Was there a worse game released in 2016?

was there a worse game released in 2016?

for those not in the know, revolution 60 was an ipad game made years ago, then ported to steam.
it takes 45 minutes to beat and has 0 textures. all the graphics are made from colored polygons
youtube.com/watch?v=_6vqFgEASx8 sums it up pretty well

Other urls found in this thread:


Street fighter V


say what you want about the usual AAA shlock but it's at least playable after day one patches

Revolution 60 is not

but they'll patch it!

>kiwi farms go down
>Sup Forums starts bringing up wu again

god, those faggots are going to flood here aren't they?

Whatever happened to Brian Wu? Did he died?

he's running for congress

The sonichu of videogames

Stop not buying Revolution 60

Yes, objectively there probably has been a worse game released in the past year, but don't make me sift through them to find out which.



Let's play a game: how many results down in a google search do you think I'd have to go to find Wu blaming the failure of this game on THE PATRIARCHY?


The cunt probably still made a healthy profit on this trash

on paper, they spent 400,000+ dollars on the original ipad version and the pc port.
but have sold less than 5,000 copies total
odds are they made no money on sales but pocketed nearly all the development funds

I'm voting Wu. We always ready elected a fucking clown to the biggest office in America. How can one more hurt?

> 0 textures

That's actually impressive...

A clown is better than a mentally challenged person.

wu doesnt even talk about video games after his game released
he's now trying to become a politician

I've been meaning to go into a drawfag thread to request these three to be redesigned, but in a style that doesn't look like shit

Think it's worth the effort, or just let everything about this game disappear?

chris-chan is literally more passable than this man

>Bitch got Dracula hair, a crushed paper cup for a chin, a nose adapted in the Galapagos islands for cracking open coconuts, chipmunk cheeks perfect for gargling nuts, and a horrific mangled penis. But enough about Revolution 60's producer Brianna Wu and back to the game.


The great thing about Wu running for congress is she is getting BTFO on twitter by like 50 year old people who are concerned about congress saying she is unqualified

John Flynt*






She's a trust-fund kid with a knack for making a spectacle of herself on an international scale. If anything she's OVERqualified.

>I'm introducing a bill that requires everyone to play Revolution 60 and recognize it as the greatest game of all time under penalty of death

Considering her experience she should have tried to apply to Trumps administration

Got any screen grabs or links?

>has 0 textures. all the graphics are made from colored polygons
It has textures you fucking idiot.

That's actually the first time I hear this faggot talk and holy hell is his voice annoying. Why do these degenerates even try to sound feminine? It's obviously not working at all.



>Hating on the GOTY of all GOTYs

I fucking love this. Faggot is saying
Like its some grand achievement in the political landscape.

But no one expected Revolution to be anything more than a hot mess, you can't eat some shit and then complain its the worse thing you ate that year.

why did the democratic party become so authoritarian? Of course people would vote against their bossy asses.

Itll take a second, the root tweets were deleted, possibly because of the backlash so I gotta look for caps

deadnaming isn't cool bro

> Fighting Game of the Year

I'm still mad.


does she actually think that the alt-right was behind GG?

>it's a stealth-Sup Forums / ggchan thread


He thinks Donald Trump was behind GG.

a lot of GGers went on to become alt-right


Does someone doubt that?

um, excuse me, but did you just assume my gender??

"nobody bought your shit game, as your dog froze to death in the rain."

she actually thinks she beat GG too

I've read the Wikipedia Gamergate article so this doesn't surprise me.

Lol, this is actually pretty hilarious.

This is gold.



>taking up space with an arcade cabinet that only plays one game

>This asshurt
The singular best thing about this election.

sexist bigot

I'd love to own one of those multiarcade cabinets, not sure if I'd want to build it myself or get a prebuilt. (I'd buy the wood casing regardless)

sexy* bigot

fuck off shitlord, this is why white men are such pigs


Christ you could drive a truck through there

>the modeling is gorgeous, the animation delightful, the music engrossing, and the voice acting outstanding
I want to see someone saying this with a straight face while game footage is played.

>actually brings up Gamergate in a congress ad
>that voice
Oh dear lord

Chibi for congress

So we can confirm that the budget went into paid reviews?

Considering that Wu extremely often writes press releases, and then if someone publishes it, cites xits own quote as a fact, Wu probaby wrote it about xitself
And considering Wu's face, I dont think you want to see that

broteam video was better

>implying he isn't a literal retard

>5 hours of 4 people talking over each other with minutes of dead air is better than a polished 5 minute review

He won, and there's no amount of crying that will change that. Eat crow, shitheel.

Come the fuck on, tell it how it is. Himself, or herself, whatever pronoun you want to use on a shemale, not made up nonsense.

that is what we call a "joke," little lamb

would you fuck it for 500 dollars?
nobody would ever know

I don't know about retard, but he is a literal billionaire and literally President of the United States of America so he's got that going for him.

>Eat crow, shitheel

Is that even english?

John numbers winning that competition made cosmo take the WRONG fucking path.

Irks me too much, I hate to admit. Nearing PTSD levels.
Call the cops, lock me up.


Not far he had an epic melt on the metacritic page blaming Sup Forums and gamergate for his games 2.0 score

Yes, and it's ironic that someone calling Trump retarded can't follow that sentence. Is English not your first language? Are you unfamiliar with slang?

leave women alone, virgins

>even the janitors dont care about wu enough to delete these threads anymore

Better a clown than a fool.

>making fun of the one person that was trying to make a nintendo character canon futa


>Tranny = futa

>KI will never get the respect it deserves because it's for XBone/Win10


>Stood up to GG
>Went into hiding over tweets

Wew lad

His name was John Flynt, not Brian Wu.

wu sent those threats to himself and all the photos of him in hiding were later proven to have been taken in his home
the dumb fuck took dev pictures in the same room he took hiding out pictures in
it was all done to get donations via patreon

>failed game designer
>failed animator
>failed college student
>failed man
Yeah, political hack sounds about the only thing left that's easy enough.
