Diversity > Gameplay > Art Design > Graphics > Music > Story
Diversity > Gameplay > Art Design > Graphics > Music > Story
diversity is pretty important but I'd put graphics and story above it
>as important
>OP places it above the others instead of equal to
Reading comprehension.
Yandere Simulator and Persona 5 show that diversity should be a key element games.
implying naughty dog doesn't think graphics are way more important than gameplay
I´m tired of the propaganda era, yeah I know (((they))) are the chosen one blah blah blah but they are fucking boring and no one cares about their high ego
I want the world to be fun again
I love it when MY VIDEOGAMES dont have gameplay!
Let's have diversity for diversity's sake. That will please the people who still won't have any intention of buying our games for sure!
>comes to the board filled with sonyggers who are most of the time actual niggers to shitpost about politics
Sorry kid, this is bbc territory.
learn English
>i'm so desperate to shitpost, i need to drag up a 6 month old article
No wonder their games are shit.
Why do Americans care about skin color so much?
well it will
Real Americans don't.
Naughty Dog were always a bunch of overrated hacks following whatever was popular at the time; they're trend followers not setters. A classic example being when they retooled Jak 2 into an edgy as fuck GTA ripoff. Now we've reached the point where they've finally stopped giving a shit about the games themselves, only of pandering to the masses, and for some reason leaning towards the most hated group on the internet.
Liberal colleges and media basically instilled in youth that if you don't have a person of color in something it's racist
Ironically, the only people who care so much are black Americans.
i think music is more important than grphics. Why? Because musics sets the enviroment, It tells me what is happening, if im in a battle if its a moment of tension, a drmatic scene. Music can make a game way better
>claims diversity
>still use boring humans
Humans should be banned as game characters for 10 years or so due how fucking boring and unskilled they are.
because diversity is already part on every religion but libcuck is atheist so they create religion without religion and without god to worship.
they basicaly formless religion
i like the uncharted series a little less now
If this is the case why do I only see white people and Sup Forums bitch about skin color?
reminder SJWs and the journalists social agenda pushing campaign is what set gaming back atleast 2-3 generations of progress
stop getting triggered over buzzwords they say to placate losers, who then take their (you) back to their safespaces and share with other losers.
Focus on horseshit like Mafia where they actually ruined a good franchise with a boring buggy mess to get free PR brownie points.
Clearly doesn't you dense cunt.
Looks at battleborn
>Ironically, the only people who care so much are white college liberals.
>Having literal who nigger women beat up two highly trained killing machine well built men
>Diversity somehow important to games at all
Yeah, after Crash remake (assuming it isn't also tainted), Naughty Dog is dead to me.
What's with white people and wanting to talk about skin color 24/7?
Not that kind of diversity
That's basically what moral philosophy is, I wouldn't really count this shit as secular religion, it doesn't really fill the same thing
Because black people don't give a shit if there's a black person in a videogame or not.
Good taste user
Gameplay > Music > Art Design > Graphics > Story
>I wouldn't complain if it was a litteraly who girl who made my dick hard.
If they care about the graphics then why do they keep downgrading the uncharted graphics?
That guy's not black. He looks like some arab half breed. He's been the butt end of terrorist jokes all his childhood. But now it's his turn to CULTURALLY ENRICH everybody!!!
Those headlines are pretty embarrassing
The best part is that if you remove her character entirely nothing changes in the game.
If a giant chubby japanese woman came out of the shadows and started man handling Drake and Sully I would still be unpleased by this garbage game
No one cares how much you hate the wymens goobgitter.
It's because those white people who bitch about it have white guilt and Sup Forums has a lot of racist idiots roaming around.
The ones who do are massive racists bent on proving the international right wing white new world order exists
>as important
>uses greater than
Why are Uncharted haters so stupid?
hollywood reject loser virtue signalling.
>Important at all
lol what a fucking faggot.
Because you are a white male, you will not understand the importance, to blacks, women, others, of having someone representative of them appear in media
>Diversity > Gameplay > Art Design > Graphics > Music > Story
One of these things does not belong in the list.
HINT: unlike the others, it can be forced in.
People who whine about diversity are just as bad as the people who asspat themselves for adding it.
When people talk about diversity, they're talking about skin color and ethnicity/nationality.
Not diversity of opinions or views.
surely he means diversity in stories and mechanics
"Who cares if the game sucks? Look a black guy!"
I'd laugh my ass off if someone did that
No it's not. Don't be a retard and put diversity above something like gameplay.
Mafia was never good though.
>Writing is not a priority in plot heavy games anymore, just forced diversity
Modern liberalism is virtually identical to a cult in function.
I wish white apologists would stop creating these threads
everything is explained
>3 non-light skinned human characters
>reading into Sup Forums shitposting
>not coming on now
It's true though, looney 'special interest' groups area always whining. If you listen you can hear them right now.
>how come blacks are underrepresented
I don't know Canada is like 1-2% black, US is like 20-30%. Media reflection seems accurate
>how come no Asian actors
cause Asians get they ass beat if they even think about becoming a penniless actor
It's enough to make a girl want a Switch. Nintendo is mostly for kids but you never hear people say 'how come they don't give Link a gay chocolate love interest to save. Why for I gotta save dat white blondie bitch? Why for?"
>people who point out irrationality are just as bad as the people who asspat themselves for committing it.
Nah. Not even the same class.
But it wasn't a chubby Japanese woman, it was a physically fit and canonically established dangerous black lady.
If it were a dude or even if it was a light skinned girl I bet half of you fags wouldn't be bitching
There's better reasons to dislike her character, such as how she got zero comeuppance at the end. Don't get all butthurt because the game has you get your ass kicked by her a few times
So Naughty Dog is taking the "Look how progressive we are, guys!" route like Bioware eh?
RIP Naughty Dog
>7 different shapes
>each is a different color
>goal of the game is to bring the different shapes together in harmony
>not the most diverse game
yeah in a game that had like 10 charact.ers
you are now aware everything you own is made by Chinese slaves
You need some more perceptive if you really think this
I'm a white male and most of the media I consume revolves around Japanese females.
He's obviously talking about diversity OF GAMEPLAY. Fucking spergs get your shit together.
>calling gameplay unimportant
Fucking this. I bet half of the faggots whining Uncharted 4 never even played it (or the other Uncharteds for that matter).
>Strawman Fallacy
Not an argument.
So diversity is the most important to the director of games, where the protagonist has always been a white male.
Really makes you think...
>Don't get all butthurt because the game has you get your ass kicked by her a few times
>2 Well built physically fit men
>2 men who have jumped over ledges, ran through jungles, bashed over a thousand skulls of random grunts, survived situation that would kill any man, and can climb like a monkey
>Can't 2 v 1 a small less fit Nigger Girl with bare fists
Its stupid shit. If it was like a 7 foot tall Amazon women or African Queen sure.
>Cubs won the World Series
>The Ghost Busters remake flopped
>Trump won
Man, how more blown out can Liberals be?
The only characters that are "representative" of anyone are handmade blank slates ala TES/Fallout. Hell even Link personifies the spirit of adventure of the player, not the player itself.
People are fucking stupid and should stop being so self-centered they need to insert themselves into everything.
Diversity is great. We need more Polish games and Chinese games and... Diversity of characters ... meh.
But there's like 3 characters that arent white in the whole series?
Diversity is very important to keep players interested in your game. That's why MOBAs are so popular, every game you play has huge diversity in characters picked and items bought.
Just look at Dota 2, 114 different heroes, that means there are 246971123206599000000 different possible combinations of heroes to play each game with and thats not even including switching up items builds or where they lane!
Not enough. They still are able to make a fuss and everything. Waiting for something based to happen.
Diversity has and always will be the most important aspect of a videogame. Thats why I refuse to play Nintendo games and no, donkey kong doesnt count.
Blacks aren't underrepresented or overrepresented. No one claim's this besides white people
Better watch out, the liberal uprising will begin, and they'll sucker punch faggots on live TV and knock over your trash can!
>>Cubs won the World Series
What does that have to do with anything?
I watched the 10 hour playthrough on youtube, same thing.
Doesn't matter. Some black kid out there just wants to play as a black person, or some Asian wants to play as an Asian.
Your opinion is fucking retarded. Its not about self-inserting, its about seeing someone similar.
If I ever become a game director "diversity" will never be a factor because it's irrelevant in videogames.
Neil Drunckman
He better be talking about diversity as in diverse gameplay choices in how you tackle problems, or diverse locations and venues that you can visit in the game.
>American development
What happened to the West? I thought Trump won
Some lib-tard media personality said the Cubs had slightly more chance to win the World Series than Trump did to win the Pres.
>Sup Forums never made numerous threads about battlefield 1, watchdogs 2, or mafia 3 where the main complaint is "WHERE IS MY WHITE PROTAG."
Because otherwise it wouldn't run on the PS4?
>Cubs owner is a huge trump supporter and chosen to be a cabinet member
>Cubs spent a shit ton of money on a good team while the Indians spent next to nothing
>I need equality
>dispute being cool with everything I own being a product of slave labor
no, what you want is to be a special snowflake, you have not interest in equality
It's black people who cry about people saying they don't care about skin color though.
>you are now aware everything you own is made by Chinese SLAVES
Aslong as the cruel Chinese continue to practice skinning animals alive for their fur, they deserve to be salves.
ND isn't doing the remake.