high five it and rub it's belly
When will the more Kharaa-like lifeforms appear?
Oh, so all the cured fish I have, the planters with fresh fruit in my Cyclops and bases, plus all those big bottles of filtered water and my stillsuit means I haven't gotten gud?
Your reading comprehension is a bit stunted, user, I said it was annoying to keep interrupting myself for food and water, I didn't say I have a shortage of either.
if it gets finished
That concept artist must be devastated. Such a great design, turned to shit.
>yfw cute fish turns out to be a baby sea emperor
I have thalassophobia. This thread is legit getting to me
>watching Pacific Rim to the end without falling asleep
Pretty impressive.
i dont get what you're going on about, looks exactly the same to me.
I bought the game and refunded it during the last sale. I love how shills continue to deny how shitty it is optimized.
why am I the only one who enjoyed pacific rim as the braindead action movie in sea that it is
this game's got a real team behind it that's made and released games before. it feels like it's actually being developed rather than those eternal beta games that just kind of occassionally get padded and never progress in a significant way.
like overgrowth
I don't know, I fucking love Pacific Rim, it's generally my go-to movie to watch for a bit of fun, it never gets old.
Storage in this game is really wonky with the round shaped multipurpose rooms. I'd be willing to pay up some lithium for reinforced square shaped rooms to accommodate proper storage.
this guy looks cool
as do bonesharks and the electric eels
fuck the koosh zone man
Oh, in this case stop playing a fucking survival game of you can't bother with the survival part, retard.
>construct bioreactor
>doesn't say how much power it generates on blueprints screen
>doesn't say how much power individual items generate in it
>construct single flood light
>drains all of the power the bioreactor produces
>construct water filter
>drains all of the power the bioreactor produces
I've got an idea, how about putting a power cost value on things?
Only Sup Forums can be stupid enough to call someone a retard at survival games even if they have all the food and water they need.
>lights all over the body, defeating the purpose of a lure
Shit design
The problem is that it took a bunch of years to get subnautica where it is and where it is is not a good place for that time. Doesn't matter if it has a team or not, it needs to be programmed from the grounds up instead of perpetually using Unity, which is great for concept and pitching ideas but not for this. Hell, Subnautica doesn't even use LOD's on their models
Getting space shark teeth to make enameled glass for the cyclops was a pain in the ass. I eventually figured out you can just keep face fucking them with the seamoth, but even that was tedious and it's hard to miss teeth in the tall grass of that biome.
>it's easy to miss teeth in the tall grass
It looks cute in a goofy way.
Like it would like to play fetch.