We create a dlc for a jrpg mmo where crpg (or western rpg) fans invade

>we create a dlc for a jrpg mmo where crpg (or western rpg) fans invade.
>are not swayed by simple moe.
>years of heightened autism.
>constantly demanding "muh challenge" and better stories that don't involve some stereotypical light novel bullshit romance that they avidly deplore.
>low-key pol-tards or subscribe to a very eurocentric mindset.


>will revile the trivialized rpg combat system.
>will harken back to DnD rpg systems and go on 2 hour long tirades about why the former, more akin to pen-and-paper, are more free-forming and superior.
>engage in petty internet comments.
>will rely on speech, persuasion, charisma, etc. skill checks in order to even have a discussion. Otherwise they treat you like the retard 2 int chars in Fallout 1-2.

>we create a dlc for a jrpg mmo where crpg (or western rpg) fans invade.

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

I'm convinced that one piece is a one for one telling of a pirate themed DnD campaign Oda played with his friends in high school, cause the everything from the pacing to the world building feels like it's being told by a turbo autist DM

Just a scenario like... the social engineering in Log Horizon where players are realized characters in-game and in the narrative.

What? Someonw translate this autism

Bringing P&P into this is pointless because vidya will NEVER be on that level.



>JRPG and WRPG bad!
>Pen and paper good!
I don't like JRPG's or magical girl animes but
>Cherry picking

These uncivilized degenerate trash don't even awe to Caesar. They should be crucified on a cross, their waifus sold to war generals as slaves.

I think most JRPG stories basically lose themselves in contrivances and conveniences needed to actually tell their story. Can you imagine FF13 actually told competently?

Caesar did NOTHING wrong. NOTHING!

I still find it hilarious there's a much more interesting story there in the background with Guardian Corps and PSICOM. Not to mention yes, utterly wasted characters.

Or FF15. Yet they get sung high praises while actual games that give you depth need the BARE minimum of high graphics fidelity and sprawling open-world sandbox costing a fortune more than what was worth in net gain.

I'd argue this simplicity and lack of competant storytelling has actually leaked through and effected traditional standards like Fallout, incentivizing Bethesda to drop story completely as an ADD-ON to the main gameplay rather than have them run fluidly.


Awe, true to Trump!

you could make a pretty good dungeon master mode for minecraft if they had a decent database of creatures

>tries to make a story-thread
>devolves into screeching autism on crpg vs jrpg.

Welp fuck.

Why are most JRPGs even called RPGs rather than action adventure games or something of the like?
Whilst WRPGs often vary in the amount of roleplaying they allow, that you make and progress your own character is almost always still one of the most basic tenants of the games.
In a lot of JRPGs though that simply isn't the case, where the entire story, character interactions and developments etc. are already set out as a predetermined story that you play through.
I'm not complaining about this or the games that do it, it's just that listing so many of them as RPGs seems to be a massive misnomer.


I can't wait to see how the JRPG industry is going to get precisely that from the success of FF15. Maybe the dawn of husbando era is about to begin or something. God knows fujoshi are a strong demographic in Japan.

>Imagine FF15 written in its original form
>Sopranos-esque, gang war type story
>A Romeo and Juliet esque conflict between Noctis and Stella

What the fuck Japan, you guys had gold

dude this is the mos triggering image I've ever found in searching images for this thread.

This. This sums up the mainstream casual animu fans in a nutshell. This is the cancer we must fight lads.

>Why are most JRPGs even called RPGs rather than action adventure games or something of the like?

Because JRPGs actually began as Light RPGs, standing apart from at the time typical RPGs like Ultima and Wizardry. This eventually became JRPG because this were being made in Japan.

That's just made me think
>Japanese RPG
>religion implemented into the game is disproportionately of the judeo-christian variety
why is this?

you must understand that both the jrpg and the wrpg came from the pnp rpg.

There are PnP rpgs where you are handed a character (jrpgs) or PnP's where you make whatever and do what you want. (wRPGs)

Lisa is a JRPG. Dragon Quest 9 is a Wrpg.

SMT is a good shot at being both at once, especially smt 4

>Implying any of this is bad

They were like 9/10ths of the way there with telling the story of FF 15 in the imersive manner of only allowing the player to know what Noctis himself knows, so if you want the whole truth you have to do stuff like listen to radios, read books you wind lying around the detail the pantheon, ect.
But they screwed up in two ways
1: There's not enough 2ndary materials in game to fully tell the story even if you go looking for them all
2: They still very rarely have a MEANWHILE cut scene that shows the player stuff that Noctis doesn't know, probably because they already made the scenes back when the scope of the game was different and didn't want to lose all their work.

>male strippers.

Honestly, I kind of want there to be a sprawling Araki-based rpg. Then even if the story never makes sense, I could still be too caught up in how batshit insane these b-movie concepts are as superpowers.

They see it as exotic. Some reason why we have New Age religous faggots in the west


>Or FF15. Yet they get sung high praises while actual games that give you depth need the BARE minimum of high graphics fidelity and sprawling open-world sandbox costing a fortune more than what was worth in net gain.
I must be one of the few weirdos who liked FF15 more when it went back to linear style towards the end because it actually had concentrated story as opposed to fucking around it in the world with bland sidequests.

>Trying too hard to be edgy

>not enough... in game.

YES. That's the point I want to drive home. I actually liked some of the character interactions that I got when not focusing on the main story at all, but hot-fucking-crap, it's like.

Your order a steak right? At a famous restaurant, perhaps they've been known to try different things to "wow" their audience, stuff like that. So you order a steak and the waiter gives you your meal. The parsley is brimming with freshness. The side-dishes are just divine and really makes you salivate for the main dish.

But in the end, your left with an empty plate where the steak should be.

>"Oh sorry user, if you want the main steak you have to go to the theaters next door and watch a 1-2 hour long poorly done documentary of the steak and buy the steak from there. We hope your meal has been served to perfection!"

The creators already said they wanted a more western oriented game and story.
They could have went all the way

>op uses a bait pic
>people bite
oh no how could this have ever happened???

remake with a less autistic image and an easier to read greentext

I meant to compare FF15 with a more fully realized rpg like Witcher where in order to bring home actual writing and solid questing content, you have to fill these triple-A checklists in order for anyone to even fucking give a shit.

Japanese games just have fucking robotic animations and dubbed Jap games are too fucking funny to look at. Western IS the absolute GOD TIER of RPG

Maybe its because I didn't play with the right people, but I don't see the appeal of pen and paper rpg, like they're in an autism level I can't reach

Sauce on the anime being described?

pnp is entirely dependent on the people you are playing with, yes.
Find better friends

>as opposed to fucking around it in the world with bland sidequests.

this is why I couldn't stand it. open world is fine if it's actually populated with interesting content. it's kinda sad to see japanese devs fall into literally every pit trap western devs did as far as open world goes. you'd think they'd learn what not to do.

why would you call yourself a tard?

well I attempted to frame both as scummy shits by ironically calling jrpg fans nothing but pedos and wrpg fans were low-key poltards but eh.

I think I should've stuck to >just the premise.

Sure, buddy, keep convincing yourself. Maybe WRPGs were god-tier in the 90s, but certainly not now.

>because low-key poltard

We're all tards newfag. We all are. We're here even when they explicitly said 4ch would be information mined by the guy who bought it, the owner of 2ch.

>wasteland 2, pillars of eternity, underrail, age of decadence, banner saga, tyranny, shadowrun, etc.

Bait harder faggot.

>Japanese games just have fucking robotic animations and dubbed Jap games are too fucking funny to look at.

That's more due to most JRPGs have pitiful budgets and only a few standouts like Final Fantasy really wow anyone these days in production terms.

>underwhelming, underwhelming, okay, okay, trpg, shit, shit, etc.
I don't need to. Out of those only two games actually make a compelling case for WRPGs. Don't even try to imply that Obsidian's rush after their fading old glory gave us any good games.

The reality of the situation is that both JRPG's and WRPG's are kind of shit at the moment with a few rare good games but no real gems or classics being made, I have no idea why this is or if it just might be me being a faggot and not enjoying games as much as I used to. I keep being optimistic, I look forward to new games like fallout 4 and FF15 hoping that they might just shock me with how good they are but I always end up disappointed.

The next game I am looking forward to is Spellforce 3, I dearly hope that it is well done.


They don't... really have an excuse in the same way F4: Todd Howard's Sweet Lies don't really have an excuse when critics tackle them on why it's still called "Fallout" when it has no interest in continuing the namesake's standard. Writing amazing narratives and quests. Instead we get tacked on fetch quests, second-hand stories, and a shooter. Just call it a survival game, at least then we're not going to be lied to and then we might enjoy the shooter-y aspects.

Similarly, just call any newer iteration of final fantasy a SFM warehouse for models and waifu simulator. That's fair.


In comparison to jrpgs nowadays? Now I know your baiting me.

Falcom. Play it, fagtron. Two amasing JRPGs yearly. Far better than anything on that list. Stop being retarded.

>stats and strategies
>core to the RPG genre

Yeah no, the core of the RPG genre is being given limitations to character creation and development and see where those choices lead you.

Problem is most video games get this concept wrong, no matter if its from japan or not, mainly because game developers act more like story tellers rather then dungeon masters.

no fags, not everyone here is tard, wannabe oldfag

WRPGs would've probably died about ten years ago had they not hybridized en masse with so many action RPGs. That particular branch existed with JRPGs, but could you have imagined a core FF game would become an action JRPG in your lifetime?

The same reason why we put buddhism in western shit

Probably about 50 different ones lmao

Ask Sup Forums

You'll never get pnp freedom on a PC, unless it's a ASCII roguelike. Why do you keep asking for it, retards? It should be pretty obvious that devs can't give you endless possibilities in a programmed game.

>uses literal shounen weebshit for his example


>Yeah no, the core of the RPG genre is being given limitations to character creation and development and see where those choices lead you.

You're confusing pen and paper rpg with playing pretend at a sleepover.


HuRrDurR imma name a company and let yooooou figure out the comparisons while I ejaculate over winning the thread to my bodypillow.

The newer games are far less interesting than having to run around as a dessert ranger, a resurrected soul inside of a host body, lawful-evil character in a world where evil is justified, etc.

I did actually expect JRPG's to become a more actiony sort of RPG due to the fact that jap devs like to tell stories from roles and a lot of games out of japan were starting to experiment in the mid 2000's.

I expected Western games to become sandbox blank slate RPG/FPS mixes from even early 2000's but I did not expect how bland that would cause WRPG's to become and I never saw cover based shooters or Mass effect coming and that fucked up a lot of WRPG's.

Right now I have no idea where things are going to go.

Tabletop Simulator

Wow, nice projecting there, buddy. Also, nice premise does not make for a good game. Wasteland was filled with pointless combat, while PoE and Tyrrany tried soooo fucking hard to be "well-written" purple prose they shat themselves.

>confirming your status.

Sho...what? Speak english.

*tips fedora*

>still haven't given me specific falcom game comparisons.

I accept your concession. You will be hung on a cross when the next recruit legionary is available. Have a good day.

Please, link me ONE, just ONE anime that is as intellectually sound as a novel from the 19th century

The image is Madoka Magical but the description isn't really accurate

Not my job to spoonfeed you, legionfag. Go jerk off to Ceasar's pics.
>Not knowing Legend of Heroes, Ys or Brandish
>Obsidiandrone this delusional and limited

No, it's accurate. It's essentially an edgy show that tries to beat the audience over the head with symbolism and some form of faux merit with little girls.

La Planete Sauvage

>to spoonfeed you, legionfag.

So. In an argument or discussion. You do realize it's usually the good debater's job to present their case with examples if their argument relies on it. A bad debater, say a liberal wackjob feminazi spouting afro-american spoken-word poetry, just remains inconsistent and dodgy.

Good concession my lad.

>Morrowind came out on the same year as Kingdom Hearts

I had such high hopes for Risen, the first game brought back some of the Gothic feeling that was lost with 3 but it all went downhill when they fell for the console meme.

wew lads

Yeah but atm we have a good renaissance of indies providing some quality crpg experiences. Feels like everyone who wanted to write good stories just went on to group up with others in an indie company.

You've proven time and time again that you don't know shit about JRPGs. What's the point in debating with you?

that's the thing: difference between Western and Japanese is that Japanese has MUCH less restrictions with creativity. If you are willing to look it up, there are lots of good examples of grounded to reality plots, developed by japanese blokes.


Lastly, the degenerate's only known defense, when facing a crumbling defense, their men retreating from the phalanx like coward mongrels, mumbles something about "muh jrpgs" and folds, accepting his fate on the crucifix.

>19th century Puteaux group
>Jean is a literal fedora-tipping libcuck only interested in some hussy pussy
I'll take my Madoka any day, thank you. French literature is the most overrated literature on this shit-stain planet. It all literally condenses into
>muh freedoms are too excessive, oh woe unto me

Quit roleplaying like a faggot and just call him a weeaboo like a normal human being.

Legionfag's delusions are endless. Enjoy Ceasar's dogs raping your ass for his enjoyment.
It was a JRPGs vs. WRPGs argument, you retard. Of course I'm gonna mention JRPGs.

Persona 4 was pretty chill. I see snippets of good in jrpgs, but really I think sometimes this bottles down to whether or not you played on a jrpg console, like a Vita or grew up playing Planetscape or Fallout 1 or 2 on PC.

I just assumed given OP's main post, I was simply playing my role as a pol-tard.

Enjoy hours of mindless animated pedophilia to distract you from how horrible every jrpg does character development and how hamfisted stories usually become because no japanese person in existence has, apparently, understood the idea of "creating a story with an ending" in mind. Thus, proceeding to make the last 3rd act of the story autistic screeching, philosophical nonsense that a kindergardener ponders over, or just some contrived romance option bullshit.

Legionfag, signing off.

I've played both in my childhood. And right now JRPGs have it much better than WRPGs. West only has Obsidian and a handful of indie devs. Japan has Atlus, Falcom, Square's side projects have good value to them and Vita is filled to the brim with good-to-excellent dungeon crawlers. It's a good time to be a weeaboo.

What novel is the left based off?

I don't think there is one, since the group it talks about only existed in early 20th century. It's just pseudo-philosophy bullshit.

Thanks for reminding me of how fucking horrible Naruto's ending was; only that bloody shitfest that was Bleach's Final Arc proved to be worse.

I grew up with fallout and baldur's gate but I like jrpgs more now. they're more creative and the developers aren't all cucks.

For me Atlus doesn't really do it for me, Falcom presents alright games, and Square... had side projects?

I follow a constant update on indie games and I gotta say your missing out on a lot if you haven't played games like Age of Decadence or Underrail or Shadowrun but specifically Dragonfall and Hong Kong, not the first one.

For me it's quite the opposite. I see a wider breadth of crpgs that allow indie devs to explore some neat titles or concepts like Tyranny being lawful evil or Divinity's funny dialogue replete with that weirddddd but workable rock-paper-scissors character dialogue system.

Still, it sounds interesting af

would read/10

shame they are always uninteresting or filled with alien japanese culture.

Describe how?

Lately, I haven't seen that. But I accept that maybe that's more my worldview than the other oldfags lurking around the thread. I'm an Amerifag with a hard-on for fallout styled games and exploring americanized western culture therein so again, worldview.

That pirate show is overrated as fuck, I've seen the fight scenes. Its pure shit.

Square supports a bunch of studios with Bravely being the first one to drop a big hit.
I can understand your point. I hated Atlus after Persona 3/4/5. Mainline SMT is still okay, but the studio is clearly confused.
I've played Underrail, Decadence and the first Shadowrun, will try sequels. Like it all a whole lot, would say Decadence is a 10/10. Still like JRPGs more, but that's down to a personal preference. Cheers, mate.


I mean. It's primarily because of how western society has devolved. I don't really think it's cuckholdry when we still have stable, non-racemixing IPs like Witcher. Market jargin doesn't exactly define a game's overall quality.

>muh cucks
can you guys create an alternative argument about why newer games suck? I don't like muh strong women narrative too but it's not like entertainment destroying feature

I know you're a terrible shit eater but Bioware and Bethesda aren't the only companies who make RPGs and Jap RPGs have and always will be total trash.

By the way, WRPG isn't a thing, the world is not in competition with shitty jap ganes