Now that RE7 is out, it's safe to say that this remains the best RE. ;)

Now that RE7 is out, it's safe to say that this remains the best RE. ;)

Well, I mean if you consider it comes after RE2 then yes I agree.

Nope ;)

I did love nemesis a lot, but Veronica holds a special place in my heart.

Although Outbreak 1 and 2 hold the record for most time consumed.

I've always been a fan of Outbreak, but 3 is a good choice too. Those bonus modes were great

REmake > RE2 > RE3 > RE4 > Outbreaks > RE5 > Rev1 > Rev 2 > RE6 > Rest

That's not 5

>Those beautiful head shots

That's not...Operation Raccoon City

The problem I have with RE3 is that it wasn't as memorable as 1 and 2. Sure Nemesis was a nice novelty, but I would have to think hard in order to remember what happens besides switching to that one guy in the middle of the game.

>tfw I completed that game 3 times
>tfw Spectre was so OP it ruined the game
>tfw I once chose the opposite ending to my team-mates and killed them all solo 1v3

So what is the verdict on 7? I am completely clueless about the game as of now. Is Lemon the MC again?

It's another BOW child who controls/infects a hillbilly family and uses your ex-girlfriend to taunt you to the house.

>RE6 > Rest
How is CV worse than 6?

RE2 / Remake > rest.

Personal opinion, I preferred the combat.

Only 2 worth a shit. Actually 4 was good too.

That's a nice render, where can I find the source?

Darkside Chronicles

Thanks user, I haven't played DC2 so I'll emulate that tonight

>Best main characters
>Best Story
>Best map
>best puzzles
>All that unlockable content


But don't play the PSX version. I was just too lazy to find another pic.

user, you need to play Darkside Chronicles. However, be cautious because after the RE2 part it becomes horrible.

1 and 2 were the only good resident evil games. 3 was a huge drop in quality to me, and 4 was so fucking cheesy and stupid. I actually don't understand why people are obsessed with it. It's so cheesy it's like watching some b grade horror film. Mercenaries was the only fun part about it

What version exist beside psx

Dreamcast, Gamecube, N64

Also PC

Holy fucking shit dude

One dinosaurs console and 2 others I don't have. Feel bad man

That's what emulation is for user.

>It's so cheesy it's like watching some b grade horror film
You just described the series in a nutshell.

R3make when?

It is.

>emergency evasion is fun as fuck and hard to master
>weapons are as cool as they are in RE2, and the M4A1 it's cooler than the Ingram MAC-11
>cooler, more agressive monsters
>Jill > Claire, Carlos > Leon
>Nemesis > Tyrant
>GOAT mercenaries mode

My personal ranking of the PS1 Resident Evil: RE3 > RE1 > RE2. Resident Evil 2 is excellent, by the way, it's just my least favorite of the three.

RE7 isn't out yet though.

I do seriously love Resident Evil, RE2, REmake, RE0 and RE4.

Having just beaten the demo, I'm excited for the full game and might pre-order it once I sober up.


What if RE2make came with Leon, Claire, Jill, Ada, and Hunk's campaigns?

Oh god, I haven't been playing a Wii session more than a single hour on a single game until I got REmake!

Like for real, I have been playing for hours ever since, my first walkthrough with Chris gave me 19 hours! Yeah I sucked hard but even when I tried to Speedrun it with Jill, I could only beat it under 8 hours.


The classic Resident Evil games aren't games that you can play for half an hour at a time.

You really do play until you really can't take it anymore.

It would be literally perfect.

RE7 was no threat to become the best RE game. Stop being a faggot.

Will they make a demo based on the actual game or are they just gonna have this stand-alone shit?

Why the Remake felt to add stuff like that creepy hooded bitch!?

Is an inevitability given how many of the assets will be reusable from REmake 2. Probably 2020 if 2 comes out in 2018.

I don't think they'll release another demo since the game will be out next Tuesday.

Didn't they originally announced the Remake JUST to shutdown the fan-made one? With NO intention to actually make it real?


Yeah, have not heard of REmake2 ever since.


Capcom said it hasn't been cancelled. They just didn't want 7's hype to get overshadowed. That's why we didn't hear anything else about REmake 2.

>Now that RE7 is out
it's not out yet

It's been leaked, so in a way, it is out.

I agree with this list.

Why is Res 5 so god damn fun?

We get counter items for when zombies grab you. Capcom never implement them again.

Because they made the game a little too easy.

torrent is out?

Yeah a lot of people already got copies and is streaming now. Even Gamestop is even offering Power up members to get it on a day before release.

It's already out on console.

It's a trash copy of Outlast with firearms.

>Why is Res 5 so god damn fun?
because they made another fun action shooter a la RE4

RE5 is a bigger RE4, even if it lacks 4's charm and style.

Thinking back on the game, one of the neatest non-Nemesis moments was revisiting the police station from RE2.

I enjoyed the control refinements and ammo mixing was... ok, kinda neat. Definitely a step down from the bombastic awesomeness of RE2 tho.



wow thanks asshole

They also balances it with the Crimson Heads.

There is no need to be upset.

wish I could find hi-res of the official art for Resi characters.

Never seen this before. That's a cool looking promo poster.


re0 was good tho......

My guess is that it was made early into development, since it prominently displays Marvin as a character.

IIRC, RE2 was originally going to have Marvin play a larger role (and eaten by the crocodile in the sewers), and Annette Birkin was going to either be a boss or turn into a monster.

>her face when she sees your dick

They should've followed through with it instead of having him just dying and turning into a zombie early.

Karl is my main in outbreak, what's yours?

>mfw I liked 4, 6, Rev 1+2, Darkside Chronicles and Umbrella Chronicles and none of you faggots can stop me

I agree if only for having more character interaction (and maybe learning a little bit more about Leon or the RPD other than IT'S MY FIRST DAY). I have the faint hope that REmake2 will try to add some of those lost elements into the game. Faint.

Did REmake 1 add lost content?

I will get mad


I don't know if the Lisa Trevor story was ever meant to be included in the first RE (if so never in the way REmake did) but REmake added new areas, expanded characters (Richard surviving for a while), and offered up a lot of new content.

>worse than RE6

yea nah this is a shit list famalam

Can you explain why liked Rev 1?

Third best.

RE4>RE2>RE3>RE1/REmake>RE:CV>RE5>dog shit>RE6

Jill's ass

jeez u are one dumb motherfucker my man

I hope Claire gets Elza's outfit as an unlockable

I want this too. And give Leon his RE4 jacket outfit.

I like how they both have practically the same hairstyle

that's very 90s

Which one is this? I don't remember any of the fixed camera Resident Evil's having animations this smooth.

I can see his RE4 outfit being a default unlockable. I wonder if they'll have his RE6 costume like REmastered did with Chris and Jill.

PC version of REmake.

That would be great. And the low poly one you can unlock for mercs.

It's the same model, one just made to look like a zombie.

If you cut out every part of the game where you're not in the ship, it would have been an extremely solid RE game. The only two things I really didn't like were the puzzles and le mexican man being with you 90% of the time.

Personally I didn't think the non-ship parts were that bad, but I can see why some people would really dislike them, as it throws all of the game's atmosphere out of the window in favor of over-the-top action segments that usually go on for a bit too long.


I'm starting to wonder if that might have been intentional


REmake > RE2 > RE4 > RE7 = RE1 > RE3 > everything else


>Remaster of REmake
>Cropped widescreen which fucks you up
>FMVs no better than GameCube.
>Ugly generic on-line lobby font as supposed to remaking the typewriter font of the original GCN/Wii
>Saving time takes forever.
>Everything but the character models are just upscaled and with sharp filter.
>Backgrounds not being so in cutscenes, N64blurry tier

Play it on Wii.

>tfw had to restart the game because the nemesis fight at the crashed helicopter was too hard and I didn't have enough ammo for the grenade launcher

restarting classic RE is kind of cool though because you can zip through them in 1/3 the time when you know what's coming

nude mods
Play it on PC.

>nude mods

>Perfect games don't exi---

>A billion ports
>Never add Luis to Mercenaries or let Leon keep the fucking jacket.

I recently replayed it after playing it to death as a teenager and the same thing happened to me. It's just such a great game to explore and figure stuff out in. Really, the mansion's design is probably one of the best in videogames, for me at least.