Is it, dare I say it, going to be a flop?
Is it, dare I say it, going to be a flop?
Other urls found in this thread:
You wish lmao
I cant see shit wtf
Not even slightly.
Skyward Sword was dogshit, and it got praised to high heavens. People love Zelda
What where they thinking?
Grass is supposed to be green nintendo
Real talk.
It's basically a $400 game for non-wiiU owners. The wiiU has a pretty high attach rate though
And people thought Fallout 3 fog was bad
Why.. is there so much fucking fog in every picture of the game I see?
It's not just the fog, they can't into colors
I could probably run this on my phone
No, jealous Sonygger. It isn't.
>boohoo, pop-ins and fog in some areas
>it's OK when others do it
Yes, that whole game. You could totally run it on your phone, sure.
Glad I didn't play this it looks like hot garbage.
Wii U has like a 3 GHz CPU, I could picture it running on a phone
lamp post
the game is from 2005 how did you do it?
You see only them because you haven't looked at any other place or gameplay feed. Even the webms on this very thread prove you wrong.
Now if the fog is permanent in the jungle or it was randomly encountered weather (as the game has a weather system) is a far more interesting topic.
All of these games have a better art direction and graphics, lel
Not a chance. They wouldn't be releasing one of their flagship games if they had ever the slightest feeling it would come close to failing. Keep on hoping if this is a troll post.
Everyone agrees that Dark Souls 2, especially that area, looks like shit. What's your point?
what's with al the dicksucking
why is nintendo held to a different standard than all other companies
I love Dark Souls, but holy hell they are ugly compared to .
I don't see it.
Here's another fag who thinks CPU power is measured in ghz only. Yeah, because a 3.2 ghz CPU from 2011 performs just as well as a 3.2 ghz CPU from 2016
You kids are such fucking clowns here
>Nintendo fans will take the b8 again and this thread will be 300 posts when I come back.
God, I hope this place and those dumb people.
Dicksucking? Like I'm sure you do to the console you drool over? I'm not doing that in the least bit, kid, I'm just stating the obvious. Only stupid developers would release their games knowing it will flop.
Anyone else like the wierd aesthetics nintendo has?
It is kind of like the indie pixel games on PC.
You have these people apply current methods and knowledge to make polished games for really underpowered tech. I think it ends up looking pretty neat.
Needs more fog
It's not gonna. Nintoddlers and normies will even buy shit if Nintendo's logo is slapped on it.
I think the game looks great, especially for a Nintendo console. I know they could pump out a powerhouse, but why bother when they make games look good with what they have?
ZELDA is a legendary franchise, every single zelda game is an instant classic. They're just so cool, if you're a real gamer you like nintendo. It's not just a sequel of a sequel of a sequel, I swear. People don't get tired of it because it's just so good.
They don't make products, they make proper games, because it's their passion. Nothing can compare, trust Nintendo. Buy Nintendo.
You mad, bucko? Get a job, then you'll stop being mad whenever mommy turns you down when you ask for a new console.
Where do I apply for the same position as you?
Coming from someone who owns the other two, which are also great, but to me, hardly anything can touch Zelda.
Has it ever crossed your mind, that idk, people can dislike something and post about it without being trolls or bait?
The times are changing, Nintendo isn't what is used to be. People are starting to notice their mediocrity.
Skyward Sword was pretty awful.
Being a fanboy of any corporation is retarded.
>why bother when they make games look good with what they have?
Because they aren't going to be competitive in the console market if they don't get some current hardware.
>19 posters
>38 posts
Nothing that's currently competitive in the console market is current hardware.
Might as well own it.
This is the game and the expansion that actually got the haze just right.
Nothing wrong with being a fanboy as long as you don't act like it makes your opinions fact and gives you a false sense of superiority.
>The wiiU has a pretty high attach rate though
But pretty low userbase.
This is what I call a discussion and not just people posting one reaction image and fucking off
>Nintendo copying SOTC climbing on bosses
Toppest of keks
They are stealing from Sony's ideas because Nintendo ran out of ideas.
>Yeah, because a 3.2 ghz CPU from 2011 performs just as well as a 3.2 ghz CPU from 2016
For the most part if they likely would if it was from the same company.
>You kids are such fucking clowns here
You Nintendo fanboys are so fucking dishonest and outright cancerous.
You can be a fan of a franchise but most vidya corporations are shit.
Also did you even read the (Probably falseflagging) post I quoted?
I think they'll do fine as long as they play their cards right. Sure some of the games won't look as good as what the PS4 and Xbox One can pump out, but they are far from horrible. Gameplay is where it's at for me, and not to mention their games look better than before so it isn't like we will be playing with absolute shit graphics.
>people can dislike something and post about it without being trolls or bait?
So this is the sonyponies excuse for shitposting.
For starters SOTC isn't a game aimed specifically at children like Zelda, so its ok to have less colorful visuals.
>Sony's ideas
are you crazy?
it's the game that people look forward to the most
What's wrong with taking inspiration from other great games with good mechanics? Don't act like Sony hasn't "stolen" some ideas from Nintendo because you'd be a cunt for lying.
>For the most part if they likely would if it was from the same company.
Not even a Nintentoddler, just pointing out you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
This thread will probably die soon anyways because it's made 100x a day, so luckily you can slink out of here with some dignity intact.
It's hard to see much of anything when your head is so far up your own arse.
>Switch is so crap there are constantly threads calling it out
>It's trolls! sonyniggers! How could anyone ever dislike nintendo
>aimed at children because color
Look at this retard. You must be a dull person with no personality because BoTW has way more of that than those dull looking, albeit fun, games could ever wish to have.
Don't be a fan boy you know what I meant.
You make a good point, I just think an underpowered console is gonna keep most multiplats away like it did last gen.
It only needs to sell 2 million to be profitable, no way in hell does it not reach that number.
Oh wait this is a shitpost thread. Never mind, carry on. I'll see myself out.
Nintendo has always aimed at children. You actually think Zelda is for adults? lel
As much as I hate to say it, they have a legacy that most people do not understand and/or want to understand. No other company has contributed more to modern video game "culture" than Nintendo. As a company mainly operating out of Japan (Sony has been gradually shifting to NA) they also have to do a lot less to appeal to new audiences. It's complicated.
No, that there actually lies a purpose in reposting the same cherry-picked picture and pointing out the same thing talking about a game you are not going to play anyway has not crossed my mind.
You must be one ugly, fat, stupid piece of shit and there is no chance you can prove you aren't.
Why are mods not deleting these spam threads by now? Literally sliding 50 decent threads every single day.
And it's always the same five jealous Sonyggers.
the switch is
this game isnt
Yeah that's what I'm worried about, but that's what I have my PS4 and Xbox One for. If Nintendo actually learned anything, then maybe they'll release more of their first party franchises that have been on ignore mode, that might help despite not having a lot of multiplat games come out for it. However, if a multiplat game that I like and own comes out for the Switch I will probably buy it again just to have it on the go.
>Being a fanboy of a corporation
>Getting butthurt over people on a taiwanese picture board not liking it and dismissing every criticism
kek, this is amusing
Really doesn't look that bad in this video. Looks okay in motion
I think the game looks great.
I agree, should've swapped 'okay' for something else. that video I posted is very vibrant
its a handheld that looks like it can compete with ps4 :/
>literally I'm retarded, haha
im really excited
i still cant believe handheld graphics have come this far
i remember being blown away with my gameboy when i got it at primary school
and this looks better then wii u graphics and its in my hands :O
The vibrancy works well with what they're doing with the game. I like games that have a little more pop with their color rather than the more dull palette some work with, not saying they are bad I just like colors. March 3rd can't come soon enough
Well said, user. That's a good selling point for me.
No, it definitely cannot. Several devs have already laughed in the face of that idea.
DQH is unrecognizable on the Switch.
>normies are going to hate BOTW because they already played and loved the GOTY Witcher 3
Just pre-ordered my Wii U copy :^)
I actually just restarted my game on that, didn't beat it when I made my first playthrough. I have both expansions, I'm looking for Ciri right now, although I got passed this part, but just barely, on my first save before deleting it. Really enjoyable, but I doubt it will top Zelda through my eyes.
>nintenshit will defend this
But that game is boring as fuck.
Looks great.
If you truly believe this, you might just be retarded.
>If you believe anyone could dislike Nintendo you're retarded
Compare that to everything else in the thread. It's just blatant E3 trickery. Where's the fog?
>ACfag the super autist does it again
Only in your delusional mind ACfag, whihc is why we need ID's on Sup Forums so your shitposting and samefagging will take some actual effort
just you my sweet little cumbucket.
kill yourself, and it's still a console until nintendo puts all the handheld games on it, since their still supporting the 3DS and specifically N3ds
>fog = shrek fart
He's on a roll!
Why are you, dare I say it, talking like an autist?
so this.... is the power..... of the switch....
what year is this