There are literal "people" here who don't use Reshade/SweetFX in every game.
There are literal "people" here who don't use Reshade/SweetFX in every game
Both looks fine to me. I just want good gameplay, do you have any mods for that?
There are people here who don't use deodorant either. What's your point?
If you find a mod that makes shit games good, let me know.
>its this thread again
Are you implying that Tomb Raider doesn't have good gameplay?
>falling for the deodorant spic
>there are "people" who use disgusting presets from 12 year olds instead of making their own
>he thinks that looks good
The first ones? Absolutely fucking not. The controls are pure fucking aids.
Every SweetFX screenshot I've seen looks like oversaturated garbage. Why would I want to do that to myself?
It does, my sub-human friend.
Fuck thats disgusting, I might actually puke. Oh god here it comes! *BLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*
>this is what PCfats do in all the spare time they have from not playing games
Funny, because this is basicly vanilla with SMAA and very slight luma sharpen while disabling the digsgusting one from the base game.
I have no idea. I am guessing these area the same people who put brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpening all on max on their TV.
Because left looks like shit.
>both look bad
true words though
chill out on the deepthroat dude if you're gonna throw up like that
Any tips? You seem like you're good at taking a lot of cock deep
ask your dad
Well in this case it's just because Wind Waker has an unsalvageably ugly art style.
I don't like how high the performance cost of Reshade is. I did a test and ran reshade without any shader, and games are more laggy.
It usually turns out as a diffrent kind of bad.
Does he recommend you?
agreed, i dont want to see vibrant colors
i want my games to be like my soul - dark
Literal children
>posts a reaction image with colors
ITT: People "too intelligent" to understand that sweetfx is a toolbox which you can adjust yourself and instead nitpick on fullretard presets from children who just insert random numbers into the settings and activate bloom, CA, vignette and other cancer.
>tfw it helped me remove the disgusting yellow color filter in GRID and DXHR
>FPS: 15.00
I prefer to play games the way they were meant to be played. Not every game needs to have the same pseudo-realistic tonemap.
>wip emulators
I consider people who remove every trace of stylization because MUH REALITY equally retarded.
You're pure fucking aids mate.
>patreon build
more like to intelligent to waste my time tweaking postprocessing when i could just play the fucking game
Post HR comparison screenshots
nice edit
The build leaked.
You really need to improve your life if this is how you're going to spend your day today, your obsession here is sad.
>can add sharpen and HDR to games that don't have it in vanilla
feels good man
I just wish ENB could be placed on every game instead tho
>defending shitty controls of an old game just because nostalgia and lack of choice
go play it, cuck, the controls are positively souldraining
Your shitty posts are souldraining, please stop raping me.
There are also people that, no matter what the game, no matter how bad or good it looks, no matter WHAT will always say
>lol sweetfx/reshade/enb looks like shit you cant refute my post because it's subjective ahahahahaha
>not just fiddling with the color, brightness, gamma curve, black detail, and contrast settings on your tv and making a custom profile for every game
>using someone else's visual preferences as your own
Reminder to downsample where possible instead of using AA.
>Half the FPS
>Paying to emulate
Literally what is the benefit here? I would lose more FPS downsampling then using AA. I could instead do something like use the extra fps in reshade or ENB instead.
>slightly adjust levels and sharpening, add some AA, and add subtle tonemap in practically any game
>instantly looks modern and much better
>he doesn't know he can make his own settings for sweetfx
fucking console babbies I swear to god
See you're just proving his point because he never specified any details and here you are throwing them / inventing them just so you can shitpost.
Downsample + smaa is the way to go.
This is a fucking terrible comparison, the images are from different scenes and the right has aliasing.
WW runs at 30fps even on piiU, fucking retard
I was adding to your post.
Does this game still run like hot garbage?
Runs great on my 780ti.
Please teach me how to do this.
I just downsample from 1440p instead of 4K and it's way cheaper on the VRAM than worthwhile AA.
I didn't post that
Wait what? How did you do that on GRID?
If you are trying to add info and not trying to say it ironically as a shitpost, you should probably not use greentext or it looks like you're being sarcastic.
That pic sums up perfectly how I generally feel about these mods. Fuck shitty high-res textures and other "enhancements" when you still have 50 polygons on the entire map, bad lighting and everything consists of straight blocks.
Absolute worst in my opinion is playing games with pixelated pre-rendered backgrounds and then upping the resolution of the 3D characters to native (e.g. PSX-era Final Fantasy.)
>downsampling ever
>not just having atleast a 1440p monitor where jaggies no longer exist
downsampling is literally supersample AA for retards
I like high res textures on low poly stuff as long as it's faithful to the source material.
Get some reading comprehension you dumb nigger.
Yellow is red+green.
So either reduce those or increase blue on saturation.
I have a 1080/144 monitor because the 1440p with similar specs was much more expensive at the time.
I will upgrade eventually, but until then, downsampling + god tier framerates is my game.
No you
Why don't you suck my 14 inch dick
>i don't know shit: the post
lol rekt
Original PSX resolution upscaled to 1080p
Game rendered at 1080p
>puristfags will imply that this doesn't look far superior
Why did they have to fucking ruin sweetfx and take it down for this stupid reshade interface?
Just pasting a text file and having a seperate program for tweaking was way fucking easier
A few weeks back someone was posting TR1,2,3 webms so I downloaded and played TR1 for the first time. Controls are fine, how fucking bad do you have to be at video games to think it's bad? Hell, it even has auto aim so I can do stylish dodge shots easily.
Every fucking day someone reminds me that Sup Forums is now just full of casuals, so sad.
I have a 1440p monitor (Dell U2515H) and you still need some AA to get rid of jaggies, even if the image is considerably sharper than 1080p.
You can still paste text files and Reshade allows you to edit them in-game with real-time results, I don't see the problem.
Some games really need a reshade to look decent, unfortunately...
This is only a thing on monitors. Aside from shitty bloom and DoF effects, TVs can be calibrated to deliver similar results. Only retards play with factory settings.
>monitors can't be calibrated
holy shit what?
You know that any typical monitor has the same options, right?
I can't tell if consolecucks just pretend to be retarded.
Reshade and sweetfx only work right for some games. Usually it's just an eyesore.
I use it in Red Orchestra 2 to get rid of that drab greyness everything had (also helps with spotting targets a bit).
Limited compared to TVs.
Those are millimeters you're measuring with, not inches.
Funny thing is that GZ did night time much better than vanilla TPP.
I fucking hate games that dont make night time truly dark.
Even if it always has a full moon, vanilla TPP is way too fucking bright...
it doesn't, non 3d elements clash too much
shit taste cuck
TVs also have shitty colors compared to professional monitors.
>tfw it helped me remove the disgusting yellow color filter in GRID
share your setting please, I tried and failed
99% of reshade/sweetFX look worse than the original game.
>I'm a manchild who can only play games with Disney oversaturated graphics