Thought you said the map was small?

Thought you said the map was small?

Other urls found in this thread: breath of the wild piggyback guide

It's Sup Forums, what did you HONESTLY expect? Anything remotely positive to say about something that's popular?

We don't know the actual size of the map. Trolls will call it small just for attention.

No one said that you retard, they've made it very clear from the start how big it is. People said the map was so big they couldn't possibly make most of it interesting.

The main pitfall with open world games is that they show huge maps but forget to mention all the useless or unreachable areas

But that mountain, you can go there!

No, we said it was far too big to work for a Zelda game. Hope you like empty maps with everything of interest indicated with a marker.


either the map is too small and a blunder or the map is too big and empty and a blunder

Going by the provinces names, it looks like the TP map except Lanayru is East instead of North/West.
Looks like Necluda, Hebra and Altum are new though.

>nintendo went full Ubisoft with their open world
>B-but look how much bigger it is compared to skyrim!

Already in just preview videos they have shown more stuff to do than AC or Skyrim.

No they haven't you fucking drone.

>running around empty fields
>killing randomly generated monsters
>climbing towers and mountains
Wow man sounds so much different than AC or Skyrim, looks like it's just filled to the brim with content!

>You can kill dumb enemies a handful of ways
>you can cut or set grass on fire
>you can climb shit.
>you can mess around with the physics engine until you lose interest after 20 minutes

Wow, so much more varied than other open world games. Truly revolutionary. Nintendo's redefining Action Adventure games.


So basically, still more than Skyrim.

Pretty much, except modding this will probably be a lot harder

Despite the convoluted timeline do the various maps or landmarks of all the Zelda games roughly line up?
I remember playing Wind Waker quite soon after OoT and one of the first things that tipped me off that we were in a flooded Hyrule was the islands approximated to the highest places in Ocarina, that was a cool moment.

No, roughly the same. Might I point out Skyrim is ridiculed for being a bad open world game, which says a lot about the quality of BotW?

In the event that the game is as big as they're saying it's going to be, how do you guys think it will be filled? I see a lot of empty space. I can't imagine it'll be full to the brim with stuff to do. Not enough to justify the size.

>Despite the convoluted timeline do the various maps or landmarks of all the Zelda games roughly line up?
No. Before Ocarina of Time, Miyamoto and Tezuka were in charge of the series. And their mentality was that Zelda is just 'the same story being retold over each generation'. So each game had elements of the previous, but they didn't care about consistency. For example, both Link to the Past and Link's Awakening have similar landmarks, but clearly don't take place in the same land. And elements in each game are in completely different areas.

After Ocarina, Aonouma and Koizumi got a lot more control on the Zelda series. And started making lore and inter-connectivity the focus. As well as the dumb timeline stuff.


No shitposters were just fooling you by posting the starting area

Skyrim is ridiculed for being a bad open world game because there's little to find on the overworld. Random enemies just attack you. Usually endless bandits and wolves. After 80 hours, you're still getting randomly attacked by level 5 bandits. It becomes an annoyance more than anything. Then when you finally find a dungeon, 90% of the time its a shitty Draughr tomb with the same circular layout. In other words, Skyrim has hundreds of things on the map, but almost all of them are made for a level 1-15 character. And they're repetitive.

We can't tell if Breath of the Wild will be any different yet. But it seriously won't take much to improve over Skyrim. If BotW simply has areas where enemies get more powerful and dungeons are more than just straight lines with zombies in it, it will already be better than Skyrim.

The secret a lot of people don't realize when it comes to open world games is they aren't totally open. The best games have a lot of set content and balanced placement of enemies. It just lets you find the content on your own. Skyrim on the other hand tried to be totally open. So a person could start a level 1 character and run all the way across the map to some random camp full of level 40 bears. While at the same time, this led to you still finding level 1 shit after being level 99.

Can we all agree Breath of the Wild's open world won't be nearly as good as The Witcher 3's?

Having voice acting in Zelda is a mistake. And now they're never going to be able to take it back. No matter how bad the voices may be and how much people complain, they'll complain even more if the next game doesn't have full voice acting. Same problem Metroid is going to have if we ever get another Metroid.

Witcher 3 has next to no interactivity with it's world. It's pretty to look at but it's basically just what you go through from quest to quest. BOTW has climbing, physics tied into gameplay etc

>BOTW has climbing
You mean that really shit climbing, completely devoid of any realism and depth?

The Witcher 3 actually did have climbing, even if it was minimal, and it looks infinitely more convincing than the garbage in BotW. You cannot scale vertical rock faces with your hands, retard.

Stopped reading.

Don't respond to witchercancer.

it's a videogame, retard. having predefined 1 meter ledges as your only climbing options is basically nothing

it's pretty obvious you have a personal vendetta against this game

Nice theory, but you need to think outside of the box. The real issue isn't the placement, but the overarching rpg system.

If the system is based on starting you out at level 1 and getting you to level 100 during the game and the difference between level 1 and level 2 is already like day and night, of course things will be unbalanced. Funny thing here is, that despite the huge change in numeric fighting power, it still doesn't feel like anything at all changes. Good luck trying to place anything in a way that doesn't fuck up everything with that kind of crap system. Other famous examples are Witcher 3 or pretty much most arpgs..

That's why games like dark souls are so superior. You can beat it at level 1 if you are good. Though Most people will level up and have an easier time, yet they will never get to the point where you steamroll enemies that are supposed to be tough, because the rpg system doesn't have ridiculous scaling. Also you get to wield different kinds of weapons with different animations and fight in different ways, the stronger you get. The player will experience actual character progression.

Not like Witcher and Skyrim fanbois could ever understand that though.

Realism is what can add a huge layer of depth, idiot. It's what sets Dark Souls apart from other contemporary ARPGs. Nintendo could've created a more believable, mechanically sound climbing experience but instead opted to go with a stupid "press up to climb flat wall with bare hands" and morons like you ogle it like it's a masterpiece innovation.

I said it was empty, not small

>You cannot scale vertical rock faces with your hands, retard.

I'm pretty sure there's a pretty massive sport dedicated to doing exactly that. It's called "rock climbing".

>it's a videogame, retard. having predefined 1 meter ledges as your only climbing options is basically nothing
and it's still more than Breath of the Wild.

It's pretty obvious you're a diehard Nintendo fanboy who thinks everything they make is a masterpiece. Such is the nature of you morons.

>Zelda should be more realistic!
They tried to do this with Twilight Princess. And it killed everything Zelda stands for.

Please stop posting and go play your western games.

Reminder not to engage with acfag.


>rock climbing
It's more nuanced than a Nintendo fanboy like yourself might think. A flat rock face like pic related is physically impossible to climb with bare hands.

>it's nintendo so it's ok

>A flat rock face like pic related is physically impossible to climb with bare hands.

hmm rly makes u think

Dark Souls is a japanese game, idiot.

They didn't try to make Twilight Princess more realistic, they tried to make it darker, and it was still a critically acclaimed game loved by many, contrary to what hipster idiots like you try to claim.

1. He's using a rope
2. He's scaling horizontally
Thank you for confirming your stupidity again though.

>1. He's using a rope

How does a rope help you climb? It just stops you from dying when you fall. And sure, the pitch he's climbing is horizontal, but he's climbing El Capitan, a 3000-ft vertical rock face.

Maybe this one will rly make u think.

>Dark Souls is a japanese game, idiot.
I didn't mention Dark Souls.

>They didn't try to make Twilight Princess more realistic
The code name for the game was literally 'Realistic Zelda' when it was in production. Aonouma himself has said it many times in interviews. And it was clear they were trying to go for the western audience with Twilight Princess. Th same western audience who was (and still is) obsessed with realism. Sadly, it worked and TP became the best selling Zelda game. But at the expense of killing everything that made Zelda good. Which even Aonouma admits. Which is why he's making BotW to get back to Zeldas roots.

That's clearly just a man crawling on the ground.

>Sup Forums never says anything positive about popular games

I hate this meme. Sup Forums likes a lot of popular games. It's not our fault that most of modern AAAs fucking suck dick. But Sup Forums likes Witcher 3, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, for example, and these are popular as fuck. Not to mention older great games, which were, and still are, very popular.

Sup Forums is not contrarian, imbecile. Modern AAA games just suck most of the time. Get over it and fuck off with memes like
>lol contrarian
>hurr nostalgia

we do know the actual size

nice meme you fucking faggot

Hey fuckers, got evidence for you faggots that you're wrong breath of the wild piggyback guide

>129 shrines, all unique
>dungeon propers
>76 side quests, all unique enough to need mapping/a guide
>optional challenges
>mini games

Eat shit

if it's as full as xenoblade x with tons of landmarks and secrets to explore then i'll be happy. since monolith soft are working on this game im not worried about the emptiness

> Sup Forums likes Witcher 3

No. Everybody is quite divided on that one.
Some praise its graphics and story.
Others hate the story and the gameplay.

But everybody likes games like Ys or trails in the sky.

>76 side quests, all unique enough to need mapping/a guide
>need mapping/a guide

That was preemptively responding to

>muh copy pasted fetch quest

Thank you. That game was a fucking bore because of that.

You know I'm right

>*it looks fun, so it might be okay

>he thinks you won't be allowed to go to the coast

not really because why would they name areas you can't get to? also the big mechanical beast are in the 4 corners of the map. why are you so fucking desparate lmao

it was a buttblasted undergare redditor,dont reply to this kind of post and he is done for good,the game looks amazing

Ask Bethesda.


Some autists have already mapped out places we have seen in trailers and a lot of the stuff they pin pointed on the map falls in regions you've marked off

Considering Aonouma's big meme thing is climbing mountains, pretty sure most of those mountains you scribbled out are places you can go.

I could see them blocking you from going to the ocean though. I hope they don't. The idea of being able to walk around the whole continent like its one big island sounds cool. And a nice throwback to Link's Awakening.

>tfw you find out Link can't swim

the in game historical size of the map is large but the only playable parts are confirmed to be the one shown here and also the dried semen looking smudges.

There's no big ass Hylian lake.

Bethesda's excuse is that the places all exist within the "lore" and they can eventually make a game that takes place there later. Hyrule is nowhere near as static, in practice. Maybe your Bethesdroning has made you understandably skeptic about what you can actually expect from an open world game, but Zela maps have always been a "What you see is what you get" situation.

The only places you CAN'T go on a Zelda map are obvious, like mountains, and oh hey, you can climb those. Which is hilarious to think about, because it's actual climbing, not Todd Howard Brand abuse of climbable surfaces to jutter your thighs up a sheer cliff face by exploiting the game's bad physics. You actually CLIMB in BotW.

That shit happens all the time.

This for example is the map of Heretic 2.
You only visit like four or five of those locations which don't include any forgotten cities of ice or harpy islands.

I like the idea of WW more, where Link can swim, but not forever because he gets tired. Needing fins to traverse water in a 3D zelda would have been a huge misstep.

What game

that has nothing to do with this game

Except you're (mistakenly and/or facetiously) using the "Ink drawing" version of the map as a parallel here, instead of the iPad GPS version of the map we see in game, which pinpoints your exact location within the map and shows its exact dimensions. Dimensions that line up exactly with the OP.

If you couldn't go there, there would be a boundary on that map. There isn't, so your comparison here, as well as the rest of your argument, falls apart.

Why would named regions be off the map?

Found the dragons dogma pessimist.