Gaming Myths you used to believe

>you could unlock the haduken in Megaman X

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OP sounds like the sort of retard who believes Chun Li is in Breath of Fire

What a stupid retard. Fuck your thread

OP is a stupid retard who thinks Samus makes an appearance in Super Mario RPG

>that kid who said you can play as Akuma in RE2

>friend told me you could totally play as Cloud in FF Tactics
>you just gotta do a bunch of stuff and then get his buster sword from a volcano on one of the maps

>if u get all the stars yoshi is at the top of the castle in super mario 64 and he will give u 100 extra mans and a super jump

>There's a way to play one of the Resident Evil games as a block of tofu
>someone even made screen shots of it
Should have known it was bullshit just from the description

>if you beat the game with all 4 teams you can fight a super version of metal sonic in sonic heroes

fuck you kevin

>L is real 2015

If you hold Down and B then the Pokeballs you throw will work better.

>You can use a bike instead of a taxi if you put in a secret code.

Yeah fucking right.



>if you run all the way to the other side of Blighttown without dying you'll find a huge hollow tree you can run up that takes you to a secret area under the whole game world where you can fight another hydra and join a dragon covenant that lets you turn into a dragon

Yeah right Brandon, fucking bullshit I swear

>In Dark Souls there's a secret area behind two illusory walls where you can join a covenant to become a dragon

>there is no Bigfoot in GTA Vice City
Nah, fuck you Harry.

this thread is shit

Fucking Jeremiah!!!!

last story

tis realy my firendo

>If you talk to the man who teaches you how to catch Pokemon and head to cinnabar island and surf on the right strip of land a pokemon named Missingo will pop up
>he will bug your sixth item and give you 99 of that item

>if you play RE2 without picking up an item at the police station a member of STARS from RE1 will be a zombie by the police station
>use a rocket launcher to kill him and he drops a key for you to change clothes
>checking a drawer 50 times will give you a picture of Rebecca under Weskers drawer

The shit people come up with

>if you do flips around the hoverboard lady in Ratchet & Clank her tits will grow bigger

What a fucking bullshit lie, I was flipping around her for hours!

You do have to wonder what kind of fuckery possessed people to do this shit to actually find out about these secrets in the first place.

>if you plug a controller into port 3 and hover over the name entry field, pressing A and B at the right time will allow you to play as Master Hand in SSBM!

What a joke

>there is a secret ending to Duck Tales if you finish the game with exactly $0

>that kid who said you could find a special Blue Yoshi in Super Mario World that could fly by eating any kind of shell

>enter up up down down left right left right b a start in Contra gets you 30 lives
You suck James.

>leaving the game on for 20 hours unlocks mewtwo

Fucking bullshit

But you can you dingus

>You can unlock special color Yoshis in Yoshi Story

Fucking liar

lies and slander

That you could revive General Leo if you got a special drop from an ultra rare gold Brontosaurus from that one dinosaur forest where there is nothing but random dinosaur battles.

I wanted to believe.

>that kid that said you can fuck peach in Super Mario 64 if you get all the stars in all 3 files.

>You can play as Trevor Belmont in SoTN

There is an area called the hollow though that is in blight town. And there is another Hydra at the bottom of ash lake

>You can bring Aeris back to life